HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1986-03-20 RegularCl
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March 20, 1986
The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, March 20, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following Commissioners were present.
Holt -Chairman Beeth Ballard Bake r Cress Beggs
Councilman Prihoda Fire Marshal Vance Riley
With a quorum present and with Todd absent, the following items were considered.
Mr. Shirley addressed the Commission regarding a proposal to remodel and add 1500 sq. ft. to an existing structure and to construct a warehouse of approximately 3,000 sq. ft. at the rear of the property for the purpose of a heat ing and A/C sales and service business. The property is located at 202 South Friendswood Drive and is zoned OBD. Mr. Shirley told the Commission the front structure would be a retail shop and general offices with the war ehouse building for storage of materials and supplies.
After discussion and review of the permitted use table the Commission felt the warehouse was an extension of the business and would be permitted in the OBD district. The Commission requested Mr. Shirley meet the parking requirements of the ordinance which would be 1 parking space for every 200 sq. ft. of floor area or show he can achieve it by green area to be used for parking if need be at a later date.
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Attached you will find recommendation for consideration by your Commission propo sed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance from the Reconc iliation Committee.
Please submit your written response by Thursd ay, April 3, 1986 to be placed on the agenda for City Council consideration on April 7, 1986.
City Secretary
The above letter is dated March 5, 1986, and mailed the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Co mmission. received a copy upon request from the Office of the March 24, 1986.
directly to Ruth Henry City Secretary
Commissioner Holt addressed the point tha t the Committee presented 3 rec ommended changes on one piece of paper without any rationale in writing and that bothers him. Councilman Prihoda thought that this was a good point, but felt the reason was the Planning and Zoning Commissi on has a representative on the Committee that was involved in the discussion. He doesn't see any problem in getting the rationale in writing, as they meet again next week.
The Commission decided to take each item of the proposed recommendations of the Reconcili ation Committee and address them separately.
ITEM 1) Recommend a portion of the Sign Ordinance be changed (Section 14, b-2; Section 15, b-2) from 3 weeks portable sign during one year and 3 weeks temporary sign du ring one year to 3 weeks portable (stays the same) or one wou ld use portable or temporary for the 2nd 3 weeks.
Commissioner Holt asked Fire Marshal Vance Riley, who enforces the sign ordinance, to give his view of the change requested from a regulatory stand point.
Vance Riley told the Commission it would pr obably decrease the office time. Fire Marshal Riley said porta ble signs are easier to permit and contro l.
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The recommendation from the Reconciliation Committee is the use of 6 weeks of temporary or portable signs, not to exceed 3 weeks of temporary signs.
MOTION: (BEGGS) The Commission recommends a portion of the sign ordinance be changed from 3 weeks portable during 1 year and 3 weeks temporary sign during one year (stay the same) or one could use portable or temporary for the 2nd - 3 weeks.
Commissioner Beeth addressed the group saying that the motion continues
a distinction bet��een temporary and .portable. What you are saying is that -you have 3 weeks portable and-3 weeks eithertemporary or porta�le. You can·not have 6 weeks of temporary.
_ If the idea is to simplify this so there �s no distinction, just.make it 6 weeks of temporary or portable signs and and you would Just have to keep tract-of· the weeks.
Commissioner Beeth moved to amend the motion to read.
MOTION: (BEETH) Sec. 14 b-2
To recommend the portable portion of the sign ordinance be changed to eliminate the distinction between portable and temporary signs. To allow either a temporary or portable sign for a total of 6 weeks as opposed to the recommendation of the reconciliation committee that would only extend the 6 week limitation to the portable sign.
VOTE: FOR : Beeth, Baker, Ballard and Beggs AGAINST: Holt -Feels there are already to many portable signs -and does not like portable signs Cress -Feels it would increase the number of portable signs.
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Page 4 Ma r ch 20, 1986
ITEM 2) Recommend deleting the enti r e following section in the Zoning Ordinance: section 8, Sub.1-e, (Pr eserving Trees -Historical Significance).
Commissioner Beeth addressed the g r oup saying he doesn 't believe any-one is going to destroy tr ees on thei r pro�erty if ther e is any way around dest roying the trees .. He doesn't think the p r esence'
of the -o r dinance will stop a d·eveloper who really needs to get r id of a tree. He sees a requirement that p r opably isn't being enforc_ed, is basically enforcable and adds mo r e r ed tape to the process. On the other .hand because of strong feelings by some other s he doesn't think it is wo r th fighting over because he does not feel leaving o r r emoving f r om the or dinance will change what is done. Commissioner Beggs feels it gives a moment of thought in a devP.lonment to p r e_s_erving of the tr ees in the at"ea.
MOTION: (BEGGS) To r ecommend Sec. 1-2 r emain in the zoning o r dinance as opposed to the
r ecommendation of the Reconciliation Committee.
SECOND: (C RESS) VOTE: FOR: Beggs, C r ess, Beeth, Holt and Ba ker AGAINST : Balla rd
Commissioner Holt would like to exp r ess one thought fo r the.r ecor d with his vote, he thinks the r ecommendation was frivolous(· We have a pa r t of the or dinance that is not being enfo r ced and to soenn this much time and efforf knowinq it is not going to be 'enforced is f r ivolous and in his opinion.
ITEM 3) Recommend in the zoning o r dinance that the industrial Dist r ict be exempt fr om Section I, Sub.c (Sec. I-Landscaping i•and Screening requirements, sub. 2-c Off St r eet Pa rking and Landscaping).
Commissioner Cr ess addressed the g roup saying the proposal is to eliminate the r eqdiEemehtffo r .'larldsca ping of parking a r eas within the In dust r ial Dist rict.
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MOTION: (BEETH) To recommend that the Planning and Zoning Commission agree in principal to exempt the landscaping requir ements of the pa rking lot of the Industrial Distri ct.
Cha irman Holt would like to provi de a summary letter saying the Planning and Zoning Commission ha s revi ewed all the items recommended by the Reconciliation Commi ttee and indicating the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commi ssion. Also the Commission would like to draft the proposed wor ding for Item 3. To be rev iewed at the April 3, 1986, Planning and Zoning Commi ssion meetin g and ready for pr esentation at the April 7, 1986 Council Afeeting as requested.
Commissioner Cress;the representative from the Planning and Zoning Commission to the Reconci liation Committee/p resented several other items from the Reconciliation Committee being considered for proposed changes to the Subdivision Ordina nce and the Zoning Or dina nce and would like input from the other Commissioners.
March 3, 1986 -Approved as read March 6, 1986 -Approved as read -.Special Meeting -Public Hearing
Commi ssioner Beeth expressed his appreciation to the Planning and Zoning Commission from him zn:e·Ru.s faimu.ly £or the £1owers
.md :imotice taken at the loss of his mot.liner.
The meeting was adjourned.