HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourth of July Steering Committee Minutes 2014-10-154th of July Meeting Minutes October 15, 2014 Committee members in Attendance: Kathy Molinaro Michelle Scarpa Tommy McDonald Robin Hall Stacy Scarpa Chris Scarpa Renae Rives Judy Dealejandro James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation Pat McGinnis, Council Liaison 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:52 PM 2. Communications from the Public: None 3. Discussion and possible action on September 17 Minutes: Added Judy to committee members in attendance removed Stephanie Scarpa and added Stacy Scarpa to committee members in attendance. Removed from item #2, statement of discount on fireworks with a 3 year contract, the discount will be extended if vendor is rehired, there will be no long or short term contract, and it will be on a year by year basis. Motion to approve minutes with changes by Robin Hall, seconded by Chris Scarpa; passed. 4. Discussion and possible action on the following: a. Theme: Kathy Molinaro made a motion for the theme of “We the People”, Judy Dealejandro seconded, motion passed. James will talk to the parks department about making a wall that the residents can post pictures of the “people” of Friendswood as to have it on display. James Toney will call Rick to see if he will bring out the Liberty Bell for the parade and to have in the park. We will have a banner across Friendswood Drive with the theme. Pat McGinnis suggested talking to the night Hawk of Pearland Regional for the flyover. Stuart Williams, 281-648-1628. b. Grand Marshall: Tommy McDonald made a motion to have Judge Jim Woltz as the Grand Marshall, Stacy Scarpa seconded, passed. Robin Hall will talk with Judge Woltz and get confirmation back to staff with response. c. Parade: The parade categories will need to be looked at and narrowed down before any trophies are ordered or the application is sent out. d. Day Program: We will not be having the Zydeco Dots for the band in the park. Pat McGinnis suggested talking to Texas Tycoons. We also need twice as many amusement rides as we had last year. We will be using the same company as last year, Cantu Events. e. Evening Program: James Toney talked with Aaron Hoot of Sky Wonder Pyrotechnics and Aaron offered to do the fireworks for the Christmas program for 3500 and then he would deduct the 3500 from the total contract amount on the 4th of July event. The savings will be split between the two programs. This will allow the committee and staff to evaluate the fireworks show and make changes prior to the 4th of July. Shari Burrows from the police Department had email James toney that she had done a background check on the company and it came back clean. Judy Dealejandro made a motion to accept the contract from Sky Wonder Pyrotechnics for 18,200 minus the deduction for the Christmas parade for fireworks. Robin Hall seconded the motion, passed. 5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: January 21, 2015