HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-05-23 RegularFPZC-5-23-74 Noti ce NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Fri endswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on: THURSDAY MAY 23, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2. INFORMATION REPORTS 7:30 3. JOINT SESSION WITH CITY COUNCIL Consider replacement for the vacant Commission position. 8;00 4. PLANNING CONSULTANT Driveway, Parking and Sidewalk Standards Comprehensive Plan 9:00 5. HEARING on REZONING REQUESTS RR-1974-7 Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family residential) to Specific Use: Oil Well and related structures - a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A-624, the southeast corner of said four acre tract being located 930 feet west and 250 feet north of the southeast corner of said 250 acre tract. RR-1974--8 Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family Residential) to Specific Use: Oil Well and related structures - a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A-624, the northeast corner of said four acre tract being located 2930 feet west and 265 feet south of the northeast corner of said 250 acre tract. 6. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS AND REFERRALS Lobella gym Any other routine permits 7. SUBDIVISIONS - Heritage Estates III, Request for Preliminary Approval 8. VFI-S-CELLANEOUS BUSINESS Preparation of 1974-75 budget Any other routine business 9. ADJOURNMENT Secretary I certify that the above notice of meeting was osted on the bulletin bgapd at the City Hall on the nineteenth day of May, 1974, at 11: 5 'c1`gc�,P M. �_ .1 �_(p D �2 Secrgta,ry FPZC-M-5-23-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 23, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on May 23, 1974. Chairman Tracy Spears presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Vacancy Clyde Raney, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Jim Shore Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. AUDIENCE Attached list follows minutes. Also present were all members of Council except Mr. Windler who was represented by proxy and Mayor Lowe. 1. SELECTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER TO FILL VACANCY Chairman Spears introducedMayor Ralph Lowe. Mayor Lowe stated that he wished to discuss a plan to chose the Planning Commission member. He proposed that the names of all nominees be put on the board. All Planning Commission members and Council members would then vote in the following manner: If six names are suggested, then each person voting would list all six names, giving his first choice six votes, second choice five votes, and so forth. The person having the most number of votes would be appointed. This proposal was agreed to by common consent. The names of Roger Mills, Sara Wiegel, Dorothy Jones, Janis Koenig, John Tirado, and Ray Kaufhold were put on the board. Roger Mills requested that his name be removed because of alck of time to adequately serve the Commission. He thanked the group for the honor of being considered. Following this, each person spoke briefly, answering questions from the Commission and Council. City Manager Morgan and Mr. Bill McAndrews from Crown Central were appointed to count votes. Following the vote and the tally, the City Manager announced that John Tirado had received the most votes. The Commission thanked the rest of the nominees for allowing their names to be placed in nomination and invited Mr. Tirado to join the Commission during the rest of the meeting, although he could not yet vote with the Commission. He will be sworn in at Monday's Council meeting. 2. MINUTES May 2, 1974 - Approved as presented. May 16, 1974 - Approved as presented. 3. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Dow Pipeline Mr. 011ie Tuwnsend, representative of a committee working through Village Green Civic Club presented a petition signed by 100% of the Village Green property owners with one exception, which FPZC-M-5-23-74 2 read as follows: " To : The City of Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission. We, the undersigned, being property owners within the City of Friendswood, and that property being within 200 feet of the proposed Dow Chemical Corporation's carbon monoxide pipeline; respectfully petition the planning and zoning Commission to retain residential zoning in the proposed -- pipeline's path. Further, we request the disapproval of any new pipeline installation within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood. We submit that this request is in keeping with the purposd of the Friendswood Zoning Ordinance No. 174, Section 1, which properly seeks to promote the general welfare of the City, preserve the character of the district, conserve the value of buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land. We respectfully, and earnestly, request your support in maintaining the residential character of Friendswood." Mr. Donald R. Starbuck of 310 Stratmore presented the same petition signed by ninety one residents. He stated that only one person had elected not to sign the petion. He listed three things which he felt were representative of the attitude of people he had talked to. First, there was a resentment toward Dow for going so far without contacting the City in regard to rezoning. Second, there was a concern in regard to the economic impact the pipeline would have on the homes. Thirdly, there was a concern regarding the safety of the line. (This petition was circulated in the Kingspark-Whitehall area within 200 feet of the proposed line.) Mr. Townsed presented a packet to each Commission containing copies of the petition and of Federal regulations. lie also read a letter to the Commission requesting that the Commission contact the Railroad Commissioner Byron Tunnel and request that a public hearing be held before the Railroad Commission grants a permit, so that the citizens would have a chance to give their views. Dottie Redd, President of the Westwood PTO presented a letter signed by all member officers of the PTO and Westwood Principal Curtis Wilson expressing concern in regard to the proposed pipeline and urging the Commission not to grant a Specific Use Permit within the corporate limits of Friendswood to Dow Chemical. All action was deferred until a later date. