HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-02-21 RegularFPZC-M-2-21--74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOO D PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 21, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, February 21, 1974. Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman None Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James B. Shore AUDIENCE Those signing the register were'' George Biscamp, Box 796, League City, 332-2122. Fred McAllister, 18222 Barbuda, Nassau Bay, 333-3590. W. F. Revely, 4127 Clovernook Lane, Seabrook, 474-4535. Chris Perner, 506 Fairdale Road, 482-7079. 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. February 4, 1974 - Approved as presented. February 7, 1974 - Approved as presented. February 14, 1974 - Approved as presented. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. B. Subdivision Ordinance. Passed by City Council on February 18, 1974. C. Sign Ordinance. Raney stated that he had read the Denver Ordinance and it is even stricter than what we had proposed. He feels that it would be defensible here, and that we need to find out why the feeling of the Council is what it is. D. Flood Insurance Ordinance. North stated that this had been in the City Engineer's hands for some time now and that as soon as she can re -read it, it can be presented to Council. ACTION E. Rezoning of High School. City had taken no action. Secretary was directed to Attach notify the City again and ask for an answer. #1 F. Rezoning of other FISD pro2erty_. No action from FISD. Secretary was directed to remind them again with a letter signed by the Chairman. G. Rezoning of City properties. The Commission needs to set a date for the public hearing on the Municipal Site. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. There was discussion of the proper I. Rezoning of Fire Station Site. action to be taken on this. Shore FPZC-M-2-21-74 2 Information Reports (continued) questioned what the status of the Master Plan of Coward Creek Subdivision would be now that the rezoning is not going through. N. Coward Creek Subdivision. This subdivision has still not been filed, although it was approved last June. No deed restrictions have been received by the City. 0. Mustang Meadows S/D. It was agreed that this item could be eliminated from'the list. P. Polly Ranch S/D. Developers of Polly Ranch a^e conferring with the City Council in regard to the agreement concerning sewers. Q. Dow Pipeline. A letter needs to be sent to Dow stating that we have not yet received the necessary application for Specific Use. R. Amoco Pipeline. Public hearing for rezoning to Specific Use has been called for the twenty-eighth. S. National Investor's Hedge. Can be dropped from information reports. T. I1.legal signs. Action by City unknown. Secretary directed to request a written report on status. Copies of request to City Council. U. School Bus Barn. A general discussion of how the bus barn came to be approved at its present location took place. U. Any other information reports. None. 1974 A. 0 en meetings law and open records law. The Secretary will run copies for the Commission. B. Illegal trailers. There is a notice of Board of Adjustment hearing in regard to this scheduled for next Thursday. A discussion on enforcement or lack of enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance followed. Questions of whether a variance is provided for this problem and whether a variance can be legally granted by the Board of Adjustment were raised, but not answered. At this point the City Manager arrived and gave us some additional information. 1973-A. Status: Quaker Drive R-0 41 interruption. The City Manager stated that he had been unable to contact Mr. Kallur, who owns the lot now. The Secretary stated that the minutes reflected that Dr. Fairleigh had promised to acquire the ten feet for the City. U. School bus barn. They are building again. The first complaint against them in regard to set -back) was satisfied by the granting of a variance by the Board of Adjustment. The second complaint involved improper zoning. Nothing has come in on application for rezoning. ACTION Attach ACTION Attach # *361-. ACTION Attach # T. Illegal Signs. _ Mr. Cline has received from telephoned replies, but no follow-upACTION has been made. A report will be given next week. 1974-C. Greenbriar S/D. Section One. The City Manager thinks this was filed the same date as Heritage Estates in January. 3 FPZC-M-2-21-74 Information Reports (continued) ACTION 1974-H. Esoteric Art Center - Zoning Violation. Mr. Brown was sent a letter by the City Zoning Administrator after he had poured the concrete. The City Manager said that he would follow up on this. North asked him if he needed a memo. He said this was not necessary. D. Simpson Apartments. Raney asked the current status. He was told that Mr. Mr. Simpson has contacted the Board of Adjustment. G. Pine Shadows Subdivision. In hands of City Council, but was not put on agenda. