HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCAC Minutes 2021-07-19 Regular CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021 10:00 AM MINUTES MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD THAT WAS HELD AT THE FRIENDSWOOD ACTIVITY BUILDING, 416 MORNINGSIDE DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: Committee Chair Nancy Mastrofrancesco Committee Member Dorothy Montz Committee Member David O’Brien Committee Member Doris Ochoa Committee Member Charlene Mizener City Council Liaison Sally Branson Senior Program Manager Genie Balderaz Assistant Senior Program Manager Shadey Caraveo-Saldaña Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Michael Boyett 1. Call to Order Committee Chair Nancy Mastrofrancesco called the meeting to order at 10:01 am. 2. Invocation The invocation was given by Committee Member Doris Ochoa. 3. Communications from the Public None 4. Approval of Minutes A. Consider approving the minutes of the Senior Citizens Advisory Board Meeting held on June 14, 2021. Committee Member David O’Brien moved and Committee Member Doris Ochoa seconded to approve the June 14, 2021 regular meeting minutes with the following corrections: Item 6.A. Change paying taxes and utilities to paying taxes and/or utilities. 5. Discussion and Possible Actions A. Discuss and take possible action regarding upcoming trips and events. Assistant Senior Program Manager Shadey Caraveo-Saldaña stated that the August trips offered are as follows: Wednesday, August 11, 2021, Lunch & Shopping at Spring Creek BBQ and Sprouts Farmers Market, 10:30 am – 3:00 pm, $5 per person, lunch on their own at the venue; Friday, August 13, 2021, Alvin Opry House, 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm, $2 per person for bus trip and additional $20 show ticket plus dinner purchase on their own at the venue; Wednesday, August 25, 2021, Astros vs Royals, 11:00 am – 4:30 pm, $5 per person, lunch on their own at the venue; Friday, August 27, 2021, Pasadena Opry, 5:30 pm – 10:30 pm, $15 per person, lunch on their own at the venue; Tuesday, August 31, 2021, Schulenburg Chamber of Commerce: Painted Churches Tour, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm, $20 per person, lunch will be included. Mrs. Caraveo-Saldaña stated that the August events offered are as follows: Monday, August 09, 2021, Bingo sponsored by Village on the Park, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm, Monday, August 16, 2021, Pie Social and Karaoke sponsored by Gardens at Friendswood Lakes, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm, Wednesday, August 18, 2021, Bingo sponsored by Apostle Home Health, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm, Thursday, August 19, 2021, World Senior Citizen Day sponsored by Cottages at Clear Lake, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm; Monday, August 30, 2021, Lunch & Learn with Dr. Vijayakumar, Topic on Stroke Recognition and Care, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, registration for this event will end on August 26th. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco asked for verification on where the Senior Citizen Day event would take place. Mrs. Caraveo-Saldaña responded the event would take place at the Friendswood Activity Building. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco also mentioned that dine in at the Spring Creek BBQ seemed to be closed at the Pearland location. Staff will look into that detail and will make changes accordingly. After discussion of trips and events, Committee member O’Brien mentioned the Downtown Houston Tunnels and Moorehead’s Blueberry Farm could be great potential day trips for the program. Staff will look into the mentioned and will incorporate into the plan for future programming. B. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the budget and purchasing. Senior Program Manager Genie Balderaz presented the revenue as of July 15, 2021 was as follows: FRIENDSWOOD SENIOR CITIZEN BUDGET REVENUE RECEIVED $2,651.00 EXPENDITURES $1,179.87 FUNDS AVAILABLE $1,471.13 C. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Senior Citizen Day. [Thursday, August 19, 2021; 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm] Ms. Balderaz mentioned the Cottages at Clear Lake will be sponsoring a meal for the attendees and the game prizes. D. Discuss and take possible action regarding the Advisory Board Member positions available. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco suggested discussing item 5.D. before 5.A. in case the applicants for the position choose to leave after the vote was cast. After the suggestion was made, Committee member Mizener made a motion to move the item and Committee member Montz seconded this motion. After all other members approved the motion unanimously; Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco began the discussion by reviewing the Senior Citizen Advisory Board bylaws. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco followed by interviewing the applicants for the advisory board member positions available. Applicants Rajni Amin, Michael Culp and Ethel Zansler were not present. Applicants Tammy Hill, Rosie Olivo, and Thomas la Santa were present and ready to interview. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco started the interviews by reviewing what applicant Ethel Zansler had said at the June 14th meeting. She then proceeded to review the applications for Mr. Amin and Mr. Culp, who could not attend the meeting due to family medical emergencies. Ms. Mastrofrancesco said Mr. Amin had stated on his application that, he is a regular participant of the Friendswood Senior Citizen Program (FSCP) and is currently a professional engineer running a construction business. Ms. Mastrofrancesco also said Mr. Culp is also a regular of the FSCP but had made a comment to staff that he was no longer interested in the position available. Following the introduction Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco presented on the absent applicants, she moved on to those that were present. Ms. Olivo was the first speaker and continued with her introduction to the board. Ms. Olivo said she is currently teaching Chair Yoga for the FSCP and really enjoys working with the senior citizens. Ms. Olivo said she has more than 25 years of legal experience and currently volunteers as a child advocate. Ms. Olivo mentioned she would like to see more speakers presenting for the senior citizens at the FSCP. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco then presented the floor to applicant Tammy Hill. Ms. Hill began her introduction by saying that she recently started participating in the program as a regular member. She is originally from upstate New York, where she participated as a volunteer for over 10 years. She held different positions such as President, Treasurer and Secretary and was always active in many of her children’s activities, up until she became a single parent. Ms. Hill is now retired and looking for new activities to be involved in. She is hoping to volunteer for the advisory board to get start helping more around the community. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco asked Ms. Hill what activities she participated in at the center. Ms. Hill responded that she attends many of the trips and is now a regular Hand and Foot and Beginner’s Mah Jongg player. Committee Member Ochoa also mentioned that she remembers Ms. Hill would volunteer for the FSCP special events, even before joining the program. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco then presented the floor to applicant Thomas la Santa. Mr. la Santa began his introduction by saying he is originally from Philadelphia and attended Temple University. Mr. la Santa worked at a maximum security prison and then served in the Army where he was stationed at Ft. Sam Houston and worked with the medical team on the helicopters. He currently still has certification to do eye exams. Mr. la Santa recently served 2 years as President of the Lion’s Club in Kemah, Texas. As president he volunteered to test children and teach them vision care. Mr. la Santa is actively serving with the College of the Mainland 50+ Community Board and volunteers with the Houston Astros organization. Mr. la Santa finished his introduction by mentioning that he has never participated in any of the FSCP activities but is looking forward to getting started. After all the introductions, Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco asked all the applicants to step out to allow for current board members to discuss and vote for the new Advisory Board Members. After the discussion and votes the following was decided: Mr. Amin ................... 3 votes Mr. Culp..................... 0 votes Mr. Hill ....................... 4 votes Ms. Olivo ................... 3 votes Mr. la Santa ............... 1 votes Ms. Zansler ............... 4 votes After the counted votes Ethel Zansler and Tammy Hill were elected as new Advisory Board Members, but Ray Amin and Rosie Olivo were tied for the last position available. The current board members decided to vote again for the tie breaker. The results of the second vote were as follows: Mr. Amin ................... 0 votes Ms. Olivo ................... 5 votes After the tie breaker it was decided that Rosie Olivo would take the last Advisory Board Position available. All applicants were invited in the meeting room again and the results were revealed. Finally. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco announced that she would be resigning from her position, which results in having one more board position available. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco said Raj Amin could be voted in at the next meeting but reported that Friendswood residents Jai Pal Chugh and Marilyn McMahon had recently submitted applications for the positions available and would be prospective applicants by the next meeting. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco also asked all current members to discuss amongst themselves, who should be the new Chair and Vice Chair, so that a decision could be made by the next meeting. 6. Reports A. Receive the Assistant Director’s Report. Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Michael Boyett began his report with an update on Movies in the Park. Mr. Boyett reported that there were not many attendees but staff was able to start the movie earlier as they were hoping. Mr. Boyett reminded everyone that the movie showings will continue on Friday nights at Centennial Park with the last show scheduled for Friday, August 13th at the Friendswood City Pool. Mr. Boyett asked all board members their thoughts on scaling back the Veterans D ay Celebration. Ms. Balderaz said the event was scheduled on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Committee Chair Mastrofrancesco asked staff to survey actual veterans to ask their opinion on scaling back the event, as they would be the most affected. Further discussion regarding the Veterans Day Celebration will be an added item on the next agenda, to allow for staff to survey other program members and for board members to think of other ideas. Mr. Boyett ended his report announcing that pool functions and attendance, this Summer 2021, have all been great. B. Receive a report regarding the Watermelon Bash and Bingo. Ms. Balderaz reported that the event was successful and had about 65 attendees. Even though the temperature was hot and humid, everyone enjoyed the fruit sponsored by Brothers Produce, and stayed throughout the scheduled event. 7. Communications from the City Council Liaison City Council Liaison Sally Branson announced that the liaison positions had been changed after their Council retreat over the weekend. Council member Trish Hanks will now be the Senior Citizens Advisory Board primary liaison and Council member Robert J. Griffon is the alternate. Councilmember Hanks will start at the next board meeting in August. Councilmember Branson reported that the City will now switch to automated water meters, a project with a cost of about $9 million. The revenue used to fund this project will be a portion of the American Rescue Plan funds that were allocated to the City of Friendswood. Councilmember Branson explained the importance of switching over to newer technology, such as the fact that parts to refurbish and maintain the current system will no longer be available in the near future. Councilmember Branson pointed out that using automated water meters will also provide at 98% more accurate reading of actual water usage, which may cause a slight increase on the Citizens’ water bill. Councilmember Branson shared that new legislation related to ambulance balance billing was passed. This program will allow for Citizens not to receive a bill from the City, even if their insurance does not cover their EMS rides. Finally, Councilmember Branson provided an update on the FM 518 TxDOT projects which have been delayed due to weather conditions. Contractors should start working on that area within the next month. 8. Comments None 9. Adjournment Committee Member Doris Ochoa moved to adjourn the meeting and Committee Member David O’Brien seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 11:09 am.