HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1984-09-11 Special1-1
Septerrber 11, 1984
A rreeting of the Friendswood Board of Adjustrrent was held in the Corneil
Charrbers at City Hall on Tuesday, Septenoer 11, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. with the
following rrerrbers present:
Chairman Ed Dykes
Ray Nelson
Elvia Salyer
Hal Taylor
Tom Sullivan
Nick Capuano, Building Inspector
Vance Riley, Fire Marshal
Parrela Henry, Secretary
Alternates Maurice Estlinbaum and
Grace Baker present but not voting
With a quoUlITl present, the fol lowing business was transacted:
Minutes of the rreeting on April 24, 1984, were approved as read.
Mrs. Wilnah Hamrersley, representing Hamrersley Construction, requested a variance
to place a directional sign at the vacant lo t on the comer of Clearview and
FM 518 leading to Quaker Village Townhorre Project, which is located several blocks
off FM 518 behind the subject property.
Harrnersley Con struction began building about a year ago and were at that tine
told they could not put a sign there. · Mrs. Hamrersley does have the permission
of the owner of the land to put the sign up .
Quaker Village Townhorre Project is not located on a throughfare. They wmld like
to have a sign that is at least 2 feet by 8 feet but they would prefer to have
a sign that is 4 feet by 8 feet. They i;�uld like the sign to be up for one year
but six nonths W>uld be su itable:
Fire M:lrshal Vance Riley told the Board that this would be an off-premise sign
and therefore it would be a billboard. The sign would be in a C-1 Zoning District
and the Townhorre Project is in a R-3 Zoning District. Both of these are violations
of the Friendsmod Sign Ordinance.
MJl'ION: (Nelson) To deny the request for a varia nce to put up a directional sign
at the comer of Clearview and FM 518.
Second: Taylor
Mr. George M. Lee, representing the Friendswood Shopping Center, which is located
at 5131 FM 2351, requested a variance for the height of a sign that is currentl y
24 feet high. Mr. Lee also requested a variance for the sign area that is greater
than the maximun 70 feet allowed by the Friendswood Sign Ordinance.
This sign was damaged by a hurricane. Vance Riley sta ted that rrore than 50
percent of the sign must be damaged or the sign must conform or be issued a
new sign permit.
The sign for the Friendswood Shopping Center is presently 24 feet high and
consists of four signs, one for each business in the shopping center, that
are 2% feet by !O_feet which makes each sign approximately -25 square feet.
This gives the sign a total sign footar;e of 100 feet. The maximum allowed
by the Friendswood Sign Ordinance is 70·feet.
The Board Members sug gested that Mr. Lee have 4 feet rerroved from the height
of the sign mal<ing it 20 feet tall and in conformance with the Friendswood
Sign Ordinance. They also added that Lee might su spend each of the four
signs between the support poles theref ore making the length of each sign less
than 10 feet. The distance betv.een the support poles is 10 feet and presently
each sign reachs from support pole to support lX)le making each 10 feet in length.
M:YI'ION: (Taylor) To refer this item to Fire Marshal Vance Rifoy and if possible
to have Mr. Lee cone into conformance without being granted a variance �d if a
variance is 'still necessary have him cone before the Board of Adju strrent.
Second: Nelson
Vote: Unaninous FOR M:YI'ION CARRIED
Mr. James C. MJrgan, Friendswoood City Manager, appeared before the Board to
request varianc es for setback and lot size requirerrents in the Mission Estates
and Camel Village Subdivisions. Mr. John Olson, Friendswood City Attorney,
was also present for this item.
The varia nce was being requested to allow single family homes to be built on 60
foot lots in the Mission Estates and Camel Village Subdiv isions.
Discussion was held regarding this rntter.
MJTION: (Sullivan) To -deny the request for variances for the setback and lot
size requirerre nts for the Missi on Estates and Camel Village Subdivisions.
Second: Taylor
Vote: 3 FOR (Sullivan, ��yl or, and Salyer)
2 AGAINST (Dykes, and Nelson) M:YI'ION FAil.ED
MITION: (Nelson) To grant the variance to facilitate the City of Friendswood at
the request of the Friendswood City Council and to act positively on Morgan's
Second: Salyer
Vote: 3 FOR (Nelson, Salyer, and Dykes) '
2 AGAINST (Taylor, and Sullivan) M:YI'ION FAILED
Motion was made and seconded that the rreeting adjourn.
The rreeting was
Dyl�es aibnan