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING Crown Central #7 Chairman Spears called the hearing to order to consider the RR-1974-7 rezoning of two four acre tracts of land out of a 250 acre tract of land know as the Segelquist tract. Crown Central #8 RR--1974-8 Mr. McAndrews stated that they wished to zone back to R-1 3 FPZC-M-5-23-74 tract which was asked to be zoned to specific use - oil well in Rezoning Request #RR-1974- (Ware #1 well). Commissioner Raney stated that we would like a letter from Crown Central stating that they no longer require the Specific Use -Oil Well. Mr. Bill McAndrews and Mr. 0. K. Haynie were present represent- ing Crown Central Petroleum. Mr. Billy Verkin and Mr. M. L. Powers were present as two of the three landowners of the tract involved. Mr. Ed Lipp was also present, being the District Exploration Manager for Crown Central. An extended discussion followed. The unresolved problems involving the placing of the oil wells at minimum disadvantage to the property owners, who are desiring to develop a subdivision in this area. Kenneth Fossler left at 9:50, prior to the end of the discussion. Because final decisions on the placing of the wells cannot be decided until additional study has been done, the Commission agreed to table any action until more information is in and the principals involved can reach agreement substantially on what is the best way to go. During the discussion the land owners mentioned the problem of stray bullets from the rifle range coming onto their land. Phillips left at the end of this discussion. 5. BUILDING PERMITS Mustang Meadows Mr. Tommy Rives appeared before the commission respresenting Mr. J. D. Kirkland who purchase land in the old Mustang Meadows area and was refused a building permit. The oil company (EXXON) had agreed that they could use the Exxon private road. He wanted to know how they could build a house there. Chairman Spears told him that no permits could be issued in this area. This is an area which has no'City utilities, no City streets and is boing sold by metes and bounds. During the discussion Mr, Rives stated that they had been told that there were no pipeline easements there. Commission member. Raney asked who had told them this. Rives did not know. He was told that there is,a blanket easement on this land - that the companies are not limited to a particular specified corridor, but may put anything anytime anywhere they please. 6. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates Mr. James Gartrell was present to ask preliminary approval of Section III Heritage Estates Section Three. FPZC-M-5-23-74 4 Heritage Estates III (continued) Considerable discussion followed as to when what plans had or had not been submitted. No comment had been received from City Engineer Heaney. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that preliminary approval be given contingent on City Engineer Heaney and Water and Sewer Superintendent Toon giving approval to the submitted set of drawings, with the lot line on adjoining tract lA to be corrected and with the understanding that without a comment from the City Manager that final approval would not be granted. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Drainage District Mr. Gartrell said that he would bring the Commission a Map right-of-way map of the Drainage District showing floodways. 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT Driveway Standards Spears requested that Bob Atkinson bring the completed standards to him and he will have it worked up in ordinance form. Atkinson said that it had been proofed and was ready for this. Comprehensive Plan Atkinson presented a map of existing land use in the City. He also presented a preliminary zoning plan which was then discussed. He recommended that the present industrial areas as well as mobile homes parks be left as non- conforming uses. Density of cluster houses could be from five to eight per acre. He also recommended planning for purchase of additional land around the present City Hall. In the circulation plan, he has had some difficulty in linking Friendswood Link Road and an arterial west of Friendswood Drive. He would like to talk to us about this the next time he is at our meeting. Atkinson left the maps presented and a couple of prints for the Commission to mark up further. 8. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Lobella Qym. North reported that the Fire Marshall would not be able to look at it until this week -end. She reported that in a conversation with Mr. Brame of Brame Construction that he had said that more complete drawings would be submitted, that the drainage of the parking lot and from the roof could be taken care of. B. Mary Queen Catholic Church Pole Building. North reported that Building Inspector Jones had given her a brochure which described a pole building which the Catholic Church wished to put up for storage. No data was available on wind load at this time. Father Johnwants to know whether he can build it or not. More information was deemed necessary. This should be submitted as in a Commercial District. c. Autumn Hills. North reported a phone conversation with Cauble on Autumn Hills. He would get after their attorney if the attorney had not reported a contact with City Attorney Hooks within two days. D. Fire Code. North reported that Council did not pass the Fire Code on an emergency basis. 5 FPZC-M-5-23-741 Information Reports (continued) 9. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 1974-75 Budget 10. ADJOURNMENT E. Commercial Regulations. The Commercial REgulations proposed by the Commission were passed on an emergency basis at the last Council meeting and are now in effect. F. Flood Insurance. North reported that the latest Flood Insurance data had just been received from Dallas and work on the ordinance could now proceed. After considerable discussion the following budget figures were resolved: Planner ........$2500 Postage, minute books,�books, office supplies .............. 400 Conferences ........................ 600 Map case... ....................... 150 Professional Engineer; Architect... 600 42 0 MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the budget as listed be approved. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The meeting was then adjourned. Secretary Approved: .vw 7 q % AUDIENCE Those signing the register were: Thomas Rives, 212 E. Edgewood, representing self and J. William B. Patton, Councilman Roger Mills, 209 Sunnyview, representing self, 482-1903 T. John Tirado, 530 Heather Lane, self, 482-2822 Sarah Wiegel, 211 Winding Road, self, 482-7475 Oliver Townsend, 915 Glenlea Court, self, 482-1189 Donald Starbuck, 310 Stratmore Drive, self, 482-1936 Robert S. Stamy, 204 Winding Road, self, 482-3971 George F. Prude, Jr., 911 Glenlea Court, self, 482-7018 Tom Carhart, 912 Glenlea Court, self, 482-1844 D. Kirkland, 482-1634 Louise Nicols, 311 Winding Road, Pres., Village Green Civic Club, 482-6477 Betty Carhart, 912 Glenlea Court, self, 482-1844 Marilyn Townsend, 915 Glenlea Court, self, 482-1189 FPZC-M-5-23-74 6 Audience (continued) Billy Verkin, 4645 Wild Indigo #372, Houston, 77027, self Bill McAndrews, Bellaire, Crown Central, 224-8550 Ed Lipp, Sugar Land, Crown Central, 224-8550 Denny Holt, 914 Glenlea Court, 482-3149 Ray Kaufhold, 206 Winding Road, self, 482-2511 Lois Carelock, 910 Riverside Court, Westwood Elementary Dottie Redd, 203 Dover Lane, Westwood Elementary P.T.O., 666-6666, Res. 627-0596 P.T.O., 482-2821 482-2774