HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCAC Minutes 2019-07-09 Regular
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
July 9, 2019
Minutes for the Regular Meeting of the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee held on July
09, 2019 at 9:00 am in the Activity Building in Meeting Room D, with eight board
members present, constituting a quorum of:
Committee Members:
Ms. Nancy Mastrofrancesco, Chair
Mr. Dennis Rundell, Vice Chair
Ms. Mona Palmer, Regular Member
Ms. Doris Ochoa, Regular Member
Ms. Yolanda Robles, Regular Member
Ms. Dorothy Montz, Regular Member
Mr. David O’Brien, Regular Member
Ms. Charlene Mizener, Alternate
Staff/ Liaison/Guest:
Michael Boyett, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director
Genie Balderaz, Senior Program Manager
Shadey Caraveo-Saldaña, Assistant Senior Program Manager
Mr. Robert J. Griffon, City Council Liaison
The following items were discussed:
1. Ms. Nancy Mastrofrancesco called the meeting to order at 9:07am.
2. The invocation was given by Ms. Charlene Mizener.
3. Minutes from June 11, 2019 were approved as presented.
4. Discussion and possible actions regarding the upcoming trips and events:
a. Trips: Monday, August 5, 2019, Walmart, 9:30 am – 11:00 am, free trip;
Friday, August 9, 2019, Alvin Opry, 5:30 pm – 10:30 pm, $12 per person;
Wednesday, August 14, 2019, Out to Lunch at Big Horn BBQ and Froberg’s
Farm, 10:30 am – 2:30 pm, $5 per person; Saturday, August 17, 2019, The
Bay Area Bluegrass Music, 5:00 pm – 9:30 pm, $3 per person; Friday, August
23, 2019, Pasadena Opry, 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm, $12 per person; Tuesday,
August 27, 2019, Bingo at Encompass Rehab Hospital, 9:30 am – 11:30 am,
free trip, lunch on own at Cracker Barrel; Thursday, August 29, 2019, Houston
Astros Baseball Game, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm, $5 per person; lunch on own at
the stadium
b. Events: Monday, August 5, 2019, Breakfast Donuts, 9:00 am; Wednesday,
August, 7, 2019, Wii Bowling Practice, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm; Monday, August
12, 2019, Bingo sponsored by Linda Richard, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm; Friday,
August 16, 2019, Casino Extravaganza, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm; Monday, August
19, 2019, Hand & Foot Tournament, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Tuesday, August 20,
2019, Brownie Social sponsored by Gardens at Friendswood Lakes, 12:00 pm
– 12:30 pm; Wednesday, August 21, 2019, National Senior Citizen Day
Celebration: Pizza Party, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm; Monday, August 26, 2019
Movie Matinee: The Whole Wide World, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm; Wednesday,
August 28, 2019, Bingo sponsored by Apostle Home Health, 1:00 pm – 3:00
c. Ms. Doris Ochoa suggested the Amazon distribution centers as a good place
for a tour, the closest location being Brookshire, Texas.
5. Discussion and possible actions regarding the Budget and Purchasing:
a. Genie Balderaz went over the revenue and expenditures, but after reviewing
the budget sheet, it was discovered that there was an error showing the budget
to be short $2,000. After further review, it was discovered that some of the
donations were not being added correctly to the revenue. A corrected copy will
be presented at the next Advisory Meeting.
b. Ms. Mona Palmer requested adding an ice machine to the purchasing list, due
to it being out of order a few days prior. Genie Balderaz responded that the ice
machine was functional.
6. Discussion and possible actions regarding the Casino Extravaganza [Friday, August
16, 2019 – 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm]:
a. Mr. Robert Griffon asked if the event is open to everyone. Genie Balderaz
responded that it is an open event, but an email has not been sent to other
centers. There is usually higher non-member attendance than Friendswood
Senior Citizen (FSC) member attendance when the invitation goes out.
