HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCAC Minutes 2014-08-12 Regular
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
August, 2014
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee,
this was held at the Activity Building in Meeting Room D at 9:00 a.m. on
August 12, 2014 with all board members present, constitutes a quorum:
Committee Members:
Mr. Paul Gordner, Chair
Ms. Jill Musser, Vice Chair
Ms. Rae McMullan, Regular Member
Ms. Frankie Santoro, Regular Member
Mr. Art Lizza, Regular Member
Ms. Dorothy Montz, Regular Member
Ms. Irma Trevino, Regular Member
Ms. Kay Griffin, Regular Member
Mr. Dennis Rundell, Alternate Member
Staff/ Liaison:
Genie Balderaz, Senior Program Manager
Jamie Eubanks, Assistant Senior Program Manager
Michael Boyett, Recreation Superintendent
The following items were discussed:
1. Mr. Paul Gordner called the meeting to order at 9:00am.
2. The invocation was given by Ms. Kay Griffin.
3. The July 8, 2014 minutes were approved.
4. Upcoming trips and events for the month of September include:
a. On Monday, September 8, 2014 we will take our monthly trip
to Wal Mart from 12:30 – 1:30pm; this is a free trip. On
Thursday, September 11, 2014 we will take a trip to Nasa
Premier Cinema and catch an afternoon show, time and movie
will be determined at a later date; cost is $5 per person, this
includes your movie ticket. On Wednesday, September 17,
2014 we will visit the George Ranch Historical Park; we will
leave the building at 8:30am and return around 4pm. The cost
is $15 per person, a sack lunch will be provided. On Monday,
September 22, 2104 we will take a trip to Houston to visit the
1910 Harris County Courthouse , we will leave the building at
9:00am and return at 3:00pm, cost is $5 per person, Lunch on
your own at Treebeards. On Friday, September 236, 2014 we
will go to the Pasadena Opry, leave the building at 6:30pm and
return around 10:30pm, tickets are $12 per person.
b. On Wednesday, September 3, 2014 we will have guest speaker,
Joyce Tolliver from Allstate Insurance speak about financial
services, from 11:00am – 12:00pm. On Thursday, September
4, 2014 we will have our annual Grandparents Day Social,
sponsored by Susan Cavender at the Gardens at Friendswood,
Lakes, from 1:00 – 2:00pm. We will host our annual Christmas
in September Friday, September 5 and Saturday, September 6,
from 9:00am – 5:00pm. On Wednesday, September 10, we will
have our monthly Wii Bowling Tournament from 1:00 -3:00pm
sponsored by Misty Fox, Nautical Insurance Brokers. On
Thursday, September 11 we will have the AARP Driver Safety
Course from 9:30am – 1:30pm; cost is $15 for AARP members
and $20 for non AARP members. On Monday, September 15,
we will have our monthly Birthday Social from 12:30 –
1:30pm. On Wednesday, September 25, we will have our
monthly bingo game from 1:00 -3:00pm sponsored by Apostle
Home Health.
5. Discussion and possible actions regarding the Budget and Purchasing:
Read and Reviewed. The Daughters of the Republic will be
purchasing a projection screen and projector for the program. Items
needed for the program: small heater for conference room, signs
made for the doors, knife set, knife sharpener, microwave, can opener,
kitchen supplies, and DVD player for conference room. All the
committee members voted to purchase to polo shirts for the committee
members. There was discussion to build a gazebo/pavilion in the back
of the building with picnic tables, so that we can host picnics at the
6. Report from Recreation Superintendent: Michael would like to have
the picnics here at the building, bring in canopies, tables and chairs. It
would be less work to get the food prepared and moved over to the
park. It will also, bring new seniors to our building.
7. Comments made by the Public: A work order needs to be put in to
have a piece of rebar removed from the ground at the back of the
building by the fence. Participants were not happy that we left the
Astros game early in July. The reasons given that the group left early
was to get the bus back to the building at a certain time, street closures
after the game and traffic coming home. We will notify all the
participants that we will leave early next time.
8. Comments made by the Committee Members: none
9. Adjournment at 9:45 am.
Genie Balderaz, Senior Program Manager
Date Approved: 9/16/14