HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourth of July Steering Committee Minutes 1985-05-15JULY 4, 1985 STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING 5/15/85 A Steering Committee meeting was held on May 15, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. at the Public Works Building. The following business transpired: 1. PROMOTIONAL ITEMS AND SCHEDULE The flag t-shirt, scene t-shirt and caps were presented to the committee. The sales schedule and promotional sales report form were reviewed and approved. Sales of promotional items will begin May 25, 1985 from 9:00 to 12:00 at Texas Commerce Bank, Mainland Savings and Delta Savings. If the City has no objection, Lynn Chatham will put a booth outside her office that advertises the sale of the shirts. 2. CITY FLAG FUND The 15'x25' City Flag is on order; cost is $920.00, as well as two 50' flag poles; cost is $1,750.00 including the base, and the City is to install the poles. Delivery date of the flag is two weeks prior to July 4, 1985. Laurie Whitehead has volunteered to be on the Flag Committee. The Texas Flag has not been ordered. At a previous meeting the committee members discussed purchasing the State Flag for next years Sesquicentennial Celebration. Benny Baker suggested purchasing the State Flag this year to avoid having an empty flag pole standing at Stevenson Park for one year. Benny Baker contacted Mrs. Ulbrich and Mrs. Zeitler regarding having the Scouts participate in a door to door collection of a $1.00 donation to pay for the flag. After the Scout's meeting next week Mrs. Ulbrich and Mrs. Zeitler will contact Benny Baker with more specific information on the procedure to be used to achieve this goal. Benny Baker opened an account at Texas Commerce Bank in the name of Friendswood Flag Fund. He and/or Choice Kinchen's signatures are on file for the signing of the check for payment of the flag. Donna Cashion stated the flag at Stevenson Park was removed about one month ago. After checking with the Fire Station and Public Works, she was unable to locate either the summer or winter flag. 3. PARADE ENTRIES Parade (line-up) letter of confirmation will be a form letter composed by Ben Malek to be mailed to all persons entering the parade. The line-up schedule could be posted a few days prior to the Fourth at the Chamber of Commerce and the Public Works Building. The dignitary car signs will be made by Alpha Rho Theta, (Debbie Krenek will be in charge). STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING P. 2 4. LETTER TO ORGANIZATIONS Mayor Lowe's letter to volunteer organizations was read by Donna Cashion. After the Committee's comments suggesting the letter should point out that volunteers may have--to---be selected from the nominees, the following motions were made: MOTION: Lynn Chatham To mail the organization letter as soon as possible with the fol- lowing addition included in the third paragraph: "From among the nominees sub- mitted, a group of volun- teers will be selected to represent all of the Friends - wood Volunteers". SECOND: Benny Baker VOTE: Unanimous: FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: Lynn Chatham To custom order non -personalized medallions for the volunteers. Included on the medallion: Honorable Volunteer; Friendswood, July 4, 1985. SECOND: Benny Baker VOTE: Unanimous: FOR MOTION CARRIED 5. HISTORIAN A scrapbook of the Fourth should be kept. Donna Cashion will contact Anne Talbot to see if she would be interested in doing this. 6. REPORTS Donna Cashion - The brochure is at the printers. It should be ready for the first proofreading Thursday 5/16/85. Paul Fronczek is to contact Greg at Top Printing regarding the picture on the cover of the brochure. Ken Hoppe has donations in the amount of $900.00 to award the winner of the Battle of the Bands Contest. Pearland and Friendswood band directors are meeting on 5/15/85 and will report back to Ken Hoppe. STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING P. 3 Lynn Chatham - The six canasters of helium needed for the Macy*s float have been ordered. Lynn is still trying to locate storage space for Macy*s float. Sites discussed in- cluded commercial storage, Polly Ranch hangar and Jones Hangar. Donna Cashion expressed concern regarding the City's liability in using Jones Hangar for storage of the float. Marge Ulsh - A letter of confirmation from the Lackland Air Force Band to march in the Sesquicentennial Celebration is being mailed. The next meeting of the 4th of July Steering Committee will be May 29, 1985, 7:30 p.m. at the Public Works Building. MOTION: Ben Malek To adjourn the meeting. SECOND: Choice Kinchen VOTE: Unanimous: FOR MOTION CARRIED The meeting was adjourned.