HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1985-07-18 Regular[ I J [ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 18, 1985 The Friendsw ood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on July 18, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following subjects were considered. Miller -Chairman Cress Todd Steward -Administrative Assistant Beggs Brown With a quorum present and with Belden and Holt abs ent, the following business was transacted. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL -LIBERTY TREE ESTATES Ted Bogren presented the final plat of Liberty Tree Estates, consisting of 27.658 acres to be subdivided into 4 lots located on Spreading Oaks. Each lot is to be restricted sep­arately as follows. Lot 1 -3.9229 Acres -Can not be subdivided for 10 years Lot 2 -9.7248 Acres -Can be subdivided into 2 tracts only and can not be re-subdivided smaller for 10 years. Lot 3 -6.5317 Acres -Can not be subdivided for 10 years Lot 4 -7.4791 Acres -Can not be subdivided for 10 years. MOTION: (CRESS) To give final approval to Liberty Tree Estates SECOND : (BEGGS) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED [ 1 ! l Page 2 July 18, 1985 PRE-APP -BRIARMEADOW AND SUNSET -3.12 ACRES Mrs. Glieck is proposing to subdivide 3.12 acres located between Briarmeadow and Sun set. The Commission advised Mrs. Glieck utilities needed to be in place or provided by the developer before subdividing the property. The City is consid ering placing utilities down Briarmeadow but no decisi on has been made at this time. F.M. 528 - 3 COMMERCIAL BUILDING -LANDSCAPING AND PARKING David O'Farrell presented a drawing of 3 buildings to be located on F.M. 528. The property is presently in the process of being rezoned from MFR-M TO NC. A memo from City Manager, Jim Morgan was received concerning the right-of-way requirements for F.M. 528 as follows: At the City Council meeting of July 8, 1985, City Council voted for the installation of medians and curbs and gutters on the following state highways. F.M. 2351: From F.M. 518 easterly to the HarrisCounty line. F.M. 528: From F.M. 518 easterly to the HarrisCounty line. Because the curb and gutter/median method will be utilized on these roads, no additional right-of­way will be needed. The drawings presented to the Commission had the approval of the Fire Marshal and Lieutenant Russell Williams of the Police Depart­ment. It was requested the Fire Marshal and Lieutenant Russell Williams send their appro val in writing to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. O'Farrell was advised the property in question had never been subdiv ided which is the responsibility of the land owner. The Commission also asked for assurance that F.M. 528 will be curb and gutter as they feel one Council can not commit funds for a future Council since this project will not begin until 1987. I I I Page 3 July 18, 1985 BOBBY ORR -F.M. 518 -OLD EXXON STATION Mr. Orr is requesting information from the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning his property which is zoned OBD. He would like to see about placement of a used car lot on the property. The zoning ordinance Permitted Use Table does not allow for used cars under the OBD classification. It was discussed by the Commission that and "S" could be placed under the OBD classification for the Permitted Use Table which would allow for a car lot to be placed in an OBD district by a Specific Use Permit. The Com mission is to write a memo to the City Council for their input on changing the ordinance to allow this. MR. LESGNSKI -CHESTER DRIVE -1.8 ACRES Mr. Lesgnski is requesting to subdivide his 1.8 acres into 3 lots. He was advised by the Commission property can not be subdivided on an unimproved road. The Commission also received the following memo from Todd Stewart, Administrative Assistant. It has come to my attention that the Commission will hear a request for development information on a lot on Chester Drive. The question was asked of this office as to the status of said roadway. It is the City's position that Chester Drive is a private street; consequently, any subdividing is subject to the restrictions of the City ordinance 210, Section II C,4. KIM REED -F.M. 2351 -COMMERCIAL BUILDING -PARKING AND LANDSCAPIN@ Mr. Reed presented a site plan of his proposed 8,000 sq. ft. Commercial Building to be located on F.M. 2351. He was advised by the Fire Marshal he did not need a fire lane since the building will be less than 150' from the roadway. Mr. Reed was advised his next step would be a building permit. LAUREL STREET -OBD DISTRICT -REMODEL HOUSE -PARKING AND LANDSCAPING Jim Bolen and George King presented to the Commission their drawings of a dwelling located on Laurel Street in the OBD district to be re-modeled for an office, showing the parking and landscaping. The office is to be used for Mr. Bolen's and Mr. King's electrical contracting business. The gentlemen were advised their next step would be a building permit. ( [ I l Page 4 July 18, 1985 RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING: June 20, 1985 LOCATION: F.M. 528 REQUEST: Lot 3,4,5 and 6, Block 1 The Park and a tract of land 29 feet in width and 280 feet deep off of F.M. 528 being rezoned from CSC to SFR. A tract of land beginning 280 feet off F.M. 528 being 29 feet in width and running the depth of the tract and being rezoned from CSC to MFR-L. MOTION: (CRESS) To recommend to City Council the rezoning of the above request. SECOND: (BROWN) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED A memo to be sent to City Council on the above recomme ndation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL June 20, 1985 -Public Hearing -approved as read June 20, 1985 -Regular Meeting -approved as read MEMO -REGENCY ESTATES REZONING The Planning and Zoning Commission received a copy of a memo from Administrat ive Assistant, Todd Stewart regarding Regency Estates rezoning. The memo stated the following: I recently received a phone call from an individual who was interested in the status of the underdeveloped lots in Regency Estates Subdivision. After researching the questions, I have found that the Council at one time (January/February 1985) expressed a desire to handle the lots left in Regency Estates in the same manner as those in Mission Estates and Carmel Village; i.e., zoning those nonconforming lots with a specific use permit. The recortdiitldicatesthhatcooun�ilwwasr2eqiliiE�dt�ol��tthhe ·60 day requirement for the Planning and Zoning Commission'srecommendation expire in order to take action becausePlanning and Zoning had chose not to make a recommend ation. ( 11 I Page 5 July 18, 1985 Council now needs to decide which course of action they desire to pursue. It is my recommendation that Council authorize the City Attorney to draft the appropriate ordinance, as had been recommended by the City Attorney, for the resolution of this matter. COMMISSION Commissioner Mary Brown suggested the Commission send a memo to Council, with a copy of the memo the Planning and Zoning Commission sent to the City Council February 21, 1985, regarding Regency Estates Section II for their review. The memo sent February 21, 1985 was as follows: The Planning and Zoning Commission tabled the dis cussion of Specific Use Permit for Regency Estates Section II. The Commission believes that the Specific Use Permit should not be interpreted to correct past zoning descrepancies. Using the Specific Use Permit in this manner unfairly penalizes the tax payers of the City. The situation could be solved by simply is suing a build­ing permit or requesti ng a variance from the Board of Adjustments. The meeting was adjourned. lttPi: I{/�/ Ruth P. Henry -s� _ c�,