HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks and Recreation Minutes 1987-06-30 RegularJune 30, 1987
Parics and Recreation Board
Public Meeting Report
Introduction of the Board Members by Chairman, Judy Ragland.
Opening comments from Ms. Ragland: The direction which the board
perceives the Parks and Recreation taking in the next five (5) years. The
board has outlined its Ideas on the posters and, ofcourse, wants to get
comments and ideas, from the public, to help set priorities and budgets for
the next five (5) years. Items which they would like to see addressed
I. Parks and Recreation Director - Hope to be able to hire this person
to direct the areas of the Parks and Recreation Department
Clerical SuQQort - Full time clerk/typist
3. Maintenance Peopj2 - With increase of responsibilities the need
to hire part/full time employees may be necessary
4. Lot in front of Arena Park - In process of attempting to purchase
this land
5. Stevenson Park - Upgrade or refurbish playground equipment
7. Swimming Pool Parking Lot - The inconvenience of not being
able to drop off the children and then turn around and be able to
exit the parking lot
8. Swimming Pool - Hope to change from chlorine gas to liquid
7, Swimming Pool - Additional decking around the pool
8. Work at Leavesley Park (Hanaar) - Leaking around the slab
Ms. Ragland: The Board wants to not only aproach these areas, but also
others which you may have In mind and It is felt the best way to do this is
to go through the Parks one at a time. Posters have been set up on each Park
and ideas will be noted, as they are discussed, so that, at the end of the
meeting, a full view as to what areas were covered can be seen. An agenda
of this meeting was posted and we will call on those persons listed on the
agenda first. Second to be recognized will be the citizens who have filled
out written requests wishing to be recognized and heard and then the floor
will be open to any other persons who wish to speak or comment. The Board
requests that you please keep comments to no more than five (5) minutes.
Board recognizes Ms. Mary Day
MARY DAY - interest and Concern about Unsupervised Children - Attended
the 3rd Annual Mayors Conference in Houston, and learned from this meeting,
that there are many problems in this area that need to be faced. in talking
Mary Day (cont): to the local Fire Marshal and Police Department, a prob-
lem exists, even In Frfendswood.
Through church, have been working on some place for the unattended chil-
dren to come after school. Parks could be a major help because some of the
Parks are located in neighborhoods where some of the problems exist. The
parks could be somewhere where they could come to learn, they could have
activities such as the one being done in Houston by Robert Hagar. In this
project, donated lumber and materials are used in a program where the
children plan and build their own clubhouses. The children then establish
rules for the clubhouses, on their own. There are, ofcourse, adults there to
supervise. This has been very successful and it is felt that we could
implement some of these ideas in our own parks. The parks could be a place
where they could come after school to build things, participate In arts and
crafts, write plays and then act in that play. Things that they can do
themselves, supervised. Especially In the summer, there is a problem with
boredom and if children are left alone all day It leaves too much time on
their hands and they don't know what to do with that time and sometimes
what they do are the wrong things to do. It is not being said that what they
do is all wrong, but that they may not know it is wrong and that Is where
the problem exists. A well organized park program could solve the
community's problems in this area.
Ms. Ragland: Mary has reminded the Board that we are not just talking
about parks this evening, but also about programs and one of the things that
we did discuss at our Board Meeting, was the extension of the Summer
Recreation Program which is held with cooperation between the
Friendswood Independent School District (FISD) and the Frfendswood Parks
and Recreation Department. This program might go along with some of the
things brought up by Mary and has given us something to work towards.
