HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-04-04 RegularNOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Wi_llowick,.friendswood, Texas on: T14URSDAY APRIL 4, 1974 7,30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2. INFORMATION REPORTS (See attached last.) 3. BUILDING PERMITS (routine) Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department A. J. Harper for Colonial Coiffures Ron's Crispy Fried Chicken Any other routine building permits. 4. REZONING REQUESTS 1974-6 Ratify action calling hearing in regard to request for specific Use: Oil Wells and related structures on Lot 15 Van Pelt Subdivision. 5. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates, Section Three - Presentation of Preliminary Plans 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Any routine business which may be brought up before the Commission. 7. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATE Leah P. North, Secretary I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the thrity-first day of March, 1974, at 11,'/0 o'clock P.M. [ O'd c Planning and 'Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-4-4-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 4, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall on April 4, 1974. Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of Chairman C. C. Bost, who was absent because of illness. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice_Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Jim Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Clyde Raney Ed Zeitler, Council Representative Members of the audience signing the register were: Dorothy Jones, #1 Whittier Drive, 482-1208. Robert Cailleteau, 631 Quaker Drive, 482-7458. Edward A. Spelis, 307 Clearview, 482--3687. James E. Page, 401 Clearview, 482-2584. Bruce J. Goss, 309 Stonehenge Lane, 482-1322 A. J. Harper, 201 Heritage, 482-2684. 1, MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. March 14, 1974 -- Approved as presented. March 28, 1974 - Approved as presented. 2. BUILDING PERMITS. Colonial Mr. A. J. Harper presented a survey of lots which he owns Coiffures near the intersection of Morningside and East Heritage Drive, (8:00) along with a sketch of proposed parking. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that Mr. Harper should obtain additional dimensions for the Commission for us to consider at the next meeting. Friendswood VFD No representatives were present, so no discussion. (8:30) 3. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Apartment Mrs. Dorothy Jones presented some figures comparing the cost of Policy apartment units versus single family units. These figures were (8:30) based on information received from Tax Assessor -Collector Alta Carbone. FPZC-M-4-4-74 2 Miscellaneous Business (continued) $883 Per student per year in FISD TAXES Per SCHOOL Year CITY DRAINAGE DENSITY PER ACRE Average $25,000 Average Home - About 50% Apartment of homes in FW $330.00 $118.00 150.00 81.11 25.00 9.01 505.00 $208.12 3.3 Houses 18 Apartments 16 People 63 people (2 child, 1.5 adults 8 vehicles 25 vehicles 10 students 36 students $109 paid per $59 paid per student student Her conclusion was that it is more economically feasible to put in single family residences. Mrs. Jones was particularly interested in the apartment area at the corner of Clearview and Quaker Drive. She felt that the three subdivisions in this area of $50,000 plus homes should be taken"into consideration by the Planning Commission and that another 5.89 acres of apartments was not needed. She concluded by saying that she and some other residents would like to get this area rezoned if possible and asking how this could be requested. Members of the audience agreed. A discussion followed. North suggested that they could wait until the results of our study of the Comprehensive Plan is completed. Phillips suggested that they petition theCity Council. Spears mentioned that there was a present problem concerning, adequate sewage and road access if apartments were planned at the present time. Final consensus of the Commission was that the residents could petition either to the Planning Commission or the City Council, but that it would be better to petition the City Council if action were desired prior to the results of the study of the Comprehensive Plan. Bruce Goss Mr. Bruce J. Goss appeared to present his plans to operate an Art Foundry art foundry and workshop which he would like to locate in (9:52) Friendswood. In response to questioning, Mr. Goss stated that the foundry would make light use of welding, would make light castings of bronze and aluminum, the products of sculptors and artists. Bronze sundials on art bases might also be produced. They would have a melt furnace not over 500 pounds, which the EPA does not object to. Use of the building would be about one-third materials storage, one-third foundry, and one-third sales. There would be a very minimal showroom. They would utilize the lost wax process. There would be very little noise. The furnace would be flued for safety. Heat and natural gas products would be emitted. Some emissions from heating metal. Building size would be about 50 by 100. 3 FPZC-M-4-4-74 Art Foundry Ccontinuedj Some deliveries would be necessary. Two thousand pounds of bronze should last two or three weeks. Emissions are nothing that would be hazardous, but he doesn't,�run an analysis of the metals. Copper, lead and tin are to be used. Acids would be hauled and dumped at approved places. Most operations would be at night. Shore asked if he would be willing to limit the size and number of furnaces. Goss did not like to be limited on the number. Shore stated that he had a hang-up on the size of the operation, how clean it would be, and how it would be handled. Mr. Goss stated that there was aplace downtown which we could see. The Commission agreed that they would like to see an operation before taking any action. Mr. Goss will be back in two weeks. 4. BUILDING PERMITS Ron's Crispy Mr. Jim Gawlik presented an overall elevation of the proposed Fried Chicken building, a blue -line drawing of the sign to go on the fascia, and Attach (9:40) a memo from Clovis Heimsath recommending that we adopt his design. #2 MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Fossler, that the building permit be approved. MOTION PASSED, 3-2. For: Phillips, Fossler, North. Against: Spears, Shore. Discussion of the fascia sign(s) followed. It was the consensus of the Commission that the size of the fascia sign as presented was within the fifty square foot limitation stated in the Zoning Ordinance. A sign on the side fascia was also proposed, however. Spears questioned this second sign. Discussion followed. