HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1985-02-21 Regularf l I I lJ MINU TES OF A RE GULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 21, 1985 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, February 21, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The follo wing members were present. Miller -Chairman Jones Cress Holt Brown With a quorum present and with Beggs and Wetzel absent, the following business was transacted. HERITAGE VILLAGE CENTER -F.M. 2351 Mr. Baumann presented to the Commission a plat of the metes and bounds of a 20 acre tract loca ted on the north side of F.M. 2351 and Hope Village Road. Mr. Baumann is represent­ing the developers of 4.744 acres for a proposed Commerci alShopping Center. The property is presently zoned with thefirst 300' CSC and the remainder is zoned Industri al. Mr.Baumann told the Commission the developers would like theentire 4.744 zoned to CSC in order to be able to get fund­ing. Mr. Baumann is to make applica tion for rezoning inthe office of the City Secretari. EAST CASTLEWOOD September 1, 1983, a public hearing was held for a requested rezoning of 3.2 acres from R-2 to R-3 for the purpose of building patio homes. The land was rezoned to R-3 and Mrs. Baker has returned to the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the paving and development of East Castlewood . Before subdividing the property the street would need to . be improved. It was discussed tha t Mrs. Baker might check with City Manager, Jim Morgan to see if East Castlewood is on the list of proposed streets to be paved or perhaps sh8 might approach the City to do 1/3 of the street and the developers the remainde�. r l Page 2 February 21, 1985 Another alternative would be to approach the other land owners on a jo int effort for paving the street. The Commission also discussed with Mrs. Baker she could not build patio homes under the present ordinance which was adopted November, 1984, she would need to rezone to Specific Use. She was told under the present ordinance patio homes would be considered SFR and would require SFR set backs. BRIARMEADOW -PRE APP Mrs. Elliot has 2 1/2 acres on Briarmeadow she would like to subdivide into 3 lots. The lots will be (2) 124.5' frontage and (1) 140' frontage which would be the Elliot home. The street is paved and they would like to run the water and sewer to each of the lots. Mrs. Elliot was advised to use the short form subdivision procedure for 5 lots or less. THE PARK -KENT BALLARD A request is being made by the FWD Land Company to rezone part of The Park located on F.M. 528 from MFH-L to SFR for 21 lots. They were advised to make applLcation for rezoning with the office of the City Secretary. J.L. JONES-ESTATES -FRIENDSWOOD FOREST -NAME TO BE CHANGED Plans to develop 76.27 acres into 135 lots was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. The ingress-egress to be from F.M. 2351 adj acent to Royal Court. There will be another ingress-egress on Melody Lane. The following items need to be completed before preliminary approval. 1.Application and Fees2.Change name of subdivision -Already existing subdivisi onby that name.3.Several street names are in conflict4.Magnetic North to be shown5. Deed Restrictions6.Approval by the City Engineer7.Drainage Approval8.Show right-of-way on lots backing up to Melody Lane 9.Legal Description ri j Page 3 February 21, 1985 KENT BALLARD -TOM SHEERAN PROPERTY Mr. Ballard attended the January 7, 1985 Commission meeting concerning Mr. Sheeran's 3.68 acres on Fallingleaf. Each tract was deed restricted for one home per tract. Mr. Sheeran has been transferred and would like to sell his home as one tract but buyers have expressed interest in the house with less acreage. To make their home and acreage more marketable the Sheeran's presented the following to the Commission on January 7, 1985. A -85' Frontage -to possibly be bought by adjoining neighbor to add to his tract B -120' frontage -Mr. Sheeran's home site C -120' frontage - for a new home site The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that Mr. Ballard request deed restrictions by Mr. Vester or request an opinion from Mr Vester's atto rney regarding liability of existing deed restricti ons. Mr. BAllard told the Commission since their last meeting the 85' frontage was not going to be bought by the neighbor, but he had received the following letter from Mr. Vester's Attorney. ATTENTION: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION This is to advise you that Mr. Sam Vester has agreed to execute an instrument amending the covenant restricting Mr. Thomas Sheeran's property to one dwelling. Pursuant to his instructions, I have prepared and forwarded to Mr. Vester such an agreement. Mr. Ballard also told the Commission they would include the 85' fron tage with the house making that tract 2.2 acres and subdivide 1.4 acres for a new home site. PARTIAL REPLAT -FIELD CREEK FOREST --FOR SIGNATURE The partial replat of Field Creek Forest was approved February 7, 1985. MOTION: (HOLT) To sign the milar for the partial replat of Feild Creek Forest. SECOND: (CR ESS) VOTE: UNANI MOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED l I l u Page 4 February 21, 1985 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT -MINI.WAREHOUSES TO: FROM: DATE: MOTION: -(BROWN) To send a letter to City Council as typed below. SECOND: (CRESS) VOTE: UNANI MOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FE BRUARY 21, 1985 SUBJECT: SPECIFIC USE PERMIT -MINI WAREHOUSES PUBLIC HEA RING -JANUARY 24, 1985 The request for a Specific Use Permit is recommended for disapproval by the Planning and Zoning Commission-, because it is inapprop riate land use for this location. In addition, the Specific Use Permit does not meet the technical requirements of the ordinance. The following items require certain data and information that is not included with the application. SECTION 9 G.3.APPLICATION PROCEDURE: An application for a Specific Use Permit shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning . Commission. The application shall be accompanied by a site plan which, along with the application, will become a part of the Specific Use Permit if approved. The accompanying site plan shall provide the following information: a.Data describing all processes and activitiesinvolved with the proposed use: c.The location of each existing and proposed build-ing and structure in the area covered by the siteplan and the number of stories, height, roof line,gross floor area and location of the building entrancesand exits. I l I I l Page 5 February 21, 1985 d.The location of existing drainage ways, and significantnatural features: g.The location, height and type of each wall, fence and allother types of screening: h.The location, height and size of all proposed si gns: APPO INT MENT OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN MOTION: (CRESS) To re-appoint Ralph Miller as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. SECOND: (HOLT) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (HOLT) To appoint Mary Brown as Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. SECOND: (CRESS) VOTE: UNANIMO US FOR MINUTES MOTION CARRIED January 24, 1985 -approved as co rrected January 31, 1985 -approved as read February 7, 1985 -approved as corrected SIGN OR DINANCE E-85-3 -PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 11, 1985 MOTION: (CRESS) To ratify Council action on ordinance E-85-3. PUblic Hearing held February 11, 1985; SECOND: (HOLT) VOTE: FOR Cress, Holt, Jones and Miller AGAINST: Brown -Illegal Public Hearing never called by the Planning and Zoning Commission. MOTION CARRIED r l Pa ge 6 February 21, 1985 Dr. Bill Jones excused himself in the following discussion. ·ro: FR OM: DATE: MOTION: (CRESS) To send the following letter'to City Council. SECOND: (HO LT) VOTE: FOR: Miller, Cress, Holt, Brown ABSTAINED: Jones AGAINST: NONE MOTION CARRIED MAYOR AND CI TY CO UNCIL PLANNING AND ZONING CO MMISSION FEBRUARY 21, 1985 SUBJECT: REGENCY ESTATES SECT ION II PUBLIC HEARING -FEBRUARY 1, 1985 The Planning and Zoning Commissio n tabled the discussion of Specific Use Permit for Regency Estates Section II. The Commission believes that the Specific Use Permit should not be interpreted to correct past zoning descrepancies. Using the Specific Use Permit in this manner unfairly penalizes the tax pay ers of the City. The situation could be solved by issuing a building permit or requesting a variance from the Board of Adjustments. The meeting was adjourned. �/.;/�/ �-----..-:-�_ �E � /