Thanks to Ms. Day; Board calls upon Mr. Hurley
Mike Hurley - Frfendswood Soccer Club (FSC) - To give a little background
information, the FSC was established In 1972 and has grown every year
since. Last year the participation was at 600 children and this year we
expect it to be between 750 and 800 children. The FSC is a member of the
Bay Area Youth Soccer Association (BAYSA) which encompasses eight (8)
teams of local clubs including teams in Galveston, Dayton and Liberty. Of
these teams, Frfendswood Soccer Club is the third largest, topped only by
the Deer Park and Clear Lake Area teams. Soccer is an important aspect of
the youth in Friendswood. Presently, we use fields on land donated by the
FISD. We have five (5) fields put in at Westwood Elementary and last year
we put In four (4) fields at Kline. Those fields are primarily for the younger
Mr. Hurley (cont): players i.e., the 5, 6, and 7 year olds. If it were not for
the School District, our program would not be as successful as it is. We
maintain the land and allocated over $5,000 for maintenance this year. With
the influx of children into Friendswood who would like to play soccer, we
will not have enough fields this year to include them all. Most of the teams
In Friendswood play about 10-1 1 games in a season of which about 1 /2 are
out of town. This means that on any given weekend about 1,500
people... players, parents, families, coaches are coming to Friendswood
(hopefully spending money) because of the soccer program.
Last year FSC sent two (2) soccer teams to the United Kingdom representing
the City of Friendswood and this year we have two (2) soccer teams that are
in an international Tournament in Denver, Colorado representing the City of
Friendswood. I don't think the community as a whole appreciates the amount
of interest that soccer has generated In the City of Friendswood.
Friendswood has led all of the Bay Area in the percentages of wins. Almost
all of our coaches have at least one (1) license to coach soccer and I really
wanted to represent to you the importance of soccer and the fact that we do
not have anymore facilities to use for fields and do not have anymore
sources to turn to. It would be a shame to have to turn down children who
would like to play soccer in Friendwood because there is no facility on
which to play games. In the past, we have had players who have played in
the Friendswood Soccer League go on to professional careers In soccer. One
of these young men even plays for the Houston Dynamos, a professional
soccer team in Houston, We have also have had children who have gone
through our program and received scholarships, in soccer, to college. So,
this Is a very important aspect of our youth.
We are not trying to oust baseball or football, but want our postion to be
known. Nationally, over 10 million children play soccer and in baseball and
football combined, less than 5,000 children play. I don't know what the
figures are In Friendswood, but we have already had two registrations and
we sponsor the North American Soccer Camp In Friendswood the f irst week
in August which will host 100 children from the Greater Gulf Coast Area . I
have given the committee some wants and wishes - lights, better equip-
ment, help in maintaining the fields, etc. Money that we don't have to spend
for those items could be put back into the program for the children. I
wanted to express our interest in letting the Committee know what is
happening with soccer.
We have parents who want to start their kids at the age of three. If we had
the facilities and the fields we could possible do something for the younger
children as they do in St. Louis, Missouri. In this area, expectant parents
sign up their children for soccer before the children are even born, because
of the waiting list to get into the programs. I would hate to have to tell
Mr. Hurley (cont): children that "I am sorry that I cannot get you into the
program because we do not have a f ieid for you to play on." We put four (4)
teams on afield for practice. We start at the age of five (5) and go up to 18.
We would appreciate anything that the City of Friendswood can do for the
Friendswood Soccer Club,
Ms. Ragland: Comments?
Mr. Hoppe: Is it the quality of the fields or the quantity of the fields which
are a problem?
Mr. Hurley: Really it is both. We would like to have lights. We would like
to hold post season tournaments. At the present time, we have no lights and
with the addition of fields with lights we would be able to play more games
and thereby add more teams. With the new subdivisions, flooding is
becoming a problem. We can and do play in the rain, but the condition of the
fields are becoming worse and worse.
Mr. Hoppe: If you had to prioritize, would you ask for more fields,
maintenance of the f ields you have, or lights for fields.
Mr. Hurley: Probably maintenance of existing fields because we want to
keep the ones we have in playing condition. Each year we get five (5) truck
loads of sand for the fields and we budget $5,000 and we have already spent
$6,000 this year on maintenance.
Ms. Ragland: Has the FSC Identified any land on which new soccer fields
could be established?
Mr. Hurley: I have not had the time to look at any one spot specifically,
however, one I have seen is the 7.10 acres which is at Windsong in the San
Joaquin area. I have walked over this spot, but one problem Is parking as
Windsong dead ends and It comes out at 528.
Ms. Ragland: How many soccer f ields could you put in?
Mr. Hurley: Depending on the age group, about five (5) fields could be put
in there.
