HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1976-11-04 RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION November 4, 1976 The Friendswood Planning & Zoning Commission met in a Regular Meeting on Thursday November 4, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present: Clyde Raney - Chairman Leah North Bob Phillips Ray Utley Tracy Spears Ken Fossler With a quorum present, and Jerry Phillips absent, the following business was transacted: CITIZENS IN AUDIENCE - SIGNING REGISTER John Heard Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Baker N.E. Norris W.E. McAndrews Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dillon Gay Stevens Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Gray R.I. Cameron Dot Greer Donna Powledge Dorothy Jones Robert A. Gardiner Jim Shelly K.B. Watts Gene Ellen Smith E.A. Klein Ed Shumilak T.L. Summers Dr. and Mrs. Don Miller Also Present: Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Ed Zeitler Councilman Bill Patton APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting on October 21, 1976 approved as corrected. The correction being changing the word re -plat to revised on Dunbar Estates Section IT. page 2 RE -ZONING CROWN CENTRAL - PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Cameron and Mr. Kline were present, Mr. Kline being a property owner within 200 feet of the property being considered for re -zoning. Mr. Kline stated his objection to the re -zoning (1) Noise (2) He cannot place a mobile home on his land which he feels is less objectionable than an oil well. Mr. Cameron purchased land from Mr. Kline which is approximately 800 feet from the well. Mr. Cameron stated his objection being the noise of the well and is in sympathy with Mr. Kline's mobile home placement problem. The Commission advised Mr. Kline he could request his land be considered for re -zoning. The men representing Crown Central assured Mr. Cameron, Mr. Kline and the Commission members the loud noise was a temporary condition. A map of the area was submitted as requested by the Commission. A motion was made. MOTION:(Spears) To recommend to Council the re -zoning of 4 acres as described in the minutes of 10/21/76 for the purpose of drilling an oil well. The Commission stated access to the well should be limited to Moore Road, with no ingress or egress across the bridge on Mandale Road. Second: Fossler Vote: Unanimous MOTION CARRIED PETITIONERS FROM QUAKERS LANDING AND EMPERE CHATEAU - PHASE III SALEM SQUARE APARTMENTS Mr. Raney -Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, turned the floor over to Mayor Ralph Lowe. Mayor Lowe had spoken with Mr. Hausman and Mr. Banfield by telephone and made them a proposal, the proposal being to reduce the number of apartments (if it met with the approval of the citizens, Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council) to approximately 60 apartments and the City to purchase the balance of approximately 2 acres for a city park, on the corner of Clearview and Quaker Drive. The owners have tentatively agreed to consider this proposal. The proposal was opened for discussion by citizens, Planning 5 Zoning members, Mayor Lowe, Councilman Zeitler and Councilman Patton. The citizens views were not to relent, but to negotiate the best possible situation for everyone. The citizens ask for a hearing for rezoning of 5.4 acres bounded on 3 sides by the streets Clearview, Quaker and Skyview. The Commission made a motion for a special meeting on Monday November 8, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. page 3 MOTION:(North) 1.) To call a special meeting for the purpose of calling a hearing of re -zoning approximately 5.4 acres of land, located on Quaker between Skyview and Clearview. 2) Call a hearing to consider re -wording of the Zoning Ordinance. 3.) Make any other recommendations or action concerning the above tract of land.'. Second: Spears Vote: Unanimous MOTION CARRIED The Commission received an interoffice memorandum from Mr. Morgan with a letter from the Crime Prevention Officer of the Friendswood Police Department. The memorandum and letter are attached to the minutes of November 8, 1976. MR. GARTRELL - DUNBAR ESTATES SECTION II FINAL APPROVAL Mr. Gartrell presented a plat of Dunbar Estates Section II to the Planning and Zoning Commission. It was suggested to Mr. Gartrell the radius of the cul-de-sac be changed for school bus service. The radius does comply with the ordinance. The following items must be complied with before submission for final approval. 1. Fire hydrants on Elmwood and Dogwood. 2. The length of the cul-de-sac on Dogwood does not comply with the ordinance and a request for variance for undue hardship is required. There will be a letter attached to these minutes from Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation to U.S. Homes Corporation of Texas, dated May 11, 1976, for future information. The Commission requested a memo be sent to the City Council advising the Council, that Dunbar Estates Subdivision is proposing to donate .826 acres of ground for the purpose of a City Park. The Planning 8 Zoning Commission would appreciate their comments. MR. GARTRELL - FRIENDSWOOD ESTATES ADDITION I --PRELIMINARY Mr.Gartrell presented a preliminary re -plat of Friendswood Estates Addition I. A motion was made. MOTION: (Fossler) To wave time requirements and grant final approval on Friendswood Estates Addition I, contingent on receiving a letter from the i drainage district and the milar for proper signatures. Second: Bob Phillips Vote: FOR (4) Ken Fossler, Bob Phillips, Ray Utley, and Tracy Speart AGAINST: (2) Leah North and Clyde Raney MOTION CARRIED Page 4 TERMS OF OFFICE Three positions on the Planning and Zoning Commission are up for re -appointment, Bob Phillips, Tracy Spears, and Clyde Raney, Chairman. Mr. Phillips and Mr. Spears said they would like to be re -appointed. Mr. Raney said he would not consider re -appointment but would work with the Commission until the changes in the Zoning Map and Ordinance are resolved. ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 p.m. Secretary V220 " I t s � �w Arl jr . � a D N6> 41,1Lo .� �0 n _n ,F t.,..! INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION TO: Planning and zoning Commission FROM: City Manager DATE: November 4, 1976 SUBJECT: New Apartment Complex Mrs. North and Gentlemen: Attached is a letter from the Crime Prevention Officer of the Friends - wood Police Department regarding traffic flow and crime problems which may he related to,the new apartment complex. I believe that the officer has addressed the major problems which are of concern to you in your review of the proposed complex and while he may not have all the answers that you desire, his report should be beneficial to you in arriving at a conclusion. I trust that if you have any additional questions you will let me know. respectfully, James C. Morgan City Manager JCM:Inw Attachment (1)