Michael Boyett explained that last year one senior group was invited, but they
spread the word throughout the county. As a result of the high non-member
turnout, only three FSC members were able to win door prizes. Options were
discussed to avoid this from happening again, but most agreed the options
discussed could cause confusion amongst staff and those in attendance. It was
agreed that the event would not be advertised outside of Friendswood, but non-
members would not be turned away if they attended.
b. Genie Balderaz proposed all board members ask different businesses around
Friendswood to donate door prizes for the event. Each board member was
assigned to bring three prizes and were provided with a handout outlining the
different sponsorship levels available. Ms. Nancy Mastrofrancesco advised
other members that the Friendswood Directory could serve as a good guide to
know what business to go to. Each member will let Genie Balderaz know
where they would go, to avoid multiple members going to the same business.
Prizes may vary in size and value.
c. Genie Balderaz asked what the board members would like to do regarding hors
d'oeuvres during the event. All agreed on snacks such as popcorn, pretzels and
water would be sufficient.
d. Mr. Dennis Rundell suggested participants earn tickets each time they win at a
table, to later put in a bowl next to the prize they are interested in winning.
Genie Balderaz responded this being the first year the prize giveaways would
be done this way.
e. Ms. Mona Palmer asked how staff would deal with the issue of some
participants staying at certain playing tables for long periods of time, not
allowing other participants to play. This year staff will announce for
participants to move around after a certain amount of time.
7. Report from BBQ fundraiser:
a. Including the $800 sponsorship from Hometown Bank, the total revenue for
the event was $2,094.00. Joe’s BBQ was paid $1,250 which left a profit of
$844. It was reported that participants were pleased with the food. Also, there
were less to go orders, but there were more people eating in the building.
8. Report from the Assistant Director:
a. Two playing card tables and a large bingo set were ordered. The bingo cards
were too small and will need to be returned and replaced with larger playing
b. All board members were encouraged to attend the August 5th council meeting
to share their opinion regarding the need of a new community center.
i. Ms. Nancy Mastrofrancesco brought up the importance of calling the
new center a “community” center and not a “senior” center, as many
have been calling it, to make sure the community knows that the project
is meant for all and not just senior citizens.
ii. Ms. Mona Palmer also mentioned to make it known to council, that the
community center should stay in the downtown area and not the
locations that have been discussed, which are further away.
iii. Mr. Robert Griffon asked if the senior advisory board thought of
including the community center shelter in with the drainage bond, to
give the community center a better chance to pass. This was not done.
Ms. Nancy Mastrofrancesco included that a new community center
would lessen the over crowdedness at city hall, due to the Parks and
Recreation Department offices being moved to the new center, which
could also appeal to the council.
iv. Joiner will be contacted to set up tours of facilities they’ve built, to
provide ideas on what our community would need and to get a cost
9. Comments made by the Public:
a. None
10. Comments made by the Committee Members:
a. Ms. Mona Palmer mentioned Linda Richard didn’t really like the new bingo
ball cage. Genie Balderaz requested Michael Boyett to loosen the bingo ball
cage so that bingo callers have an easier time opening and closing it.
b. Ms. Charlene Mizener requested bingo callers repeat the numbers called.
c. Ms. Mona Palmer mentioned a bingo participant didn’t like that the same
person couldn’t win more than once, but staff and board members all agreed
that only winning once made it fair for other participants.
d. Ms. Mona Palmer asked if there is anything the board or city staff could do to
promote the community center project. She was informed that city employees
would not be able to help, and she was also recommended to wait till after the
results of the August 5th council meeting.
e. Ms. Nancy Mastrofrancesco also congratulated Mr. Robert Griffon for his
reelection to council.
f. It was confirmed that the trip to Encompass Rehab for bingo ends at 11:30 am
and not 11:30 pm.
g. Mr. David O’Brien brought up that a Dominoes (42) participant does not like
being moved from the ABC room to accommodate a different class. He and
Dennis have explained to her that their time is up and it’s time for a new class,
so nothing could be done, but he wanted to confirm this with Genie Balderaz.
He was correct.
11. Adjournment at 9:55am. (Mona moved to adjourn; Doris seconded.)
_________________________________________ ________________________
Genie Balderaz, Senior Program Manager Date Approved