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HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1985-11-07 RegularI i I I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION November 7, 1985 The Friend swood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, November 7, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following subjects were co nsidered. Miller -Chairman Todd Beeth Holt Brown Cress Beggs Councilman Prihoda Councilman Lee With a qu orum present and with none absent, the following bu siness was transacted. PRE APP -MR. POWERS -REGENCY ESTATES Mr. Powers presented a drawing of 2 lots (lots 11 and 12, Block 2, on the corner of Windsor and Sunset in Regency Estates). Mr. Powers would like to add 10' to lot 11 on which his house is located. The Planning and Zoning Commission had no objections as long as he complies with the short form procedures of the subdivision ordinance. They also reque sted he check his deed restrictions before proceeding with the replatting of his lots. PARK 518 -DON ROBERTS Mr. Roberts presented a final pla t of PARK 518, tract A which is a 4.1590 acres of land located on F.M. 518. MOTION: (CRESS) To grant fi nal approval of PARK 518 tr act A. SECOND: (HOLT) VOTE: FOR Brown, Miller, Todd, Beeth, Holt and Cress ABSTAINED: Beggs MOTION CARRIED I I I I I. l Page 2 November 7, 1985 POLLY RANCH -OAK STREET -10 ACRES Mark Millis presented a pre-app drawing of 10 acres located on Oak Street in Polly Ranch. Mr. Millis is considering subdividing the 10 acres into 8 lots. Part of the 10 acres is located in the floodway. The following items need clar ification. 1.The property is presently zoned MFR-L; rezoning wouldbe requ ired. 2.The cul-de-sac exceeded the 600' limit of the subdivisionordinance. 3.The 8 lots on the dr awing did not meet lot widthrequirements of the zoning ordinance. 4.Lots in a floodway must meet the requirements of theFlood Damage Prevention Ordinance. PARKWAY F.M. 528 AND WINDING WAY -MR. ROBERTS Mr. Roberts presented a preliminary plat of_6 reserves (B,C,D,E,F, AND G) located on F.M. 528 and Winding Way for approval. MOTION: (TODD) To grant preliminary approval of Parkway with the following to be shown on the milar for recording. SE COND: (HOLT) I.To show a 45' buildLng line toprotect.the po tential right�of-wayon F.M. 528. ·_ VOTE: FOR Todd, Holt, Miller and Beeth AGAINS T: Brown, Beggs and Cress. MOTION CARRIED IRISH GREEN OFFICE PARK -F.M. 528 David O'Farrell presented a site plan showing 3 commercial bui ldi ngs to be constructed on reserves C,D, and E located on F.M. 528. Reserve C has a pipeline through the corner of the reserve. MOTION: (TODD) To recommend to C9uncil approval of the commerci al site lay out with the following letter sent to City Counc il. I l I I Page '3 November 7, 1985 SECOND: (CRESS) VOTE: FOR: Todd, Cress, Beggs and Miller AGAINST: Brown MOTION CARRIED MEMO TO CITY COUNCIL: The Plann ing and Zoning Commission has ap proved a commercial site development that indicates a building to be located 10' from a pipeline easement. We believe that the site development conforms to the subdivision ordinance (E 3 b page 14) and we feel that the paragraph is unclear. We interprete this paragraph to require a distance of 40' from a pipeline only if the easement is not def ined. If the easement is defined the ordinance does.not define a distance. KENT BALLARD -THE PARK -DISCUSSION -PROPO SED STREET PLAN Kent Ballard presented a proposed plan for discussion for 12.7 acres located on F.M. 528. The 12.7 acres is zoned CSC with an 89' buffer strip which is zoned MFR-L between the CSC and the Pilgrims Point Subdivision. The proposed plan is for the buffer strip to be a boulevard into the CSC. Mr. Ballard told the Commission he would be willing to contact each of the home owners about his pro posal .. It was suggested by Commissioner Cress that after initial contact a letter be obtained from each of the homeowners confirming they understood what is proposed to be done. Another sug gestion was to have all the home owners contacted to attend.a Planning and Zoning meeting as an agenda item for discussion of the proposal. WILERNESS TRAILS -SOUTHERLY SIDE FROM: JAMES C. MORGAN -CITY MANAGER TO: DON FRANTZ -DATE:OCTOBER 29, 1985 SUBJECT: TRACTS ALONG SOUTHERLY SIDE OF WILDERNESS TRAILS DRIVE Dear Mr. Frantz: I am in receipt of your drawing which depicts the tracts of property lying on the southerly side of Wilderness Trails Drive. I I Page 4 November 7, 1985 As:.well as I can determine, this information should suffice insofar as the City's records are concerned. Since the intent is simply to des cribe the property as it exists this date, I see no requirement for review by the Clear Creek Drainage District or the City Engineer. It is sugge sted that you have your surveyor prepare a mylar of this information with provision for signatures of the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Commis sion. This complete information should then be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their review and subse quent approval prior to forwarding to the City Scretary. Thank you for your cooperation in providing this badly needed inform atio n to us for our records. MOTION: (C RESS) To accept the mylar as presented by Dr. Frantz for recording. SECOND: ( BEE TH) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR The meeting was adjourned. MOTION CARRIED h/ft / '/�uqf ...... �� -...