Question: Do you oppose combining the softball fields and the soccer
f ields?
Mr. Hurley: No, we tried that. at Frankie Carter Randolph Park and It
worked fairly well as we do not conflict with the season of baseball that
much. We have no problems with the possibility of sharing with the
baseball people. Football does conflict at times.
Ouestion: Is the soccer field the same size as a football field?
Mr. Hurley: For the 5,6 and 7 year olds, the field is 40x60. For the 8 and 9
year olds, the field is 50x70 and for the 10 year olds and up, the field is the
size of a football field.
Thanks to Mr. Hurley from Board; calls upon Ms. Hill
L ibby Hi 11 --Not in attendance
Board calls upon Ms. Jenkins
Kay Jenkins - Easter Egg Hunt - Would like to speak about something I
missed this year. The Easter Egg Hunt. Last year, that was something that
the city had and my one (1) year old was thrilled. You couldn't get the smile
off his face when he found his first egg. And yet, it Is something that the
great grandmothers can enjoy, too, The children can decorate their own hats
and it really is a family outing. There are not many activities for the very
young and the older people to do together or separately in the city. Maybe
even a Park Program where the mothers can go and excercise with their
babies. To get the young children into some kind of program at an early age
where they can help get over their shyness with other children would be
great. A program where momm ies can be out there with them.
Thanks to Ms. Jenkins from Board; calls upon Mr. Utz
Gary Utz - Friendswood Pony/Colt - We, like the soccer people, want to
tell the City of Friendswood that we need more land. When we started we
had four (4) Pony leagues (13-14 year olds), three (3) Colt (15-16 year olds)
where this year we increased to five (5) Pony, four (4) Colt and have even
added a Palimino team which is for the 17 and 18 year olds.
With a 20 game schedule for the teams and we have a cluttered park at
Renwick. In regard to maintenance - We have 100 boys this year and for
the 100 boys we had to spend $1 1,000 on equipment, umpires and
maintenance of the fields. We feel that with so many kids participating,
the City should be more involved. We appreciate the lights and the fields,
but you are asking parents to spend time and money to upkeep fields. We
spent $2,000, on one field on sand and red dirt. We put $1,000. worth of dirt
on it last year and to see it blow away and have to do it all over again is
very frustrating and expensive and then to have to turn around and nut
Mr Utz (cont): $600-$700 on It again this year. It is a real burden on us
and a real burden to the families. We are very fortunate that the fund
raisers have been successful. Our fees have remained at $45.00 for the last
four (4) years and it has been the burden of the parents to keep the fees
down, We would like to see the Windsong lot turned into fields. As I said
before, this is the first time for the 17 and 18 year olds to have a league
and with the graduation of the lower leaque, we anticipate 2-3 teams in
this age group next year. We need to have more fields. You can see the kids
practicing at the High School, on the soccer fields, and in every back yard
you see the little ones practicing, We have two (2) softball fields, two (2)
minor/major fields and the youngsters take up two parts of the
multipurpose field. There are no practice facilities. Friendswood is fast
moving out of Renwick Park as its baseball answer. It really needs to look
elsewhere for more f fields.
With baseball, softball, soccer and so many different Interests, the City
should coordinate the purchasing of the dirts, equipment, etc, to get it at a
cheaper price and the Parks and Recreation Director could get all this
together, and coordinate the usage of heavy equipment (tractors, etc.) to cut
down on costs to the teams of each organization. The Parks & Recreation
Director needs to get into the coordination of all sports activities and
divide these things. The City and the Parks & Recreation Department needs
to step in and help with some of the monetary burden; as an example, it
takes $1 10. to put one (1) child on the field for ten (10) games and we only
charge $45, The rest of it is there through the goodness of the Friendswood
establishments and the public supporting our fund raising activities.
Jogging Trails and Bicycle Trails - Try jogging on Sunset Drive. It is
murder. There are no bicycle trails for the children to use when they ride
their bicycles to school. There is only one bicycle trail, and it was put in
this year at Renwick.
Ms. Ragland: We are Investigating the use of the Windsong area for the use
of sports. We don't know if or where It will fall in the five (5) year
program. But due to the comments here, we may have to shift our priorities.
