HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 2012-02-28 Regularl
1.Call to order
The public hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm with the following present:
Chair Ron Dyer
Vice Chair Greg Hughes
Regular Member Delvin Kendrick
Regular Member Steve Knis
Regular Member David O'Brien, III
Dep. Dir. of Community Dev. Frank Manigold
Board Secretary Mona Miller
P & Z Liaison Mark McLean
City Attorney Steve Weathered
Alternate Members Carol Thelen, Mike Czarowitz and Glen Grayban were in the audience, and
Alternate Member Linda Thornton was absent.
2.Receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding:
A.A variance request at 17158 Blackhawk Boulevard for a 20' encroachment of a carport into
the required 30' front yard setback, per the requirements of Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance,
Section 7.Q. Regulation Matrix -Commercial Districts for Neighborhood Commercial
The applicant was not present at the beginning of the meeting; therefore, Board Member
O'Brien made a motion to move item A. to the end to give the applicant more time to arrive.
Vice Chair Hughes seconded the motion.
Vote: 5 to O Motion passed
B.A variance request at 905 Longleaf Court on the East side of the property (bordering Lot 7)
for a 4.6' encroachment into the required 1 O' side yard setback, per the requirements of
Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance, Section 7.Q. Regulation Matrix -Residential Districts for
Single Family Residential zoning;
Judd Cribbs of Cribbs Custom Builders spoke in support of items B. and C. He stated that
the homes being built on both lots are spec homes. He added that one home is complete and
the other is approximately 95% complete. Mr. Cribbs stated that they pulled the permit for
the homes, both approved by the City, as well as form surveys that were approved. He
explained that these were honest mistakes that were made. He added that he owns the lots
on either side of these homes as well; therefore, he offered to build the house at 909
Longleaf with a 15' side yard next to 907 Longleaf in order to make a 20' separation
between homes.
No one spoke in opposition.
C.A variance request at 907 Longleaf Court on both sides of the prope11y for a 4.5'
encroachment into the required 1 O' side yard setback, per the requirements of Appendix C -
Zoning Ordinance, Section 7.Q. Regulation Matrix - Residential Districts for Single Family
Residential zoning;
No one spoke in opposition.
3.Consideration and possible action regarding requests seeking the following:
A.a variance request at 17158 Blackhawk Boulevard for a 20' encroachment of a carport
into the required 30' front yard setback, per the requirements of Appendix C -Zoning
Ordinance, Section 7.Q. Regulation Matrix -Commercial Districts for Neighborhood
Commercial zoning;
Motion to table variance: O'Brien
Second: Hughes
Vote: 3 to 2 Motion passed
B.a variance request at 905 Longleaf Court on the East side of the property (bordering Lot
7)for a 4.6' encroachment into the required 1 O' side yard setback, per the requirements
of Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance, Section 7.Q. Regulation Matrix -Residential
Districts for Single Family Residential zoning;
Manigold explained that these were honest mistakes. He added that there are some
subdivisions that would allow a 5' side yard setback. In order to assist the inspectors with
the plan review in different subdivisions, we currently have the setback matrix placed on
the subdivision plat. However, this is an older subdivision that went bankrupt and Mr.
Cribbs recently purchased it, so the plat does not include the setback matrix.
Chair Dyer asked if the variance is granted, would it allow future expansion of the building
along this encroachment. Manigold answered that if the variance were granted, it would be
considered legal non-conforming and they could not increase the non-conformity.
Motion to approve variance: Hughes
Second: Kendrick
Vote: 5 to 0 Motion passed
C.a variance request at 907 Longleaf Court on both sides of the property for a 4.5'
encroachment into the required 10' side yard setback, per the requirements of Appendix
C -Zoning Ordinance, Section 7.Q. Regulation Matrix -Residential Districts for Single
Family Residential zoning;
Motion to approve variance with the stipulation tltat tlte home built 011 909 Long/ea/
Court (Lot 16) would be built 15 'from tlte property line tit at adjoins 907 Long/ea/ Court:
Second: Kendrick
Vote: 5 to O Motion passed 2
4.Consideration and possible action regarding approval of minutes for the:
A.September 27, 2011 regular meeting
Motion to approve: Kendrick
Second: O'Brien
Vote: 5 to 0
The meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
CChu�� Mona Ann Miller, Planner/ZBOA Secretary
Motion passed
Approved by:
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