HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 2015-03-24 Regular[ i ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 AT 7:00 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 1.The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Ron Dyer Regular Member Steve Knis City Attorney Xochtyl Greer Building Official Frank Manigold Planning Manager/PIO Nick Haby Regular Member David O'Brien Regular Member Delvin Kendrick Alternate Member Mike Czarowitz Board Secretary/City Planner Aubrey Harbin Alternate members present: Linda Thornton, Glen Mintz Chairman Dyer welcomed new board member Glen Mintz and explained the process of the meeting, the votes required and the appeal process. He also asked everyone who would be speaking either for or against an item to 1:aise their right hand and swore them in stating that they would tell the whole truth in their statements. 2.The Board will conduct a public hearing and considered a request to reduce the interior side yard setbacks from 10 feet to 6 feet on each side of the lot at 5129 Shady Oaks Lane, also known as Lot 33 of Wedgewood Village Section 3, Friendswood, Harris County, Texas: A.Staff Presentation Frank Manigold, Building Official, explained that Mr. Moore submitted a building permit application to build a new house and that the side yard setbacks on the proposed site plan were shown as 6 feet on one side and 6.5 feet on the other side. Current City side yard setbacks for Single Family Residential zoning is ten (10) feet. He also explained that most of the homes in that neighborhood are built with 5-foot side yard setbacks. B.Applicant Presentation Travis Moore, owner/applicant, rear of property slopes drastically which makes it difficult to move the house closer to the rear of the property. House already being raised to due to flood zone requirements; existing homes built with five-foot side yard setbacks; would like to make the new house uniform with neighborhood l C.Public Comments Rudy Trahan, President of HOA of Wedgewood Village, stated that the deed restrictions allow for 5-foot side yard setbacks. He also inquired about which requirements supersede the other -City or HOA. D.Consideration of Evidence by Board Knis asked if all other homes in the neighborhood are single story homes. Mr. Moore stated that there is a mix of single story and two-story homes. He also questioned why the house must be built up higher than the others in the area and Frank Manigold explained that the flood maps have changed. Dyer asked if they could move the house back and meet the 10-foot side yard setbacks. Frank Manigold stated that it would be difficult due to the elevation of the property. Knis stated that the same owner, Travis Moore, also owns the lot adjacent to this lot and explained to Mr. Moore that just because a variance is issued on this lot, it does not automatically approve a variance on the next lot. Another application for a variance would be required for the other lot. Dyer stated that he was a little concerned with the owner/applicant only have 1 to 1.5 feet wiggle room on the setbacks. Czarowitz asked if there were any other homes in the area built with 10-foot side yard setbacks. Mr. Trahan indicated that most have 5-foot side setbacks and that it is difficult to verify every lot. Dyer explained that this case is similar to a recent case on Blackhawk Blvd. where new standards prevented an owner from re-building on an older lot. 1)A variance from Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.1.2.a Motion to approve: O'Brien Second: Czarowitz Vote: 5-0 (unanimous) Motion Carried 2)A special exception to Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.1.2.a. No action. 3 ) An appeal to Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.I.2.a No action. 3.Consideration and possible action regarding approval of minutes for the: A.July 22, 2014 regular and special meeting Motion to approve: Czarowitz 2 [ Second: Knis Vote: 5-0 Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding appointment of a new chairman and vice chairman There was some confusion on whether or not a new chairman/vice chairman was required or just optional. Board members seemed to want to keep the same members in place. Appointment policy was in the process of being re-written by City Secretary's Office. Staff will verify new rules. Motion to Table: Kendrick Second: O'Brien Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) 5.Comments from Board Members Item Tabled Board Member Czarowitz invited everyone to the ground breaking ceremony for the library. 6.Staff and/or Council or Board Liaison Reports None 7.The meeting adjourned at 7:38pm. Approved by: ,�V� Ro�yer_ , Chair 3