HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourth of July Steering Committee Minutes 2014-07-164th of July Steering Committee Minutes July 16, 2014 Tony Scarpa Chris Scarpa Michelle Scarpa Judy Dealejandro Stacy Scarpa Stefanie Karacostas Rufino Ramirez Robin Hall Tommy McDonald James Toney, Director of Community Services Kimberly Ramirez, Staff Drew Pennywell, Staff Michael Boyett, Staff Sherri Burrow, Friendswood PD Billy Enochs, Council Liasion Archie Mizell, Friendswood PD Barbara Blanchard, guest Steve Sluder, FISD Transportation 1. Call to order: Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm 2. Communications from the public: James stated we did have a couple complaints on 2 parade entries. James suggested that parade marshals need to check entries before parade starts and remove entries if needed due to they are not following the requirement s of the parade. For example if the entry wasn't decorated according to the theme or decorated at all. Billy suggested running it by the city attorney. James stated if we see this next year, parade marshals should radio the committee to remove the ent ry and if needed involve PD. Robin suggested having a conversation with the entry. James stated that we did get a few complaints on the fireworks, he talked to the fireworks company and they were not pleased with the job and with their contractors that were assigned the job in Friendswood. The fireworks lasted 40+ minutes long. James stated were going to get a credit from Zambelli for next year’s show. Tommy stated that Darrell the contractor with Zambelli hand fired our show and didn't want to do the show electronically. Tommy suggested not bringing that contractor back, he violated rules. James stated he made a couple phone calls today to other companies available for the fireworks show. Michael stated that the people in the bus line liked the fireworks, he didn’t receive any complaints. James stated that he has put the band spazmatics on hold; committee stated yes they would like to have the Spazmatics for the 2015 evening entertainment. Chris made a motion to allow the Spazmatics headline the 2015 4th of July Evening entertainment, Judy second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. There were lots of compliments on the dignitary and day program. Vendors were happy. Billy stated he liked the way we spread everything out this year during the day program. 3. Discussion and possible action regarding July 2, 2014, minutes: Stacy made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Stefanie second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2014, 4th of July Celebration A. Parade: Robin stated announcing in front of city hall was good. As far as the judges, no one is performing in front of the judges. Barbara suggested having entries stop and perform shortly in front of the judges. Stacy stated entries are told not to stop during the parade. Possibly add signage in front of the judges so entries know to walk and perform in front of th e judges. Stacy stated she received a lot of positive feedback. Her goal is to get the emails out sooner to help with communication. Drew suggested giving the furthest traveled entries before the parade is over. Robin suggested posting parade winner’s thru-out the park so everyone can see the winners and post the list on social media. Stacy stated everything went so smoothly this year. Tony stated the breakfast was great. Billy stated that council wasn’t happy with having stay in the chamber. Tony suggested putting them by the judges. B. Day Program: Michelle suggested getting porta potties for the day program because they were always lines thru-out the day. James suggested getting 4 more porta potties from our contractor. We need to stop personal gators in the park. We need to enforce no cars in the park. James suggested locking the gate after the event starts. Tony suggested editing the rules for next year, revisited later. Michelle stated she didn't have any power issues. Safaris took too long for the rides, 10 minutes per rides and one of the hamster balls popped. Michelle stated that not enough staff to man the rides for Safari. Train man was ok, James suggested to alternate his route not flatten out grass. Tony stated vendors were really happy with the crowd. Kimberly informed the committee that we brought in $7076 in wristband sales. C. Evening: Archie stated that there were not any accidents for the evening program. Tony stated we had a lot good comments on the band. Tony stated that no one really complained about the fireworks. We usually see people in the line complaining about certain things and this year no one complained. Steve stated we carried 1,350, no complaints other than the special need bus, the bus had to back up and their wasn’t enough room, we will change it next year. No complaints here. Michael asked FISD on any comments from the drivers on the sonic lunch; Steve stated it was very nice, thank you very much. Robin stated at the back gate is there a list for each person assigned to the gate. Kimberly stated the list was handed out to Tommy and 10 copies for PD. We need more transporting gators. Chris asked is it our job to transport dignitaries from the parking lot, James stated yes. We need more volunteers to help with transporting the dignitaries or help with buses. Steve suggested putting a sign to keep on the grass and not walk right thru the buses. The committee thanked Steve for his help. Tommy stated he wants a gate remote for the front and back gate so he can limit the number of vehicles come in during the day. Entry is allowed at the front gate before 6pm and after 6pm at the back gate. What time does water get out there for sound and stage, James stated at 10am, Tommy gave Darrell a cooler from his gator, he stated Darrell didn’t have any water out there. Tommy is also requesting a layout for the evening chair. Al Saylor wasn’t aware who his ground contact would be. James stated he is the contact for Al Saylor. Committee stated they had several complaints that the carnival workers were rude to participants. Give fire access to the park inside the gate in case they have a fire they can leave. Robin asked if FVFD had enough trucks at Centennial to cover the event, Tommy stated yes. James stated we’re going to bring in more rides for the evening program next year. Tommy suggested donate to the food bank. Billy informed the board and staff that he along with Randy Weber and Larry Taylor thought they did an outstanding job this year with the 4th of July event. 5. Adjournment: more to adjourn, 8:27 pm Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: September 17, 2014