HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1976-05-06 RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 6, 1976 A Regular Meeting of the Planning 6 Zoning Commission was convened at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 6, 1976, at the City Hall with the following members present: Clyde Raney, Chairman Ray Utley Jerry Phillips Tracy Spears Bob Phillips Leah North With a quorum present, Leah North arrived at 8:00 p.m. and Kenneth Fossler absent, the following business was transacted: Minutes of April. 16, 1976 meeting were read and approved. R.R. GROVER (Sunset - Castlewood) - Proposes to cut a street between Castlewood and Mills off Sunset and subdivide into 10 lots. Water is available on Sunset. Mr. Grover is to check with city regarding sewer facilities. NYE ENGINEERING (Carl Nepute representing) - Final approval MOTION - (Tracy Spears) To gave final approval on drawings Second: Jerry Phillips Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MARK OLSON - (2.8 acres)- Merriwood next to park (2 lots) 100' by 220' by 127' lots. With street and utilities available this property would fall under the proposed ordinance change which would permit subdividing without follow- ing the standard subdivision procedure. Mr. Olson's concern was bringing the sewer line across Merriwood prior to paving of the street. The street paving is to be done in the near future. The Commission advised him to bring the sewer line across the street and the ordinance would be changed before he is ready for building. ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made for adjournment by Tracy Spears. The meeting was adjourned. 4-e, Secretary pproved _ •�3 r—. r TEXAS F!AST ERN'�'�r,2ne���sr� DECKER DRIVE ` a YTOWN, TEXAS GCORGE: W. COMANICH t,IANAGER may ll, 1976 POST OFFICE 13OX 426 PHONE 713.424.8511 U. C. Home Corporation of Toxaa P. Q. Draver D Stafford, TOXas 77477 Attentions Mr. Brar ax►noil, fee President ....� m..,. r..,..,.....r., l n..,..., ...., , 1 RE: PV06W T l�wodd br ve, . Duubax Zatatea Subdivision, croaa- ing 30" ti,no #16, mp '394.1.64 C4alveoton County, Texas Gentl Pmen s Ao . roqte4tva bar your aonstatui�t onginc�er, fir. JE W. Gartrel.l,, and' dl4dlle�ood& vrith`your'Pix. John Carr, attached to a Preliminary Cost Batriwate„of $+),,bit? .,on4,prgvlt?g. Tri-4-26`T ohcwing plena to l oiiet thd. 1nbt 1 a�sl5rt �ci t y Q ' of 30" pipe and 67' ©f 36" caai fag to allow Tanglarvod Drive streot conatruction over our fi5' right -of -ray. Since i'7o hold prior rigbto at this location, we roqupot W. D. Rom to Pay for natim! coat of ad juatments. Mr..Qarr racked that a copy of the plLtna and eoti=te bc* eent to tii'; GOtral,l and that you iroul.d consider other alternatives to gain scacgs o the portion of ]Dwibar Erstatea Subdivision Section e 1.66atgd riokh of our aanauaent o Innir,allation of oplXt• casing only I•r0414 rs04t approxcimately $1o,00o. 1Te *.1ca note that Helody tihhad ia46' beon ty'Vioned from *-W ri.ght- -of -way to 60' right -of-' tray goad this road dodicated to Galvoetvn Count!{ with ariphalt puvement indtalled.. We Frill raqueat CEal.vevton County to pay for a portion of the coat of eiimofxig thin 60' right- of-way. Pleaup advi.on if you ere Involvod Srith thio road eridening. Yours vary truly/ TIMAS.EASTERN TFi 1 10 TO1F] CORP. George W. Coma.ni.ch, Manager (higitull Signed By EDDIE, 13. 1LUVflL1'0N FA a 13o llamllton gnginao7ing Supervisor ]A , Atta. menu ir. J. 14. Gartrello Jr. P - 0. Raz 302 ha Mi rquo, Toxaa 77568 11 � ef•