Thanks to Mr. Utz; Board calls upon Ms. Coleman
Betty Coleman - Programs for "Little Ones" - I am here to champion the
cause of the little ones. I am not opposed to the older ones, however, I feel,
the little ones get left out of the plan. So many people take their kids to
Bay Area Park because it has the only shaded area to take them. If you go to
the Frankie Carter Randolph Park on 2351, the playground equipment is so
hot. We need a covered area, like Westwood Elementary, with dirt/sand on
top of the ground where you can play on the jungle gym or other playground
Betty Coleman (cont): equipment and have a picnic. People go down Bay
Area Blvd. and shop at Baybrook Mail and that is fine, I shop at Baybrook
Mall, too. But we could keep the money In town If we had the proper
facilities. While at Burger King, have you ever tried to touch the slides
there? it is dangerous! We need a big covered area. They charge you $60.00
to reserve a covered area at Frankie Carter Randolph Park on 2351, so you
could make revenue from it, it would not be just for the little ones.
However, at a park with a cover they could play marbles, washers, and have
soft dirt under jungle gyms. There are nice places in town, but just try to
use them during the heat of the day.
Utilization of Jones Hangar - I feel Jones Hangar could be used more. You
could show a movie once a week at the Hangar and charge enough to cover
the cost of the movie. Several local business people would be willing to put
on a puppet show, karate class demonstration, gymnastic demonstration,
dancing, and many other exhibitions to show the parents and children what
really is available in this town in the way of classes and things to do.
Ouestion: Have you seen the playground equipment at Arena Park?
Ms. Coleman: Yes, I have, but ask some others where it is and they have no
idea. We have some nice parks, but again why not put a cover over some of
the equipment and soft ground under it. I know it costs money, but so does
buying land for sports, and again, I am not opposed to that. But please
consider the little ones.
Ms. Ragland: One of the things we are looking at is the usage of Jones
Hangar. it is rented almost every night by square dancers, but we do realize
that It is very underused during the day and that brings us back to staffing,
It takes people to put in effect the programs you speak of. And that is one
of the things that we are looking into when we plan our budget.
Ms. Coleman: I know it takes "X" amount of dollars to put on a program, but
maybe our money should be divided equally between all age groups.
Ms. Ragland: This Is something I have never thought about and an interes-
ting way to look at it.
Thanks to Ms. Coleman; board next person on Agenda
Ken Truman - SDecial Friends - Special Friends is a non-profit corporation
which has been in existence since 1981. We want to promote the
establishment of social activities and recreation facilities for handicapped.
We are a non -denomination group. While we are a fairly small group, a
minority, and cannot participate with the other groups in their activities,
Mr. Truman (cont): we do participate In sports through the Special
Olympics. Through this, we participate In track, swimming, basketball,
baseball, and bowling. Yet, we are not able to train for these activities in
Friendswood. Primarily, we practice in Pearland and Alvin. I feel that the
Handicapped would like to feel as if they are more a part of the Community
In the City of Friendswood. And I feel the City of Friendswood has enough
Community Spirit to open their hearts to these citizens. We would like
recognition and inclusion through the Parks and Recreation Department. We
have a short training program, due to the lack of facilities. In the latter
part of August, we start practice and play and then six (6) weeks later the
Regional Meet occurs. I would like to see Friendswood provide a place to
practice and volunteers to help in our endeavors. We participate in field
trips to the Shrine Circus, Armand Bayou, Swimming trips and picnics. The
parents provide all the transportation and meals for these outings.
Activities in the City of Friendswood could be expanded for the Handicapped
and facilities are badly needed. During the day, in the summer, the FISD
provides arts and crafts , which is nice, but is also a problem as most of the
members of Special Friends work during the day. It would be nice if more
activities could be provided in the evening, In 1981, the City of LaPorte,
which, of course, I realize Is bigger than Friendswood, went to the City
Council and consequently found a facility which was available for the
Handicapped to use for many activities Including physical therapy. LaPorte
started out with a van for transportation and now has a bus to use for field
trips and for the Special Olympics. Pasadena has also come up with a
building for the Handicapped's needs. Ofcourse, there are far more
Handicapped people in Pasadena and LaPorte than Friendswood. I would like
to see more recognition and inclusion of the Handicapped in the City of
Friendswood programs.
