HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCAC Minutes 2010-04-13 RegularREGULAR MEETING Senior Citizens Advisory Committee April 13, 2010 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, which was held at the Activity Building in Meeting Room ABC at 9:00 a.m. on April 13, 2010 with all board members present, constitutes a quorum: Committee Members: Mr. Paul Gordner- Chair Ms. Jill Musser- Vice Chair Ms. Si Pate- Regular Member Ms. Ginger Spade- Regular Member Ms. Rae McMullen- Regular Member Ms. Frankie Santoro- Regular Member Ms. Sharon Richardson- Regular Member Ms. Dorothy Montz- Alternate Member Staff/Liaison: Michael Boyett, Recreation Coordinator Genie Balderaz, Senior Program Manager Elena Luquette, Assistant Senior Program Manager The following items were discussed: 1. Paul Gordner called the meeting to order at 9:08am. 2. The invocation was given by Ms. Si Pate. 3. The March 9, 2010 minutes were approved. The motion was made by Ms. Dorothy Montz and it was seconded by Ms. Frankie Santoro. 4. The Spaghetti Luncheon was a success. We had 135 orders total. Because we had so much help (staff, volunteers and community service workers), we were able to actually serve everyone their food, rather than have them line up to get it themselves. Everyone loved the change. Ms. Jill Musser suggested that we try to market the event more to the community. Ms. Si Pate mentioned a couple of locations to advertise. 5. Cinco de Mayo will take place on Wednesday, May 5th, 2010. We will serve taco salad, rice beans, salsa and tamales. The rice, beans and salsa are sponsored by La Casita Mexican Restaurant. Also, Luna’s has provided us with some gift cards to serve as door prizes for the event. It has yet to be decided where to purchase the tamales. Lisa Miller, the Zumba instructor, will provide the entertainment. 6. Upcoming trips and events: Friday, May 7th, we will take a trip out to the Greek Festival. We plan to leave the building at 10:00am and return around 3:00pm. Noula’s tap dancers will perform. This is a free trip, but lunch is on your own at the festival. Also, on May 13th, we are heading out to the Coushatta Casino. We will leave the building promptly at 8:00am and return around 8:00pm. This trip is full. On Monday, May 17th, we ill take a trip to the Retreat Hill Winery in Navasota. We plan to leave the building at 9:00am and return around 3:00pm. The cost is $25.00 per person. This includes a wine tasting, short presentation on the history of the site and a BBQ buffet lunch on the deck overlooking the vineyard. Lunch will also include a glass of wine. Also, the staff at the winery plans to offer a 10% discount on wine that we purchased. This is an HP1 trip. Events in May include Cinco de Mayo on Wednesday, May 5th. Also, on Thursday, May 6th, Heather Shain with Compassionate Care Hospice will provide lunch for our Lunch n’ Learn at 12:00pm. We have another Lunch n’ Learn on Thursday, May 20th at 12:00pm. Sherry Graham with Visiting Physicians will bring dessert. On Monday, May 24th, we are planning another Lunch n’ Fun. Sylvia Gill with the Cottages is sponsoring the event. We have yet to decide what we will serve for lunch. It has been suggested to serve lasagna or some kind of Chinese food. Tuesday, May 25th, we will have a Sundae Social, sponsored by Lillian Robertson, an independent insurance sales person. This will take place from 1:00- 2:00pm. Finally, the Activity Building will be closed on Monday, May 31st for Memorial Day. 7. As of April 5th, 2010, the total funds available in the senior account are $7,157.07. It has been brought to our attention that we need to focus on spending the funds gathered from the Non- Resident Fees. We currently have $1,350 in that account. Several suggestions were made on how to spend the money. The Bible Study group needs about 10 new Bibles. There is also an interest in getting new wooden benches for the garden. It was also suggested that we purchase about four new square tables and six new round tables. It was also recommended that we purchase new items for the kitchen. For instance, some deep baking pans, large mixing bowls, a knife set and various other utensils. Also, it was suggested that we purchase a large electric picture changer that would provide a slide show of pictures for visitors and members alike. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea. Mrs. Frankie Santoro made a motion to approve the Budget and the Budget was approved unanimously. 8. Committee members discussed their progress on the goals and objectives for 2010. The Welcoming Committee has made some progress. Ms. Frankie Santoro has enlisted seven new names. She asks that Committee members call anyone they know. Ms. Si Pate mentioned she might be able to get some names from the Bingo players at the Gardens of Friendswood. The Crochet class has volunteered to make the helmet liners, but they need wool. We will place an ad in our newsletter for wool donations. If that doesn’t bring enough, we can spend some of the funds from the non- resident fees to cover the cost. There were a lot of questions regarding the Senior Picnic. The event will take place Wednesday, September 15th, 2010 at the Stevenson Park Gazebo. We will serve hot dogs, beans and lemonade. Ms. Rae Powell and Ms. Dorothy Montz need help. They volunteered to work on the project, but it needs to be a group project. Staff members will design the picnic and will also ask for donations. The cities that will be contacted along with the Committee members that will make contact are as follows: Pearland- Frankie Santoro Galveston/ La Marque- Rae Powell Sagemont- Dorothy Friendswood- Ginger Spade Alvin/ Manvel- Jill Musser League City- Sharon Richardson Texas City- Si Pate Dickinson- Paul Gordner Clear Lake- Elena Luquette We plan to ask Lisa Miller if she would perform at the picnic. Mr. Paul Gordner says that he can bring music. Ms. Frankie Santoro recommended that we try to get a clown. It was also suggested that we ask Pauletta Jeter, from Jeter Funeral Home if we can borrow a tent. 9. Comments made by the Public. 10. Ms. Ginger Spade asked a question about putting a door in the ABC Room, for fire safety reasons. Terry Bird insists there is no need and the building is completely up to code. Ms. Spade also requested that we use the PA system more often. If we want to, we could try simply turning down the volume in other rooms. If seniors would like their voices to be heard, they are invited to speak at the upcoming Council meeting. It might be the best way to ensure that Council understands their wants and needs. This might be especially useful for getting the new bus, awning, or having the floor replaced. 11. Report from the Recreation Coordinator: Estimates for the awning were put in the budget proposal and submitted to Council. It has to be approved before we can move forward with the project. We are looking at a 24 passenger bus. Amenities include a DVD player, with pull down T.V. screens, a reverse camera, upgraded fabric, retractable seatbelts, reading lights and luggage space. Also, the driver’s seat will be electric and have electric mirrors, which help the drivers change out more easily. The very basic model of this bus, without all the amenities, is about $78,000.00. Including the amenities, it will cost around $81,000.00. This estimate was included in the budget proposal and submitted to Council. Hopefully they will approve it. We did receive a quote for a $1,500.00 trade- in value for our current bus. Estimates for the floor were also put in the budget proposal and submitted to Council. The cost will be about $28,000.00. In order to replace the floor, the Activity Building may have to close for 1-2 weeks. If that happens, we might be able to move some or most of the activities to the Hangar. Because the floor is a safety hazard, we put in for an emergency replacement. Norm Stewart will write a report to submit with the request as well. 12. The meeting was adjourned at 10:29am. __________________________________________ Elena Luquette, Assistant Senior Program Manager Date Approved: