HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCAC Minutes 2021-06-14 Regular
MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021 10:00 AM
Committee Chair Nancy Mastrofrancesco
Committee Member Vickie Hefner
Committee Member Dorothy Montz
Committee Member David O’Brien
Committee Member Doris Ochoa
Committee Member Alternate Charlene Mizener
City Council Liaison Sally Branson
Senior Program Manager Genie Balderaz
Assistant Senior Program Manager Shadey Caraveo-Saldaña
Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Michael Boyett
1. Call to Order
Committee Chair Nancy Mastrofrancesco called the meeting to order at 10:16 am.
2. Invocation
The invocation was given by Committee Member Charlene Mizener.
3. Communications from the Public
Dennis Postel, a Friendswood resident, was attending the facility for the first time since our
reopening. Mr. Postel he was very happy the facility had reopened and felt blessed to attend
4. Approval of Minutes
A. Consider approving the minutes of the Senior Citizens Advisory Board Meeting
held on May 10, 2021.
Committee Member Dorothy Montz moved and Committee Member David O’Brien
seconded to approve the May 10, 2021 regular meeting minutes with the following
Change the date for the Alvin Opry registration from July 21st to June 21st.
5. Discuss and Possible Actions
A. Discuss and take possible action regarding upcoming trips and events.
Assistant Senior Program Manager Shadey Caraveo-Saldaña stated that the July trips
offered are as follows: Thursday, July 8, 2021, Astros vs Athletics, 11:00 am to 3:30 pm, $5
per person, lunch on their own at the venue; Friday, July 9, 2021, Alvin Opry, 6:00 pm –
10:30 pm, $2 per person which includes bus trip only, $20 entrance ticket and additional
dinner costs is on their own at the venue; Thursday, July 22, 2021, Newman’s Castle and
Bakery, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm. $20 per person, lunch is included in the cost.
Committee Member David O’Brien asked the location of Newman’s Castle and Bakery.
Program Manager Genie Balderaz responded that the castle was in Bellville, Texas.
Mrs. Caraveo-Saldaña stated that the July events offered are as follows: Events: Monday,
July 12, 2021, Bingo, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm; Wednesday, July 28, 2021, Bingo, 1:00 pm – 2:30
Mr. O’Brien asked if virtual bingo would continue to be offered. Mrs. Caraveo-Saldaña
responded that virtual bingo would no longer be offered in July.
Ms. Montz asked if the bingo would continue to be hosted outdoor or if it would be offered
at the Friendswood Activity Building. Staff responded that the bingo would move back to the
activity building.
Mrs. Caraveo-Saldaña reminded all members of the facility closure of Monday, July 5, 2021
due to the observed federal holiday independence Day.
Committee Member Vickie Hefner asked if the 24 available seats on the bus would be
available for trips, or if it would still only operate to 50% capacity. Mrs. Caraveo-Saldaña
responded that trips would be available to full capacity.
B. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the budget and purchasing.
Senior Program Manager Genie Balderaz presented the revenue as of June 10, 2021 was
as follows:
C. Discuss and take possible action regarding the Advisory Board Member position
Ms. Mastrofrancesco announced that several of the applicants, for the board member
positions available, were not able to attend the meeting due to medical family emergencies.
Ms. Mastrofrancesco suggested for the committee to postpone the vote for these positions,
to the following meeting, so that the participants had a chance to attend and introduce
themselves. After the suggestion Mr. O’Brien moved to postpone the vote, and Ms. Hefner
Ms. Mastrofrancesco asked for a motion to move up Committee Charlene Mizener from her
alternate member status to a regular member. Ms. Montz motioned to move Ms. Mizener up
and Mr. O’Brien seconded.
Ms. Hefner asked if the committee had to motion to set the new Senior Citizen Board
meeting dates to Monday. The members of the committee reminded Ms. Hefner that this
had already been decided at the previous meeting, held in May 2021. Ms. Mastrofrancesco
asked staff, if this change needed to be brought up for Council to vote. City Council Liaison
Sally Branson responded that she didn’t believe the change would need council approval
and that it was the board’s decision when to meet.
Ethel Zansler, a Friendswood resident and aspiring Senior Citizen Board member,
introduced herself to the committee and explained why she is interested in becoming a
board member. Ms. Zansler told the members she had moved to Friendswood from Slidell,
LA and immediately became involved with several senior groups, serving as secretary on
their boards. Ms. Zansler shared that while involved with the AARP Seniors in Webster, she
was responsible for finding activities to offer to the AARP members. Activities included
finding educational speakers and music entertainers. Ms. Zansler shared how much she
enjoys helping and looks forward to helping Friendswood and the senior community. PARD
Assistant Director Michael Boyett asked Ms. Zansler to mention the types of activities she
was involved in at the center. Ms. Zansler responded she attended Mexican train, the trips,
line dancing and all special events.
6. Reports
A. Receive the Assistant Director’s Report
PARD Assistant Director Michael Boyett reported that the Friendswood Summer Day Camp
had started at Cline Elementary.
Mr. Boyett also reported that the City pool was going well and participant numbers for leisure
swimming and lessons have been better than years past. Mr. O’Brien asked if the water
slide had already been installed. Mr. Boyett said the slide had been shipped and plans for
installment were made for the week of June 24th. Mr. Boyett also mentioned that the slide
had not been advertised to anyone but the PARD staff already had prepared a promo video
to be released to the public through social media platforms.
Mr. Boyett reported that all preparations for the 4th of July celebration were ready.
Mr. Boyett reported that the PARD staff was researching other landscaping and mowing
companies, which meant this contract could change in the next few months.
Mr. Boyett announced the reopening of the Disc Golf Course was scheduled for June 25th
at Old City Park. Mr. Boyett told the committee this activity used to be available at 1776
Park, but it was removed after the drainage improvements began.
Mr. O’Brien asked Mr. Boyett to clarify who was eligible to attend the Friendswood Senior
Citizen Program for free. Mr. Boyett responded that citizens living within the Friendswood
City Limits, paying taxes and/or utilities to Friendswood, were considered residents and
eligible to attend the program for free. Mr. Boyett also mentioned that there are a few
residents who pay taxes to the City of Pearland but receive water from Friendswood, and
others that pay taxes to Friendswood but receive well water are also considered residents
and eligible to attend the program for free, all others are considered non-residents and must
pay a $25 annual fee. Mr. Boyett then mentioned that the only program which determined
eligibility through county of residence, was the lunch program. Mr. Boyett continued to
explain that the meals were only available to Galveston County residents due to the fact that
it was this particular county that receives the state grant to fund the meals. Mr. Boyett also
said this type of grant is available for other counties, but since the Activity Building’s physical
address is in Galveston County, then the center is only eligible to receive meals through
them. Ms. Montz stated that she thought other county residents were also able to eat, as
long as they paid and extra fee for the meal. Mr. Boyett responded that she was correct,
however, the fee was $6.79 per meal and a free meal was available to them, as long as they
went to a location in their county of residence.
7. Communications from the City Council Liaison
City Council Liaison Sally Branson announced that the official ground breaking date for the
City’s ADA approved sidewalks along Friendswood Drive from FM 2351 to Stevenson Park
would be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 9:15 am. Ms. Branson welcomed the committee
to attend the start of a great project.
Ms. Branson then reminded all members that the City would be hosting a two day event to
celebrate the 4th of July. Due to the observed holiday falling on a day City Council usually
met, then council pushed their meeting to the following Monday, July 12, 2021.
After members were given a map of Friendswood’s Downtown District, Ms. Branson brought
up Friendswood history explaining why the downtown district didn’t look as other towns’
districts may look. Ms. Branson explained that Friendswood was mainly fig orchards and
never had a railroad come through town. The existence of these fig orchards also caused
for subdivisions to develop into different pockets, instead of a uniform development. Ms.
Branson was thankful for new revenue coming in from sales taxes and private downtown
associations, that were allowing to enhance Friendswood’s Downtown. Ms. Branson also
mentioned that this progress may cause some discomfort to citizens as it is being built, but
she encouraged the committee to share the bigger picture with those citizens that may feel
unhappy about these changes.
Ms. Branson reminded all board members what her job as a liaison was and encouraged
the board members to reach out to her whenever they had questions or ideas on topics they
thought the public may be interested in knowing.
Ms. Montz asked Ms Branson if she knew what was being building behind the Whataburger
on N. Friendswood Drive. Ms. Branson responded that there was a small orthodontics office
being developed.
9. Adjournment
Committee Member Dorothy Montz moved to adjourn the meeting and Committee Member
Charlene Mizener seconded. This meeting was adjourned at 10:46 am.