Ouestion: Have you contacted any sports organizations about the usage of
Mr. Truman: That is part of the problem. I no longer have children in the
City of Friendswood's sports programs and I do not really know who to con-
tact. The establishment of a Parks and Recreation Director to help coor-
dinate this type of problem could help.
Ms. Stuss: Swimming lessons are being provided at the City Pool now.
Mr. Truman: I did not know that had occurred. Earlier In the year it did not
look as though it would come about. I am pleased it did.
Thanks to Mr. Truman; Board calls upon Ms. Roundtree
Karon Roundtree - Friendswood Fillies - Like the soccer, baseball, and
soccer people I have the same problem, lack of f ieids to practice. We need a
facility to practice indoors, on fields, concrete or asphalt. When we go to
perform, depending on what surface, it dictates where we need to practice.
We are a non-profit organization, so we cannot afford to rent a facility. To
have to pay for a facility to practice on is out of the question.
Question: Have you Identified an area In Friendswood where you could
Ms. Roundtree: We could use hangar or any of the fields as long as it is not
a conflict with the other organizations. But that needs to be coordinated.
Right now we are practicing under the covered area at Westwood. It is
barely adequate. Once the children go back to school, this area will not be
Question: Are you suggesting that we build a facilty for you to practice
Ms. Roundtree: We need more facilities for all people. To keep people
active and interested In the Community, we as a Community, are going to
have to provide all kinds of facilities. A Community Center would be per-
fect for the very young and the very old. It would take a load off of everyone
Ms. Whitaker: The problem with a multipurpose building is It would not be
used except in the evenings.
Ms. Roundtree: I am not so sure of that. I think people would use it during
the day. Older ladies could organize to meet there to knit, crochet or do all
sorts of activities, both young and old.
Ms. Whitaker: Could you not use the hangar and rent it?
Ms. Roundtree: We cannot afford to pay the fee. There are 63 girls In the
Comment from Richard Hickson: The band uses the bus barn between
the girls gym and boys gym at the High School
Ms. Roundtree: We are not a member of any group within the High School,
but of course, it would be perfect, if not in use. However, with all the other
groups it probably would be in use.
Ms. Ragland: With the great relationship we have with the F I.S.D., maybe
something could be worked out,
Ms. Roundtree: We practice mostly in the evenings from approximately
4,15 p.m. - &00 p.m.
Ms. Whitaker: The fee for the hanger for non-profit fee for non -prime
time Is $5.00 an hour.
Ms. Roundtree: For the length of time we practice and the days of the
weeks we practice, we cannot afford to pay the fee.
Ms. Whitaker: We cannot afford to subsidize all areas of every special
interest group. The problem of building such a Community Center is that It
would not then be utilized.
Ms. Roundtree: Speaking for myself, I think lots of families would be
willing to pay a family fee for such a family facility.
Ms. Ragland: How much is your registration fee?
Ms. Roundtree: Our registration fee is $50,00, The girls are responsible
for uniforms and equipment and the program is about 10 months long.
Thanks to Ms. Roundtree by Ms. Ragland
Ms. Ragland: The board appreciates all the ideas and comments from the
people who were on the agenda and now we will hear from the people who
filled out the forms when they arrived at the meeting.
Ms. Ragland announces Mr. Richard Jackson
Richard Jackson - President Sunmeadows Homeowners Association - The
Sunmeadows area is comprised of approximately 520-550 households.
Recently had some board action where we are trying to buy some land that is
adjacent to the School District being leased by the City at Castle Harbour/
Windsong/Cypress Point. We are the fastest growing area in Friendswood,
however, we all share the problem that the developers have not left enough
space for soccer, softball, baseball or whatever we want to do. The areas of
Sun Meadows/San Joaquin/Windsong has no parks at all. Because of the area
of square footage we encompass, it is important that we work with the City
to get this land and get it developed for this vastly populated area of
Thanks to Mr. Jackson by Ms. Ragland; Announces next speaker Mr.
