HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourth of July Steering Committee Minutes 2016-02-174th of July Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2016
Committee member in attendance:
Rufino Ramirez
Judy Dealejandro
Tony Scarpa
Stacy Scarpa
Tommy McDonald
Barbara Blanchard
Kathy Molinaro
Chris Scarpa
Michelle Scarpa
James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation
Michael Boyett, Staff
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Katy Blanchard, Staff
Heather Whitty, Staff
Shari Burrows, PD Liasion
FISD Transportation, Dean Lewis
1. Called to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Communications from the public: The FISD director of transportation was in attendance to
meet the committee. James stated that we’re going to try an incentive program for the bus
drivers a look for a sponsorship.
3. Discussion and possible action regarding September 16, 2016 minutes: Chris made a
motion to approve the minutes as presented , Kathy second the motion and the motion was
approve unanimously.
A. Dignitary breakfast: Barbara stated that Kimberly has confirmed Chick Fila will sponsor the
breakfast; she’ll work on getting the coffee sponsor and decorating for the breakfast.
B. Parade: Stacy stated we will have one. Shari Forward informed the committee that the city
now has a parade permit for the next 5 years. Barbara asked about the Budweiser Clydesdales,
James stated its 90 percent chance they will attend the parade. James stated were also
working on having the Shriners participate in the parade as well. Committee decided to reach
out to Rick Carr to see if he could have the Liberty Bell at the parade. Do we want to keep the
performance zone near the judges, committee stated yes, still keep it on there. James
informed the committee that the communications specialist is wanting to video the parade
along with 2 parade announcers, Kathy made a motion to committee to upgrade the parade
announcer, Barbara seconded. We will need the police departments command trailer again
this year.
C. Day program: Michelle stated we will have one; she informed the committee that the booth
application will include a change to allow 12 x 12 booths. James asked if there’s a request for a
day band. No suggestions from committee. Kathy volunteered to work the ticket booth as
long as their’s a/c. Committee requested more signage for the ticket booth. Amusement rides,
Can Do Events came in at $10,000, Awesome Events quote came in at $7900, and we have one
more quote from James Toney for a snow hill at the 4th of July, cost came in at $14,000 for 2
lanes. Committee suggested adding an additional bungee to the quote for the amusement
rides. Barbara made a motion to go with the lowest bidder; Awesome Events, add additional
quad jumper and change water slide to a regular slide, Chris seconded the motion and the
motion was passed unanimously. Committee suggested adding food trucks this year. Michelle
stated she’s ok with using a DJ this year instead of a band.
D. Evening: Committee suggested we need to decide on when to stop selling wrist bands.
Group thought 8:30p.m. Would be a good time, discount to $5 after 8:30p.m. And we’ll need
signage. James asked committee if they want to keep the flyover. Darrell is going to be the
chair of the evening program but will get help from Tony Scarpa. The evening program band is
The Decades, their playlist is 60’s to now. Stage will be the same; will be getting a new sound
company. James will talk to the band to recommend sound. James will ask Scott to provide
food for the band. James and Kimberly will pick up the food for committee. Fireworks, still
looking to do the poles, and he will have a waterproof cover this year. Committee is ok with
using the same music from last year for the fireworks. James will talk to Lone Star Squadron
about the flyover. Staff will contact Methodist Church and New Hope to use their parking for
the evening program. Pat McGinnis stated that the flyer over will be possible. We will need
another banner depending on the location of the changed parking location.
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:08p.m.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
March 16, 2016