HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1985-01-22 Regular[ ·1
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January 22, 1985
A �eting of the Friendsmod Board of Adjustment was held in the Cot.mcil Charrbers at City Hall on Tuesday, January 22, 1985, at 7:00 p.m. with the following �rrbers present :
Chainnan Ed Dykes Ray Nelson Elvia Sa lyer Tom Sullivan Grace Baker (Alternate Serving)
Vance Riley, Fire Marshal Panela Henry, Secre tary
With a quon.nn present, the following business was transacted:
The Ix>cketed Public Hearing was called to order by Chainnan Dykes .
Friendswood Heritage Developrrent, Inc. requested a variance to allo w la rger single family hones to be built on the approved 60 foot wide lots in the Cannel Village and Mission Estates Subdivisions which are in a R-3 MFR-L Z.Oning District.
This item was canceled by the Friendswood Heritage Development, Inc. An Ordinance approved by City Council resolved this matter.
t-'bbil Oil Corporation, represented by Marketing Representative Fred Mahler , requested a varianc� to alloo Mobil Gas Station, located at 101 North Friendsmod Drive, to reIIDve the old price sign (a gromd sign) and install an inter illuninated price sign on the I. D. pole. Mr. Patrick Kernan, the owner of this station, was also present. Mr. Kernan has owned the station since 1983 and sinc e then has made rrany irrprove�nts to the station and its appearnace . This M')bil Gas Station has been in existance since 1969.
Mr. Mahler submitted pictures of the old price sign and the new price sign with the t-'bbil sign for the Board Members to review.
The price sign that t-'bbil Oil would like to put up is 5 feet by 4 feet for a total of 20 square feet. The sign cost over $1,600.00. By law, the price sign at gas stations must be displayed.
The t-'bbil Sign, located above the price sign on the sane I. D. pole, is t.mder the Grandfather Clause of the Sign Ordinance but will eventually have to be brought into compliance. This sign is 4 feet by 12 feet for a total of 48 square feet. The total sign footage on the I. D. pole is 68 square feet.
M:>bil also has a Pegasus Sign on the gas station building. The Pegasus is a 4 foot circular disk. They have 2 pole signs which are 3 fee t by 6 feet each. This makes each pole sign 18 square fee t.