HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourth of July Steering Committee MInutes 1985-05-01JULY 4, 1985 STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING 5/l/85 A Steering Committee meeting was held on May 1, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. at the Public [corks Building. The following business transpired: 1. PRESENTATION OF PROMOTIONAL ITEMS Samples of cap colors, color separation of the three flag emblem and the sun visor were presented to the Committee by Paul Fronczek. The order has been placed; delivery date to be on or before May 25, 1985. After a discussion of the artwork to be used on the visor, the following_ motion was made: MOTION: Janet Sobey To use a tree emblem on the visor. Paul Fronczek to con- tact Koza's for artwork samples and make final decision for printing. SECOND: Lynn Chatham VOTE: Unanimous: FOR Regarding the sales of the promotional items, a spread sheet shall be used. Janet Sobey shall make and distribute posters and pictures advertising the selling dates and locations. 2. MASTER MAILING LIST FOR ORGANIZATIONS Lynn Chatham furnished a list of volunteer organizations to be contacted. Donna Cashion re-emphasized the need for the Committee to supply additional names of organizations. Paul Fronczek read a draft of the letter to be sent to the organi- zations. It was suggested to reword the letter to include past volunteers and point out the person selected will be a nominee. Benny Baker expressed concern over the procedure for honoree volunteer selection. He questioned honoring an individual by name instead of honoring the organization as a whole by let- ting the individual depict the organization. After a lengthy discussion on this subject Donna Cashion referred to the 4/17/85 meeting whereby the motion carried for the procedure for volun- teer selection. After pointing out the fact that a news article addressing the selection had been published in the Journal, she suggested that if the Steering Committee decided to change the procedure,considerable amount of thought and caution should be used to avoid confusing the citizens of Friendswood. STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING P. 2 3. CITY FLAG FUND Benny Baker will contact the Scout Organizations to see if they are interested in earning a point toward their badge by participating in a door to door collection of money to purchase the City Flag. Lynn Chatham will have cards Printed for the Scouts to give to donors. The flag size has not yet been determined. The following Motion was made: 14OTION: Benny Baker - To order the City Flag one size smaller than the existing flag at Stevenson Park. SECOND: Choice Kinchen. VOTE: Unanimous: FOR MOTION CARRIED Benny Balser will notify Donna Cashion of the correct size for ordering. The flag pole will reed to be 50' tall. Discussion included. installing two flag poles this year. This would be not only financially beneficial but would allow time to properly pre- pare for the Sesquicentennial Celebration next year. Donna Cashion questioned the price of the Pole since it was not .in the 4th of July Budget Council approved for this year. Evelyn Newman stated Texas Commerce ^an:= will help fund the flag Dole. The following Motion was made: MOTION: Choice Kinchen - To purchase and install -wo 50' flag poles before this 4th of July. SECOND: Evelyn Newit Aln VOTE: UnanilT;OUS: FOR MOTION CARRIED 4. FATTLE OF THE LANDS The sub -committee head was not present to report on this item. r'arge Ulsh has contacted the I,ackland Air Force Base Band, who showed interest in participating in the parade and will confirm later in the week. I,ynn Chatham will do the publicity when Marge receives confirmation and pictures, etc. STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING D. 3 S. GAZEBO ENTERTAINMENT Marge Ulsh contacted John Lama from Pearland Music Store who will provide a live nand for entertainment form 11:30 to 1:30 on the fourth. Paul Fronczek recommended strolling guitar players in the park if John Lama couldn't get the band together. Letters have been sent to the Shriners regarding the clowns re- maining after the parade to entertain the children with bal- loons, etc. 6. FIRE DEPT. GAMES The sub -committee head was not present. 7. EVENING PROGRAM The sub -committee head was not present. 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lynn Chatham - The Chamber of Commerce needs storage space for the two Macy s loats from the 17th of June through July 27th. Accessibility to parade route is necessary when considering storage site. Lynn Chatham will check with Polly Ranch residents, Sunmeadow Country Club, Mrs. Hammersley and Perry Brown .for possible sites. Six canasters of helium for four inflatable stars are needed. Macy's have been notified of the overhead lines along parade route. Macy's spokeman stated to Lynn Chatham that of all the 4th of July Celebrations he has entered all over the U. S. the longest Annual Celebration of a city was 75 years. He was impressed that this was Friendswood's ROth celebration. Paul Fronczek- A draft:.�f the brochure was proofread by the committee. Donna Cashion is to have the negative of the Scout flag raising picture developed to be used in the 1985 brochure. She is to meet with Top Printing during the week of May 20th. Donna Cashion- The Friendswood High School Photography class has been contacted regarding photograhpers for the 4th. Three students have volunteered to take pictures. Stephen Conkle is the representative of the group. Kathleen Holt recommended a person with a Polaroid camera be contacted to take pictures of each float to aid the judges in their selection of winners. Parade entry forms were mailed last week. .., a STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING p. 4 Benny Baker suggested a Steering Committee Badge be furnished to each member for identification purpose:;. Kathleen Holt suggested purchasing badges that say 114th of July Steering Committee" to be used each year. Donna C�ishion is to ask Rob- bie and Van Williams for badge prices. Tlie photographers will also need a badge. The next meeting will be May 15, 1985, 7::;0 p.m. MOTION: Ben Malek To adjourn tl,e meeting SECOND: Marge Ulsh VOTE: Unanimous: FOR MOTION CARRIED