Richard Hickson
Ms. Ragland: Before Richard begins to speak, the Board would like to
recognize that he has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and the Community is
very proud of this accomplishment and his commitment to the City of
Richard Hickson - Ch_ allenger 7 Memorial Oaks In Stevenson Park - I am
very upset about the care of the oak trees in the Challenger 7 Memorial in
Stevenson Park. Two of the trees have died and have had to be replaced. The
trees are often dry and not cared for properly. An amount of $850. is in the
fund for maintenance of the trees and more funds is to come. The trees are
a very special memorial to the Challenger 7 Crew and should be maintained
and kept In Stevenson Park.
Thanks to Mr. Hickson by Ms. Ragland; Recognizes Mayor Lowe
Mayor Lowe - Times and and the opinions of the people of Friendswood are
changing. The vote to buy Stevenson Park at the cost of $1.00 a year per
household was voted down not once, but twice. The City bought the land
anyway and the people complained. I am gratified and proud that the City
has come to appreciate the need of Parks. In the City's Overall Master Plan,
there is a plan for a Convention Center, jogging trails and many more items.
Our Fourth of July Celebration is growing each year. This July 4th, there
will be 110 floats in this parade. I would like to see the Stevenson Park
used for all kinds of activities such as a Fall Festival. I am impressed and
gratified by the turnout and I want to assure the Board that the Council has
my support and keep the great work up. I have been contacted that Harris
County might be looking to sell Frankie Carter Randolph Park and the pos-
sibility of the City of Friendswood purchasing it. I want to thank you and
keep up the good work.
Ernie Fletcher - F.A.S.T, - New President - I feel that the Pool area needs
to be shaded. Parents cannot watch their children from the shade. We also
need to add decking to the pool.
Comment: Between the side of the pool and the fence.
Mr. Fletcher: There is a need for a P. A, system for the lifeguards, and
better maintenance of lane ropes. The ropes need to be stored indoors but
due to lack of storage space they are now stored out doors and It will cut
down on the 1 if e of the ropes due to the sun and heat.
Mr. Fletcher (cont): There is also a need for a bulletin board at the Pool
for City announcements and F.A.S.T, notices. At one time, a bulletin board
was to be donated but after checking on the cost, it was estimated to be
within $500 11,000. to build one which would be in line with the
architectural design of the Pool. It was decided it was too expensive a
The Pool pay phone needs to be moved outside the Pool. When the Pool is
shut down, due to weather or other reasons, the children cannot get to the
Pool pay phone to call home.
A time for private nightime pool usage needs to be considered. Perhaps,
this could be possible after lap swimming,
Thanks to Mr. Fletcher; Board calls upon Mr. Spencer
James Spencer - Glen Shannon Subdivision - The park in our subdivision is
rotten. There are snakes where the children play and the Park needs to be
put on some sort of a regular maintenance schedule. A Park and Recreation
Director could coordinate a schedule of maintenance.
Board: Isn't it a privately owned park?
Mr. Spencer: It was privately owned land and It was donated to City.
Wilderness Trai is now uses our park as a dump.
Board: How big is the land?
Mr. Spencer: 1 10' x 60'.
Board: Is there playground equipment?
Mr. Spencer: Any playground equipment has been donated by the residents
Board: After meeting will look up notes on the status of the ownership of
this park.
Thanks to Mr. Spencer; Ms. Ragland calls upon Ms. Burke
Penelope Burke - Trustee on School Board - I was an attendee of a
meeting where land was donated to the City for use as a park (10 acres)
Mr. Wlcklander: Time limitation has exceeded for the donation and I am
not sure it was designated for use as a park.
Ms. Burke: I was at the meeting and am quite sure It was.
On the property where the new City Hall will be built, there are several
small live oak trees and would it not be a good project to transplant the
young trees to the right of way on both sides of Friendswood Drive. This
same effect is present now at Rice University and could be set up here quite
easily. It would be very cost effective to use this method of transplanting
our own young trees rather than having to buy the trees at a later time.
