HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourth of July Steering Committee Minutes 2015-07-294th of July Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes
July 29, 2015
Committee members in attendance:
Tony Scarpa
Michele Scarpa
Chris Scarpa
Darrell Fales
Terri Corbett
Rufino Ramirez
Stacy Scarpa
Robin Hall
Shari Burrows
Lucy Woltz, Chamber Liasion
James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Michael Boyett, Staff
Gary Williams, Staff
Heather Williams, Staff
Billy Enochs, Staff
Steve Sluder, FISD Transportation
1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm
2. Communications from the public: James informed the committee that they city thinks the
committee did an excellent job this year with this year’s event. Everyone enjoyed the show and
evening program. We need to start talking about the band for next year.
3. Discussion and possible action regarding June 24, 2015 minutes: Stacy made a motion to
approve the minutes as corrected, Michelle second the motion and the motion passed
4. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2015, 4th of July Celebration:
A. Nominate and vote for Chair and Vice Chair: Table, Tommy was not in attendance; Tony
requested to table this topic to next month.
B Parade: James asked if everyone is familiar on what happened with a parade partici pant.
James informed the committee one entry was removed by the committee. The parade
application will be run by the city attorney when he is on staff starting August 3rd. Robin stated
that the entries did not perform in front of the judges. Robin would like to have the parade
entry descriptions a little ahead of time before the event so she can edit them if needed. James
stated that we need to make sure we have a ride for the knights in advance of the day of the
parade, this year it delayed the pickup of the dignitary’s at city hall. James stated that the 4th
falls on a Monday next year, when will the gathering be. Michelle stated that they will do
booth assignments on Saturday. Stacy stated they will paint the streets on Saturday and
decorate the dignitary breakfast on Saturday.
C. Day Program: Michelle stated that there were some booth vendors that did not cooperate
well. Committee felt that the crowd was smaller this year. Staff needs to communicate better
with the health department; Kimberly stated Galveston County was notified of inspection time
and road closures. Committee stated we need to add on booth application that we can’t
guarantee the same spot every year. Issues with the amusement rides, James talked to the
vendor and will be meeting with him later to discuss issues we had. James stated we're going
to get 3 quotes on amusement rides. Tony asked how we did this financially on ticket sales;
Kimberly informed the group that we brought it $9,187. James informed the group that we
need to take better care of the gators. There was damage to a couple of gators this year and
there was a cost to repairing. He informed the committee to please call staff if you’re having
issues with the gators, James, Gary or Kimberly would be ab le get help. Robin asked to confirm
if Victoria could drive the gators. Robin stated that she was informed by a committee member
that Victoria could not drive a gator but in the June minutes its stated she can. James stated
that every year we want all the gators taken to Centennial after the day program and we need
as many drivers as we can get. Anyone volunteering for the 4th and has a driver’s license can
drive a gator per James Toney for future reference. Gary informed the group that they had the
gators at the parks building this year to gas them up over there instead of bringing them back
and force twice, that’s why they were not at city hall on the day before the event, next year
they will be at city hall.
D. Evening: Steve with FISD transportation stated we had 12 plus the special needs buses, we
schedule 16 drivers but had 4 no shows. This is the year we didn't have enough people when
the crowd was larger than ever. Robin asked if there could be an incentive to assuring that we
have enough drivers. Michael stated that possibly we can pay them more. Stacy a sked if we
could ask Clear Creek transportation. Shari stated that Brookside wasn't big enough for parking
and we shouldn't use it again. James stated we should be good next year; Clear Brook already
made their renovations. Steve asked if there were complaints due to the long lines. James
stated it wasn't that bad, Michele stated the same. James asked Steve if their will be 20 plus
buses next year. If we advertise on the buses we could possibly use the funds to offer drivers
more pay. James asked when you get the final count, before school is out, late May. Steve
stated they meet on the 20th to discuss the 4th of July. Robin stated she would sponsor $2,000
for an extra incentive for the drivers. Darrell stated their needs to be more trash cans in
Centennial. The staff at the carnival needs to be informed about the national anthem and to
stop the rides during the national anthem. Michael informed the group that he did informed
FISD not to start the buses until 6:30 and Darrel stated that the buses started to arrive at
6:15p.m. Darrell requested to have vendors assigned to certain spots in the park. Kimberly
stated that all vendors and groups were on the layout, vendors are always in the s ame spot as
the year before. Darrell stated he needs another person to help him at the evening starting at
3pm. Gary stated we need another generator because the current generator we use is not
dependable. We’ll need a 10kw generator. Robin stated that she cut the fence at 6pm to give
access to the walkers. Robin requested a stop sign for the evening event. Give dignitary a pass
to get parking. Robin can hand them a colored pass if they’re on the list. Vendors need passes
as well. James stated that only the dignitaries with colored passes are to ride the van, the rest
can ride on the gators and only to the curb and not to drop them off behind the stage. Crowd
control before the fireworks was pretty bad, will need to work on logistics for crowd control for
next year’s event. Tony stated this was the largest crowd he has ever seen. Tony stated that
lots of people said that it was the best show they ever seen.
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:38
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
August 19, 2015