HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1986-02-06 Regular11 MINUTE S OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COM MISSION February 6, 1986 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursd ay, February 6, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Counc il Chambers. The following subjects were considered. Holt -Chairman Todd Beggs Ballard Baker Beeth (7:30) Cress Councilman Prihoda With a quorum present and with none absent, the following business was trans acted. CGMMISSIONER KENT BALL ARD EXCUS ED HI MSELF FROM THE DIS CUSSION OF THE NEXT ITEM: STERLINGWOOD -PREVIOUSLY -WATERFORD STERLINGWOOD SUB DIVISION -PRELIMINARY Ted Bo gren presented a preliminary plat of Sterlingwood Subdivision located off of Merriwood and F.M. 518. Sterlingwo od is a 25.75 acre tract out of lot 15 from the Harv ey/Stout Bubdivision and lots 45, 46 and 47 from the Voss Subdivision and lot 1 from Sunpark Estates Replat. The proposed subdivision is 25.75 acres subdivided into 68 lots. The Planning and Zoning Commission received correspondence from the Police Department, Fire Marshal and the Clear Creek Drainage District as follows: Page 2 February 6, 1986 CLEAR CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT: FEBRUARY 3, 1986 The Clear Creek Drainage District granted Preliminary approval of the Ster lingwood Subdivision. FRIENDSWOOD POLI CE DEPAR TMENT: February 3, 1986 1.Where does the street Silverleaf intersect Me rriwood?2.Will the street addresses advance in an orderly manneror will they change at the 90 degree corners? FTRE MARSHAL"January 31, 1986 I have reviewed the preliminary plat of the Sterlingwood Subdivision. I would �ike to request that the following changes be made before the final plat is approved. 1.I would prefer that the street shown on the preliminaryplat as MERRIWOOD DRIVE be called Merriwood Drive allthe way up to the intersection of South FriendswoodDrive (F.M. 518). If this is unacceptable, I recommendthat SILVERLEAF DRIVE run from South Friendswood Driveto Briarmeadow. · As it stands now only si x homes wouldbe able to have an address on "Silverleaf Drive" which,in my opinion, is not enough homes to justify an extrastreet name to an already growing list. Please notethat this is not a requirement by my office, but I dohighly recommend that this sub division have only twostreet names. 2.The fire hydrants as they are laid out on this preliminaryplat do not meet the sub division ordinance requirementsfor distance between fire hydrants. I respectfully requestthat the fire hydrants be located in the following locations. a.The corner of Block 1, Lot 19, as is already shown.b.The property line between Lots 14 and 15 of Block 1,�s is already shown.c.The property line between Lots 9 and 10 of Block 1.d.Delete the fire hydrant located between Lots 7 and 8 ofBlock 1.e.Add a fire hydrnat between Lots 3 and 4 on Block 1.f.A fire hydraht on the corner of Lot 16, Block 2, as isalready shown. I I • I Page 3 February 6, 1986 g.A fire hydrant located between Lots 21 and 22 of Block 2.h.Delete the fire hydrant shown between Lots 23 and 24of Block 2.i.Add a fire hydrant to the corner of Lot 27 of Block 2. j.Delete the hydrant located in Lot 1 of Block 2.k.Add a fire hydrant at the intersection of Merriwood andBriarmeadow at the west cor ner of Lot 1 of Block 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the entrance street Merriwood which crosses Briarmeadow into the proposed subd ivision Sterlingwood. The preliminary plat shows Merriwood changing to Silverleaf at lots 12 and 20. The following motion was made. MOTION: (TODD) The entrance street of Merriwood into the subdivision Sterlingwood to change to the stre et name to Silverleaf at lots 16 andl7 and continue to F.M. 518. The street Silverstone to remain as Silverstone. (The Commission requested that a note regarding SECOND: (BEGGS) the start and stop of Merriwood and Silverleaf be on the final plat). VOTE: FOR: Beggs, Todd, Beeth and Baker OPPOSED: Cress and Holt Com missioner Holt's position is that Merriwood is a continuous street. MOTION CARRIED Chairman Holt requested notification be sent to the City Manager, City Council and the Fire Marshal on the action on the streets in Sterlin gwood Subdivision. PRELIMINARY PLAT STERLINGWOOD MOTION: (T ODD) To give Sterlingwood Preliminary approval contingent on the Fire Hydrant locations complying with the subdivision ordinance. SECOND: (BAKER) VOTE: FOR: Beggs, Todd,Beeth, Baker and Holt OPPOSED: Cress -Str eet name MOTION CARRIED Commissioner Todd is to review the deed restrictions of the Sterlingwood Subdivision. I I Page 4 February 6, 1986 PROPOSED -FRIEN DSWOOD STRIP CENTER � F.M. 518 AND CLEARVIEW Mr. Zaplac presented a drawing of a 8,800 sq. ft. strip center on the corner of F.M. 518 and Clearview. The property is presently zoned OBD. Mr. Zaplac told the Planning and Zoning Commission they would like to use the 8,800 sq. ft. for the development arid keep the remainder for future development. Mr. Zaplac was advised this would require subdividing as spelled out in the subdiv ision ord inance. The following items are to be complied with before proceeding with the develo pment. 1.Subdividing2.Parking (spaces shown on the drawing do not meet 3.Sidewalks4.Setbacks the ordinance requirements) 5.Building lines on throughfares6.Traffic flow pattern through the proposed drive-in window appears opposite.COMMISSIONER BAKER ABSTAINED FROM THE NEXT ITEM: PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF WINDING WAY AND BRIARMEADOW Mrs. Baker addressed the Commission on a piece of property located on the corner of Winding Way and Briarmeadow zoned SFR. A 1500' structure is located on the property. The Church of the Good Shepherd would like to purchase the property and structure for use by the Church. A rezoning would be required from SFR to Specific Use -Church. Mrs. Baker will need to advise the Church to comply with the procedures set forth in the zoning ordinance. GAB RIEL BRAUN -F.M. 2351 and BLACKHAWK Mr. Braun presented a drawing of 8 acres located on F.M. 2351 and Blackhawk for the possible location of a Gas Station and Convenience Store on ap proximately 1 acre of the tract. The zoning map indicated the corner of F.M. 2351 and Blackhawk is zoned CSC. Commissioner Holt told Mr. Braun the prior zoning request would be in the office of the City Secretary along with the metes and bounds. Taking one acre out of the tract does not meet the requirements of the CSC classification in the zoning ordinance. The Commission discussed the fact that they think the property was only rezoned and never platted. It will need to be determined if the property was platted and, if not, the procedures set forth in the subdivision ordinance will need to be complied with before dev elopment. I I ; I page 5 February 6, 1986 JANICE LOWE -FRIENDSWO OD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Janice Lowe addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission dis cussing some of the various calls for information she receives and how they can best be handled from a Planning and Zoning standpoint. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL November 21, 1985 -Regular Meeting -Approved as read. December 5, 1985 -Regular Meeting -Approved as corrected. December 19, 1985 -Regular Meeting -Approved as read. January 16, 1986 -Regular Meeting -Approved as read. The meeting was adjourned . . �/�� , Ruth P.Henry -Seer