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P&Z Minutes 1976-10-21 Regular
MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 21, 1976 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Meeting on Thursday October 21, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present: Kenneth Fossler - Vice Chairman Bob Phillips Tracy Spears Jerry Phillips Ray Utley With a quorum present, and with Clyde Raney, Chairman and Leah North absent the following business was transacted: APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting on October 7, 1976 approved as read. RE -ZONING CROWN CENTRAL - Crown Central has ask to re -zone 4 acres for the purpose of drilling an oil well. The land is located in the Blanche Hovey, et at Well No. 1, 4 acres, Lots 60 6 61, Sec. 22, I6TN RR Co. Survey, A-616, Galveston County, Texas. The Commission members have requested a plat of the 4 acre tract to be re -zoned prior to the hearing. MOTION: (Spears) To call a hearing for November 4, 1976 for the purpose of re -zoning 4 acres to drill an oil well. Second: Utley Vote: Unanimous REV. TOM HIEGEL - NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY - The New Life Assembly Church has purchased 2 acres (300 X 297 feet) located on Whispering Pines to build a Sanctuary. The Commission advised the Reverend Hiegel of the following: 1) Check with Mr. James Morgan on the future of Whispering Pines. 2) Mr. Heaney, City Engineer on the water and sewer. 3) Returning to the Commission with a plot plan showing the existing street Whispering Pines, the parking and traffic flow and building location on the property. page 2 MR. GARTRELL - DUNBAR ESTATES SECTION II - PRELIMINARY RE -PLAT Mr. Gartrell presented a preliminary plat of Dunbar Estates Section II re -plat to the Planning 8 Zoning Commission. Mr. Gartrell was given a list of items by the City Engineer to be changed, he was given preliminary approval contingent on these items before final approval. The list will be attached to the minutes of 10/21/76. MOTION:(J. Phillips) To give preliminary approval to Dunbar Estates re -plat Section II contingent on the City Engineers list, to be completed before submission for final approval. Second: B. Phillips Vote: Unanimous CORRECTION TO THESE MINUTES CHANGE THE WORD RE -PLAT TO REVISED IN THE ABOVE. MR. BANFIELD AND MR. HAUSMAN - PHASE III SALEM SQUARE APARTMENTS Mr. Banfield and Mr. Hausman presented a Preliminary Plat of Phase III of Salem Square Apartments to the Planning and.Zoning Commission. CITIZENS IN AUDIENCE - SIGNING REGISTER 1. Dorothy M. Greer - 808 Quaker 2. Donna Powledge - #10 Whittier 3. Doris Heard - 409 Clearview 4. Linda K. Miller - 301 Clearview 5. Dr. Don Miller - 301 Clearview 6. Robert A. Gardiner - 408 Clearview 7. K. B. Watts - 809 Quaker Drive A list of questions were presented and discussed between the citizens, Mr. Banfield, Mr. Hausman, and commission members. These questions are attached to the minutes of 10/21/76. The commission advised Mr. Banfield and Mr. Hausman to get with the City Engineer, Mr. Heaney, regarding additional right-- of-way on Quaker. Quaker Drive is only 20' from center line to property line. An additional 10' is needed on Quaker Drive from Clearview to Skyview to allow for a storm sewer installation in the future. The Commission requested a memo be sent to Mr. Morgan, City Manager on the potential impact that the completion of this project could have on traffic control and fire protection warrants a review of the project's plans by the police and fire departments. page 3 FILM'N PHOTOS, INC. PRE -APPLICATION Film 'N Photo, Inc. presented an application to the Commission. The location to be in the Minimax parking area. The Commission finds that this project will meet the standards set forth in the district regulations of Ordinance #174 insofar as the responsibili- ties of the Planning & 'Zoning Commission. A memo is to be sent to Mr. James Morgan, City Manager to be assured of compliance with the City building code and other city regulations before a building permit be issued. MR. GEORGE ULBRICH - HARRIS ADDITION II On October 12, 1976 a memorandum was sent to Mr. J.C. Morgan City Manager, saying a copy of the Plat and deed of the street, an extension of Quaker Drive, transferring ownership to the City, be routed to the City Council for their information. The Commission has received no correspondence from the City Council. It was requested that the City Attorney, Mr. Olson meet with the Commission members and Mr. Ulbrich and to discuss the problem of Harris Addition II. ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. =etary APPROVED: October 185 1976 Mr. Tom Heaney City Engineer DUNBAR ESTATES SECTION 2 1. The following top of curb grades violate Section III. "Required improvements" Paragraph b 2a page 11, Subdivision Ord. 9210. Elmwood shows 0.20%, should be minimum 0.25%. 2. Dogwood Circle Shows 0.20% should be minimum 0.25%. 3. The intersection of Dogwood Circle and Maplewood shows "swale" which is a valley gutter, this violates Section III paragraph 5 page 12 Subdivision Ordinance #210. 4. Plans do not show what type of improvements are intended at Maplewood at Melody Lane intersection. SANITARY SEWER: 1. Use cast iron sewer pipe through junction manhole, install manway in top of box. 2. Back fill with cement stabilized sand where sewer and leads cross proposed pavement.. WATER SUPPLY LINE: 1. Move F. H from locations as shown to intersection of Elmwood and Dogwood. 2. Install blow offs instead of bushing valves. Use City's approved blow offs. 3. Where water line crosses proposed pavement back fill with cement stabilize sand. 4. Install additional valve on 61" at Elmwood also a 4" valve at same location. 5. Install additional 6" G.V. at Dogwood Circle. 6. Install 6" G.,V. at F.H. �. ob�ec`� `6 qa(--tmeris be+n buy It on Ike, v6ef- loccde-� 8k Y Uic A� �cea a1 wady wc�h three d-hen i ar �. afar Mer\-t (An �t5 l ocateJ w'r�h n Yards of �rn��sed snit _ a. (\O.f'f`c, er oblem aCre.OLdY exists a n iewuie w ) Sky Vr`e LJ and (*10 b al r-r O'd Y s-form wa*e-rs , �'Dca 'vie Sirtp-� in E Npere C�afea.rt J5ecomes ,\ ion e. visp, Qpwv:�,ie, lsu1ere0q 1 ►n a ray n � pro?er,ty oIue- OF neorby reside -noes ' 4cd- ran c I V-N valueOjo . �Ime, io oTects£ — SoLf�,Stics show I�i ) dens i hous l n brin nereQs e, l n uola i n 4yp(?.s © c0,1m e , O'n e.xpertences -in R\iends 'mood _ dove hid . 9, TncMaSe burden on sehoo k 1—axes tokezr- Cd no rQ oMiona�+e `�c nurnbc r, Er., 1 '�-i.F�,j ii� Y ;;f c-r.• .. Y1.. lSr��S. �.5;,'• � .l'7,� s,_, C�7ry, :��:ti��.;t� -h1.3 3-. �': ;?r.�r,ejj.r,!�• SALEM SQUARE PHASE I 70 APARTMENTS SALEM SQUARE PHASE IT 84 APARTMENTS VILLAGE SQUARE - 32 APARTMENTS r, SALEM SQUARE PHASE 11I 98 APARTMENTS