HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCAC Minutes 2012-10-09 Regular
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
October 9, 2012
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee,
this was held at the Activity Building in Meeting Room D at 9:00 a.m. on
October 9, 2012 with all board members present, constitutes a quorum:
Committee Members:
Mr. Paul Gordner, Chair
Ms. Rae McMullan, Regular Member
Ms. Dorothy Montz, Regular Member
Ms. Irma Trevino, Regular Member
Mr. Art Lizza, Regular Member
Ms. Mary Leal, Regular Member
Staff/ Liaison:
Michael Boyett, Senior Program Coordinator
Genie Balderaz, Senior Program Manager
Jamie Eubanks, Assistant Senior Program Manger
The following items were discussed:
1. Mr. Paul Gordner called the meeting to order at 9:04am.
2. The invocation was given by Ms. Rae McMullan.
3. The September 11, 2012 minutes were approved.
4. Upcoming trips and events for the month of October include:
a. On Monday, November 5, we will take our monthly trip to Wal
Mart from 12:30 to 1:30pm; this is a free trip. On Thursday,
November 8, we are taking a day trip to Kinder, LA to
Coushatta. We will leave the activity building at 8:00am and
return at 8:00pm. The cost is $10 per person. On Wednesday,
November 14 we are heading to Old Town Spring for some
shopping. The cost is $10 per person; the bus will leave at
9:00am and return at 3:00pm. Lunch will be on your own. On
Tuesday, November 20 we will visit the Terrace at Clear Lake
for lunch and bingo. We will leave at 12:00pm and return at
2:00pm; this is a free trip. On Wednesday, November 28 we
will take a trip to the new Tanger Outlet Mall. The cost will be
$5 per person; we will leave at 9:00am and return at 3:00pm.
b. On Thursday, November 1, we will have guest speaker
Michelle Rogue speak about Diabetes Awareness and food
choices, she will be here from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Monday,
November 5 we will have our monthly birthday social from
12:30 to 1:30pm. On Wednesday, November 7 we are having
our Veterans Day Luncheon from 11:00am – 2:30pm at the
Hangar, 901 Buckingham. On Thursday, November 8 we will
have an AARP Driver Safety Program, from 9:30am – 1:30pm.
Those eligible are, members of the military or veterans of the
US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National
Guard, Reserves and spouses of any veteran or widows of a
veteran or children of a veteran. Coupons will be available for
them to fill out in the class room. If a non-veteran attends the
regular fee of $12.00 for AARP members and $14.00
for nonmember. On Tuesday, November 13, we will have
Guest Speaker, Patty McGovern from the American Red Cross,
talk about Disaster Preparedness, from 11:00am – 12:00pm.
Wednesday, November 14, Misty Fox with Nautical Insurance
Brokers, will be here from 12:30 – 1:00pm to talk about
Medicare. Also, Misty Fox is sponsoring on monthly Wii
Bowling from 1:00 – 3:00pm on Wednesday, November 14.
On Thursday, November 15, we will have our annual
Thanksgiving Potluck from 11:00am – 1:00pm. We will have
entertainment from the Tap Dancers. This event is sponsored
by Jeter Memorial Funeral Home. On Monday, November 19,
we will have an Arts & Crafts Class from 10:00am – 12:00pm.
It will be taught by Diane Fifer, owner of Art Dwellers, it will
be $7.00 per person, this includes all supplies. We will have
our monthly bingo game on Wednesday, November 28 from
1:00 – 3:00pm, sponsored by Apostle Home Health. On
Thursday, November 29 we will have our Volunteer
Appreciation Dinner from 6:30 – 8:30pm.
5. Report on the Christmas in September: There were 219 people in
attendance. There was great feedback from the event. There were a
few comments about the space in the aisles. Next year the event will
be the first week in September and will be at the Jones Hangar.
6. Discussion and possible action regarding the Coushatta Trip: The
Coushatta trip will take place on Thursday, November 8 from 8:00am
– 8:00pm. The cost is $10 per person. We need 40 people in order to
take the trip.
7. Discussion and possible actions regarding the Thanksgiving Potluck:
The Thanksgiving Potluck will take place on Thursday, November 15.
Lunch will be served from 11:00am -12:00pm. We will have
entertainment from the Tap Dancers from 12:00 – 1:00pm. We are
asking all to bring a side dish and dessert. The turkey, ham, dressing
and rolls will be sponsored by Jeter Memorial Funeral Home.
8. Discussion and possible actions regarding the Volunteer Dinner: The
Volunteer dinner will take place on Thursday, November 29 from
6:30 – 8:30pm. Invitations will be sent out to volunteers and
9. Discussion and possible actions regarding the Budget and Purchasing:
10. Report from Recreation Coordinator: The awning is in the process
of being put up. Elmer Mulder notified us that someone would like to
donate a pool table to the center.
11. Comments made by the Public: Mona Palmer mentioned that
Angelos or Marios has good catering prices, possibly for the
Volunteer Dinner.
12. Comments made by the Committee Members:
13. Adjournment at 9: 40 am.
Genie Balderaz, Senior Program Manager
Date Approved: 11/13/12