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, that only one fascia sign be permitted. MOTION PASSED, 3-2. For: Against: Fossler, North. 5. MISCELANEOUS BUSINESS Spears, Shore, Phillips (who first abstainer Crown Central #5 Mr. Orville Haynie and Mr. W. E. McAndrews, Jr. were present in Ware #1 well regard to drilling at Ware #1 well. Rezoning at this site is in (10:25) progress, but their drill rig is available now. They would like to start drilling at this site and take the business risk that they would be able to obtain rezoning. In response to questions, it was determined that there were no other owners within two -hundred feet of the well. MOTION WAS MADE. by North, seconded by Phillips, that the Commission recommend approval of Crown Central's request to go forward with their operations at Ware #1 subject to the results of the May 2 public hearing. MOTION PASSED, 3-0-2. For: Spears, Phillips, North. Abstaining: Shore, Fossler. FPZC-M-4-4-74 4 6. REZONING REQUESTS Crown Central RR-1974-5 Crown Central RR-1974-6 7. SUBDIVISIONS #5 MOTION WAS MADE by Fossler, seconded by Phillips that a public hearing be held on May 2 at 9 P.M. for both RR-1974-5 (Crown #6 Central request #5) and RR-1974-6 (Crown Central request #6), both requests being for the rezoning of R-1 Single family areas to Specific Use: Oil wells and related structures. It was necessary to include both in this motion, since a previous motion to hold the hearings on April 25 had not been put in the. paper in time. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Heritage Estates No one was present to present Heritage Estates Preliminary Plan. Section Three (11:00) 8. INFORMATION REPORTS 1) Polly Ranch Estates. Results of the survey made by Robert C. Smith for the Attach City of Friendswood indicate that the common lot line between lots 6 and 7 #3 of the re -plat of Polly Ranch Estates is actually twelve and a half feet from the line as surveyed by Mr. Gartrell. This substantially corroborates the claim made by Mrs. Louise Bacon, a lot owner, that the lot line was thirteen feet off. The question was raised as to whether the rest of the plat was off, if this line was off. Also, the new lot line passes through the slab of a house under construction. It was reported that engineer Gartrell was moving his original stakes to conform with the City's survey. Since a road has already been cut through, based on the original survey, question was raised regarding the necessity of a re -plat showing actual locations. No action. 2) Kallus lot: Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. The Secretary reported being contacted by a possible purchaser of this lot who had been told by the real estate salesperson that houses were to built behind this lot and a road put in. Spears wondered how the Commission could flag this lot. North reported that she had already sent a memo to the City Manager, Zoning Administrator, and Building Official requesting that any request for a building permit be relayed to the Commission. 3) Lot #28, Quaker's Landing. The Secretary handed out copies of the report of Attach The comittee to recommend the disposition of the lot in Quaker's Landing which #4 is to be given away by Amoco Pipeline. Recommendation of the Committee, chaired by Roger Mills, was that the lot be deeded to the City of Friendswood, to be subsequently sold as a residential building site and that the revenue received as a result of this sale be used to additionally equip the Friendswood Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Service. This recommendation was accepted by the Council on April 1. 4) Personal Liability of Planning Commission members. The Secretary handed out copies of a memo from the City -Manager -covering a talk with Riley Fletcher, Counsel for the Texas Municipal League. The conclusion was that while the Planning Comission Attach could be sued for actions taken by it as a body, that the loss of such a suit #5 was very unlikely. 5 FPZC-M-4-4-74 Attach #6 ACTION ACTION Attach #7 Information Reports (continued) 5) Subdivision in ETJ in Harris County. The Secretary handed out copies of a memo from the City Manager regarding Subdivision enforcement in the ETJ. He has written Harris County Judge Bill Elliott (Commissioner's Court), talked with City of Houston Planning Department, and written to U. S. Homes, suggesting that they should send a representative to meet with the Planning Zommission. No contact has yet been made in Wedgewood. 6) Autumn HIlls Rest Home rezoning,The Secretary reported that Mr. Fleck has contacted the City questioning the requirement of deeding a sixty -foot right-of-way as a condition of the rezoning of the Autumn Hills Rest Home. Spears stated that this was between the buyers of Autumn Hills and Mr. Fleck, which expressed the consensus of the Commission. The Commission also reiterated that this right-of-way was necessary because of increased traffic generated by the enlarged facility and a requirement of orderly development in the area. 7) Wofford tract. The Secretary reported that a sewerline was being laid to service this tract of land, which is reportedly divided by metes and bounds into commercial and residential tracts, the latter of which may not meet our subdivision requirements, The consensus was that they should appear before the Commission. 8) Dunbar rezoning request. Fossler asked the status of the Dunbar request. The Secretary reported that a certified letter, receipt requested, had been sent, asking Mr. Bloodworth to make contact with us, but that no reply had been received. 9) 8" slab in Windson . It was reported that a building permit had been issued for a residence in Windsong, but that the slab height was only 8" above natural ground, in conflict with the Planning Commission recommendation of 18" which we thought was being enforced. Spears directed the S cretary to write a memo to City Manager Morgan in regard to this. 9. CALLING OF SPECIAL MEETING AND ADJOURNMENT The Chairman called a special meeting for next Thursday to consider the unfinished business of tonight's meeting, particularly the parking plan for Colonial Coiffures. Planning Consultant Atkinson will be invited to discuss revision of the Comprehensive Plan. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.. Approved / r I