HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1984-10-23 Regular MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FRIENDSW)OD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT October 23, 1984 A meeting of the Friendswood Board of Adjustment was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, October 23, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Chairman Ed.Dykes Nick Capuano Building -Inspector_ Ray Nelson Pamela Henry, Secretary Elvia Salyer Hal Taylor Alternates Maurice Estlinbaum one Tom Sullivan Grace Baker present but not votir With a quorum present, the following business was transacted: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Meetings on May 22, 1984, July 24, 1984, and July 31, 1984 were approved as read. FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Mr. Dennis Holt representing the Friendswood Planing and Zoning Commission came before the Board of Adjustment to appeal a permit decision for mini- warehouses by an Administrative Official. At the October 11, 1984 Pl.:Aiding and Zoning meeting, :the, commission rejected the request of Mr. Tom Burke of T. E. Burke Construction to build mini warehouses at the corner of FM 518 and Castlewood in C-1 Zoning District. After review, it is the opinion of Planing and Zoning that under the Zoning Ordinance mini-warehouses are not allowed in a C-1 Zoning District but are allowed in a M-1 Zoning District. City Manager Jim Morgan stated in a letter to_:Planning-and-Zoning dated October 17, 1984 that this was proper application for a C-1 zone and if all other aspects of the permit application are in order to proceed with issuance of the permit. It was requested that the Board of Adjustment Secretary try to reach Mr. Morgan and see if he could attend the meeting. Mr. YOrgan was telephoned and said he would be there as soon as possible. • The Board decided to table this item until Mr. Morgan was present and to proceed with the next item on the agenda. MR. JOE BARIOW Mr. Joe Barlow requested a variance for a side set back to build an arbor on the side of his house at 1102 Coward Creek Drive. Mr. Gerald A. Cooney, who resides at 1104 Coward Creek Drive, brought to the attention of the Board that this not only is in violation of the Friendswood Building Code but is also in violation of the Declaration of Covenants and Restriction for Coward Creek Subdivision, Section One. ''14 '. Cooney was opposed to having this structure next to his property. Mr. Barlow has already spent four thousand dollars and the structure is partially built. He said he was unaware of the building requirements concerning the building of structure such as this one. NOTION: (Taylor) To deny Mr. Joe Barlow's request for a side set back variance. Second: Nelson Vote: Unanimous FOR NOTION CARRIED With Mr. Morgan present, discussion of the Planning and Zoning matter was resumed. Tom Burke,.:representing T. E. Burke Construction, explained that he would be building four buildings with mini-warehouses in them. The building-would be behind the T. E. Burke Construction and Chamber of Commerce building which is located at 902 South Friendswood Drive. There would be 28 mini-warehouses in all with varying sizes. The warehouses would close at 7 p.m. on weekdays, noon on Saturday, and would be closed all day Sunday. There would be no trees cut down for the project and there would be landscaping around each building. The buildings would be painted gray with red accent. T. .E. Burke Construction would be the resident manager of the mini-- warehouses. - Mr: Burke said he would-go beyond city requirements to make these buildings attractive , Opposing the project were Byron Coffman and Dr. Ron E. Groba of the Cedarwood Professional Building located at 820 South Friendswood Drive and across the street from the proposed site. They had a few of the tenants from thebuilding with them. Approximately thirty residents from surrounding subdivisions opposed to the project also attended the meeting. They asked Mr. Burke variousq_uestions about the mini warehouses and their maintenance. The citizens main concern was that the adjoining lot, :that"_is also owned by .the Burkes, would eventually be used for more warehouses. NOTION: (Taylor) To grant the appeal over: ruling the letter dated October 17, _.. 1984 from Mr. Jim Morgan, City Manager. Second: Nelson Vote: 4 FOR 1 AGAINST (Dykes) NOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Pamela Henry, Secretary APPROVED: Ed Dykes, Chairman Mr. Barlow has already spent four thousand dollars and the structure is partially built.· He said he was unaware of the building requirerrents concerning the build.i11;1, of structure such as this one. l•DrION: (Tayl or) To deny Mr. Joe Barlow's request for a side set back varL:irh'('. Second: Ne lson Vote: Unanirrous FDR i · ml'ION CARRIED With Mr. M:>rgan present, disc ussion of the Planning and Zoning matter was restnned. Tom Burke, representing T. F.. Burke Construction, ,explained that he would be builcliPI', four buildings with mini-warehouses in them. The bi.rildinz would be behind the T. E. Burke Cmstruction and Cbarnber of Corrmarce building which is located at 902 South Friendswood Drive. There would be 28 mim-warehouses in all with varying sizes. The warehouses would close at 7 p. m. on -weekdays, . noon on Saturday, and would be closed all day Sunday. There -would be no trees cut clown for th e project and there would be landscaping around each building. The bci1,dings would be painted gray witb red accent. T. E. Burke Construction would be . th� ,resident manager of the mini­ wa rehouses. 'M.r .. Burke, ·said he mu1d go _bey ond city. 1 requireirents to make these buildings a_t,t _r:active '1 1;, • ., Opposing the project v;ere Byron Coffman and Dr .. Ron.1 .E. Groba of the C-edarwood Profession al Building located at 820 South Friends,�od Drive and across the street from the proposed site. They had a few of the tenants from. the building ·with them. Approximately thirty residents fran surrounding S\.Jb.di.visions opposed to the project also attended the rreeting. They asked Mr-. 1Burke various questions about the mini-warehouses and their maintenance. The ci:t:j_zens main· concern was that the adjoining lot, that is also owned by the Burkesi, v;ould eventual ly be used for m:>re warehouses . , i I MJI'ION: (Taylor) 1 To grant the appeal over rulingi:the letter dated October 17, 1984 from Mr. Jim J:vbrgan, City Manager. r 1, Sec ond: Nel son ,,d. : Vote: 4 FDR 1 AGAINST (Dykes) MITION CARRIED ADJOURNMENI' t ;? �t :l Motion was made and seconded that the rreeting adjQ\llill, The rreeting was adjourned. ,1111 !( APPROVED: uJ. f=o. --:U'"( \Ce.A---/-Zz-t?K l•:d Dykes, Chairmm · · j