November 22, 1983
A meeting of the Fr iendswood Board of Adjustment was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, November 22, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present:
Chairman Ed Dykes Ray Nelson Hal Taylor Dr. Tom Sullivan (Alterriate serving) Maurice Estlinbaum (Alternate serving) Secretary Bobbie Henry
With a quorum pres�nt, the following business was transacted:
1.Richard Harris, Great American Hornes, requested permissionto place a second mobile home at their construction site inRegency Estates to be used as a project office. In thediscussion it was brought out that ari mffice is ·presentlybeing maintained at this site for area-wide projects of thecompany, �ome as far away as Conroe. The Board did not feelit is necessary that this office be located on-site ifadditional office space is needed for this particular project.
MOTION: (Nelson) To deny the request for a second mobile home.Second: TaylorVote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED
2.Mrs. R. J. Harper, 203 Heritage, has a nbn-conforming beautyshop in an R-2 zone, and would like to make some repairs andenlargements to the building.
MOTION:(Taylor) To allow Mrs. Harper·to repair the buildingand to add a 12 x 20 foot addition to the building.Second: NelsonVote; FOR (4) Dykes, Nelson, Taylor, SullivanAbstaining: (1) Estlinbaum MOTION CARRIED
3.Russ Chisholm, Diamond C. Ranch, 2011 Lundy Lane, asked forpermission to install a sign d1recting people to the DiamondC, which is located on Lundy some distance from F.M. 528.The sign would be on F.M. 528 and Lundy. The Building Inspectorsaid that he had remove� Mr. Chisholm's sign because it was�ot on his property, but if he received evidence that permissionhad been received from the o�ner of the property, that he wouldper�it the sign to be reinstalled. Mr. Ch isholm said he alreadyhas permission from Mr. Lundy to put the sign on the property,whereupon the Board felt no action on their part was necessaryand the matter was referred back to the Building Inspector.
Al l of the items on the agenda having been handled, the meeting was adjourned.
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