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Biscamp: Mr. George Biscamp, of Biscamp Consturction Company was in Mustang Auto attendance to present a drawing of a metallic building to be Parts used as an auto parts house. This would be located at the (8:25) corner of West Spreading Oaks and South'Friendswood Drive. He has in mind setting it back fifty or sixty feet. Lot size is 100 feet by 150 feet. The building would be approximately fifty by sixty and set five feet off the lot line. He does own another lot next to the corner lot, which is 80 feet by 100 feet. Actual depth of these lots is 290 feet, but he is inter- ested only in the front 150 feet. He could move this proposed building to the inside lot. Phillips questioned whether 25 feet was sufficient to maneuver in the rear of the building. Fifteen parking spaces are needed at one space for every 200 square feet, according to Fossler. North asked what the color of the mansard was planned to be. Mr. Biscamp answered that it would be mustang blue because the auto parts store was planned as Mustang Auto Parts. "Movie"Sign Mr. Fred McAllister and Mr. Chris Perner presented sketches of (9:00) a proposed sign advertising the Movies. A problem has arisen in that the sign is larger than the fifty square feet allowed in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Perner stated that the original plan for the sign had included flashing lights, but that it had been agreed that a single molded piece of plastic would be used instead. North questioned the use of red and yellow as colors in the sign, but was told that this was part of the copy right. A discussion followed regarding the proper authority to handle the sign. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that the Commission recommend to the Board of Adjustment that a variance be granted to accept the movie sign as presently planned to be erected on the existing poles at the Captian's Corner Shopping Center. MOTION PASSED, 6-1, Fossler dissenting because he questioned whether this should be sent to the Board of Adjustment. McAllister and Perner took the copied of the proposal and will FPZC-M--2-21-74 4 Municipal Site (9:32) Fire Station Theater 4. SUBDIVISIONS have them redrawn Bost will check the redrawn plans. Mayor Lowe was present to discuss changing of the Municipal Site from cne corner of Stevenson Park to the other. He has talked with the Parks and Wildlife Department. They would support this change if the City would write letter requesting it. Mayor Lowe does not want to make the rquest until the Planning Commission and the City Council and the Fire Department say that it is all right. The Commission agreed that changing the site would be preferable. Planning Consultant Atkinson commented that it would be too bad if there were not room in front of the Fire Station to pull the truck out on. Fossler questioned whether the request for building permit had been received by the City. The Secretary had no record that it had. Heritage Estates Heritage Estates, Section Two was presented for Preliminary Section Two Approval by James Gartrell. The Secretary noted that the (9:50) plans had just come in Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Gartrell maintained that he had given plans to the City Manager in January. The Secretary knew of no such plans.Spears noted that Preliminary Plans are to be submitted to the Commission, while Final Plans are to be submitted to the City Manager. Fossler asked if three sets had been delivered. Gartrell says five sets have been delivered so far. Anmemo from Mr. Morgan stated plans were approved by Heaney and Toon. Attach North objected to the length of the block (1700 feet), saying that it was in violation of both the new and the old subdivision ordinances. Spears objected to the objection, stating that this had been decided long ago. MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Spears, that Preliminary Approval be given to Heritage Estates, SEction Two. MOTION PASSED, 5-2. For: Bost, Spears, Phillips, Raney, Fossler. Against: North, Shore. Shore stated that he thought it was time we started following procedure. North voted against because the block was too long and violation of the subdivision ordinance. The attorney will be questioned in regard to the dedication ACTION of the right-of-way. Raney suggested that Mr. Gartrell could help us in redrawing 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS the procedures to fit the new ordinance. Gartrell agreed. Raney left (10:40) ETJ Planning The Secretary read a memo from the City Manager dated Feb. 20 concerning the Commission's thought regarding planning in 5 FPZC--M-2--21-74 Attach #) :3 our Harris County ETJ. The City Attorney has informed him that we have the authority to impose our restrictions in both Forest Bend and Wedgewood. He would like for us to discuss the extent of the planning which we would like to initiate in these areas. Action was deferred until the next meeting. 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT Driveway, Sidewalk, Bob Atkinson presented Driveway, Sidewalk and Paqrking Parking Standards standards. These standards were discussed at length, but no (10:45) final action taken. S. ELECTION OF OFFICERS (11:50) Nominations were opened for Chairman. Spears nominated Bost. Fossler moved that nominations be closed, seconded by Phillips. Motion passed unanimously and Bost was acclaimed Chairman. Spears nominated North for Secretary. Shore nominated Spears for Vice -Chairman. Fossler moved, seconded by Phillips, that nominations be closed for Vice -Chairman. Motion passed unanimously and Spears was acclaimed Vice -Chairman. Attach Fossler_moved, seconded by Shore, that nominations be closed for Secretary. #lz Motion passed unanimously and North was acclaimed Secretary. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:52. Spears returned Zoning Primer. Phillips requested that Building Permit lists be obtained on a more regular basis. � iJ-o �J)_ �-) .2 ') � C, Secretary Approved: �' "