HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1976-06-24 SpecialMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 24, 1976 The Friendswood Planning 8 Zoning Commission met in a Special Session on Thursday June 24, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present: Clyde Raney - Chairman Kenneth Fossler - V-Chairman Leah North Bob Phillips Tracy Spears Jerry Phillips (arrived 8:05) Ray Utley (arrived 8:10) Paul Maaz - Council Rep. With a quorum present, the following business was transacted. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting on June 17, 1976, approved as read. MR. PLATT THOMPSON - PRESTRESS CONCRETE - Mr. Platt Thompson talked to the commission and department heads regarding specification of slab foundations. The information he provided is VA AND FHA approved. Mr. Thompson will furnish the commission drawings of cross sections of sample foundations to be used in clarification of an ordinance. MR. AND MRS. BAKER - PRE -APPLICATION - HERITAGE ESTATES The Bakers purchased 2 1/2 acre tract from Dr. Fairleigh's 5.2 acre tract home site. The Bakers are to build a home on Providence Drive in Heritate Estates. The tract has not been previously subdivided, but kept by Dr. Fairleigh for a homesite. The Planning 8 Zoning Commission agreed to give both Preliminary and final approval at July 1 meeting if proper documents are presented. PLANNING 8 ZONING COMMISSION - DEPARTMENT HEAD AND COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE FOR COMMUNICATION Jim Morgan Tom Haney Ray Skinner Terry Burnett (Mr. Skinners replacement) The inspector stated that he would like to have a copy of all approved plates for their file showing all easements. He would 1 also like a list of ordinances. Mr. Morgan is to provide a routing check list to the commission for commercial building plats and one for subdivision plats. This information is to be available before the next regular meeting on July 1. Rl 1 n{;F.T Mr. Raney Chairman presented a proposed budget to the commission members to be submitted to council with a letter of explination attached stating why their has been an increase in the commission budget request. MOTION: (Fossler) To submit the proposed budget with attached letter. Second: North Vote: Unanimous FOR ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned. Z& z'� Secretary Approved `�tv1 Irx��F SOUTHERM BUILDIMG CODE COMGRESS IMTERMAIIOMAL, IM , 900 MONTCLAIR RD. 7307 -nIFSIANDANDCODES. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 35213 r (205) 591-1853 e City of Friendswood H City of Friendswood • 10g Willowick I • Attention: George Calk Friendswood, TX 77546 P . 109 Willowick T T Friendswood, TX 77546 o • Attn: Accounting Dept. DATE 1/3/80 YOUR ORDER NO. 7307 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST EXTENSION TAX SHIPPING ORDERED SHIPPED 2 Standard Building Code 15.00 30.00 Amendments —Building Standard Plumbing Code Amendments —Plumbing Standard Gas Code Amendments --Gas Standard Mechanical Code Amendments —Mechanical Standard Housing Code Amendments —Housing Standard Fire Prevention Code Amend ments—Fi re I TOTAL 30.00 FORM 5775--REV. 5-77 QUALITY PRESS PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH REMITTANCE, SOUTHERM BUILDHIG CODE (011GRESS IMTERHMMIAL,11%. 900 MONTCLAIR RD. % �] (�j -rne STAHI)AID COME' BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 35213 r J V f (205) 591-1853 e L, • L T o • City of Friendswood H City of Friendswood 109 Willowi^k I • Attention: George Calk Friendswood, TX 77546 P . 109 iNillowick T Friendswood, TX 77546 o • Attn: Accounting Left. DATE V3180 YOUR ORDER NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION ORDERED SHIPPED ?, Standard Building Code Amendments —Building Standard Plumbing Code Amendments —Plumbing Standard Gas Code Amendments —Gas Standard Mechanical Code Amendments —Mechanical Standard Housing Code Amendments —Housing Standard Fire Prevention Code Amendments —Fire UNIT COST i5.00 EXTENSION I TAX 30.00 7307 SHIPPING TOTAL 30.00 Fonm 5775--REV. 5-77 QUALTTY PRESS LEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH REMITTANCE.