I believe the Parks and Recreation Programs should be expanded so the
facilities which are available can be used to the maximum. Since the parks
were bought and paid for with taxes the parks should be used to the full
advantage of the tax payers, in order to utilize Jones Hangar more
effectively, the Parks Department might need to staff and hire salaried
personnel, in addition to volunteers, to initiate programs. I want you to
know that the School Board will cooperate not only with elective groups but
also with the citizens of Friendswood. It will, after all, take their support
to make It work.
Thanks to Ms. Burke; Board calls upon Ms. Baker
Dianna Baker - Sharing Solutions Network - What I have to say goes along
with what Mary Day spoke of earlier. Must work together for the children of
the Community. On May 7, 1987, United Methodist Church attended a Forum.
on this problem, There are 200 known unsupervised children in Friendswood
and we, as a Community, need to work together to address the problems of
this area and to educate the public there is a problem. in doing this, we
must ask five (5) questions:
1. How do we reach the needy?
2. How much time do we have to contribute to the problem?
3. How much will it cost?
4. What can I do to help?
5. What will be the cost if we don't help?
Help line resources, family day care, block mothers, after school enrichment
programs, awards for role models, staff of volunteers to fuilfill the roles
needed. We need to increase awareness of Sharing Solutions. It is impor-
tant that someone cares about the unsupervised children of Friendswood.
We must find ways to use the creative minds we have in the Community. If
a Parks & Recreation Director will not be able to coordinate, individuals
knowing who to contact is the Number 1 priority.
Janice Lowe: There Is a 32 page magazine, distributed through the
Chamber of Commerce, which gives information on all organizations within
the City of Frlendsood. If you have new Information or would like to have a
new profile Included, you may submit it to the Chamber of Commerce.
Comment: The Parks & Recreation Department has not had coordination
since Phyllis Lee resigned.
Annette Brand -Donna Cashion does a fine Job In trying to coordinate the
many activities In the Parks Department and Alex does an equally fine job
in his maintenance of the facilities. A lot goes into both their jobs and as
the job needs expand so must the departments. There is, however, a need for
someone to delegate the different tasks to volunteers.
Board: If a Sports Association was set up to meet once a month and
elected a Chairman, that person could then meet and coordinate with the
other Sports Representatives.
Board: The TriCounty YMCA provfdes programs for children to come to
after school. The fee is on a sliding scale basis.
Ms. Ragland calls upon Mr. Ike Clayton
G.C. 'Ike' Clayton - Uogradinq Renwick Park - I am presenting the plans
and prints for the Major/Minor fields to Council. Volunteers have broken
down the changes which need to be made. These changes can be made at not
too great an expense. We don't want to have to increase fees for participa-
tion In the Major/Minor programs.
Thanks from Ms. Ragland; calls upon Ms. Mary Helen Elilot
Mary Helen Elliott - 1776 -The usability of the 1776 Park is not very
productive, at the this time. There may have been some Malls at one time,
but there are not now. It even looks like someone has cleared out the area,
at some point in time. There needs to be more native wildlife, native
plants, etc. We could involve the children In the planting procedures and use
this as a teaching aid. We could plant different plants which would help to
show the different seasons and their effect on plant life. Also, by planting
things which would attract birds to this area the 1776 Park could be used to
teach and show the effects of migration and also the effects of plants to
migration and their role In leading the birds to the area to migrate. Water
and marine life could also be used as a nature teaching tool. A canoe launch
could be developed to promote the use of canoes to explore the natural
settings. Due to the location, there is some noise (with road work ongoing)
and perhaps another park could be used more as a meditational place and the
Ms. Elliot (cont): 1776 Park be one used primarily as a teaching Park.
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts could be utilized to label and identify the
different vegetation and plant growth. You could educate the children as to
what they should be looking for and then they could get excited as they
actually spot what they were told to look for. As at Armand Bayou, teachers
take many students to there and this park could achieve the same stature.
Board: Had not thought about this and this could be feasible with coordi-
Ouestion from the Audience: Where is 1776 Park?
Directions Given by Board Member
Ouestion from the Audience: Where is Arena Park?
Directions Given by Board Member
Board: Due to the conditions of the endowment to the City, 1776 Paris has
to remain a wilderness park. The questions are showing, more and more,
that additional staffing Is needed to get out publicity on where the City's
Parks are.
Thanks to Ms. Elliot by Ms. Ragland; calls upon Bennie Baker
Bennie Baker - Chairman. Planning & Zoning - Reiterated what Mayor Lowe
had previously said. The Planning and Zoning Commission is looking at a
privately owned Sports Park being developed on 27 acres. This facility will
have soccer/baseball/football fields, batting machines and other
recreational facilities. Planning and Zoning is also working on streets,
zoning, and sewer items. We, also, are aware that there is a need for more
Parks and areas for recreation. The problem is locating the parks and
acceptance by City of any donations of land for parks. And the question
remains, "Do we want a lot park in each subdivision or a large one?" The
Council and Planning & Zoning Commision want to work in conjunction and
cooperation with each other.
Board: Who are the people developing the sports complex?
Mr. Baker: Non -local businessmen. A Public Meeting will be held on July
16, 1987. We encourage participation.
Thanks to Mr. Baker from Ms. Ragland; calls upon Mr. Jacobs
William Jacobs - President Regency Estate Home Owners Association -
There is a parcel of land adjacent to the creek running along side the
Leavesley Park (Hangar) which could be used as playground. It is possible
that in the future the Homeowners Association will decide to donate 314
acres to the City. We believe the land would complement the Hangar. The
land is located behind the hangar from the tree line to the flood plane. No
vote has been taken, however, if an interest exists we would need the
Council's and Board's help to untangle the red tape which develops.
Thanks to Mr. Jacobs from Ms. Ragland; calls upon Mr. Wicklander
Bob Wick 1 ander - City Council - There is 45 acres, in trust, with a 40 acre
lake between Friendswood and League City on Windemere Road in the area of
the sand pit. It is in trust, at the present time, because of land grants and
the Texas Parks and Wildlife Boards inventory of parks. There is a 7-8
range chance that there will be 25-30 acres of park land with recreation
facilities in 3-4 years and a 40 acre lake, in addition. I greatly appreciate
the interest and cooperation of the volunteers of the City of Friendswood.
Thanks to Mr. Wick 1 ander from Board; recognizes Donna Cashion
Donna Cashion - Parks & Recreation Coordinator - I have heard some great
ideas along with fantastic enthusiasm for so many varied ideas for the
Parks and Recreation Department. Between the City Council, City Manager
and the many volunteers that Friendswood is so famous for, you have given
us so many different ideas to consider and directions to take. It is just
great to hear them all and I will be there to assist in any way we can.
Thanks to Ms. Cashion from Board; recognizes Helen Hickson
Helen Hickson - imQeriai Gardens - I believe pocket parks are good for
unorganized games.
Board: Maintenance, clearing of limbs, and equipment upkeep cost is high
and we must weigh the options and the usage. We haven't had a Parks &
Recreation Director, but Donna Cashion has been answering calls, planning
events, constantly on the road for various projects and has kept viable, for
several years, the spirit of the Parks & Recreation Department.
Volunteers are so very important and without them, the Pool Planning would
have never been taken care of. To know that the policies, maintenance
programs, and the dedication and enthusiasm the Board has shown is shared
by the citizens is so very gratifying.
Comment from Audience - Renwick Park - Renwick Park is in pathetic
condition. You have volunteers who are ready and available to fix up the
parks that do exist and are ready to work on the parks that need to be estab-
I fished.
Annette Brand - City Manager - Appreciation for Phyllis Lee
Board Liason Phyllis Lee - The pool planning was like a 10 year preg-
nancy. I am so glad that volunteerism is alive, well and strong in the City of
Fr iendswood.
Comment: I believe we are fortunate to have what we have for the size of
the City. We can use floodways for parks, atleast, when they flood the
water is not damaging the homes.
Ms. Ragland: I have heard ideas we have not thought of and am so very
pleased to see and hear the untapped resources of the citizens of
Friendswood. We need to establish who is going to channel which Ideas and
we look forward to an exciting future in the City of Friendswood.
Conclusion of Public Meeting