HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-05-02 RegularFPZC--Notice-5-2-74 r NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, ons THURSDAY MAY 2, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS. 4. REZONING REQUESTS. 9100 P.M. HEARING: 1974-5• A request to rezone from R-1 (Single -Family residential) to Specific Use: Oil well and related structures. Area involved is four acres out of a 154.9 I, acre tract out of the Mary Sloan Survey A--184 (Ware lease). 9:00 P.M HEARING: 1974-6. A request to rezone from R-1 (Single -Family residential) to Specific Use: ail Well and related structures. Area involved is a four acre site out of Lot 15 of the Van Pelt Subdivision of the BS&F 5 Survey, Abstract 625. (No. 1 Glen Harris Well). 5. SUBDIVISIONS. None 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Key Rate recommendation. Any other routine business. 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT. Robert Atkinson on Driveway Standards, etc. 8. ADJOURNMENT. CERTIFICATE I 'A rd Secretary I certify that the above notice of meeting was poted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the day of April, 1974, at o'clock P.M. 7�j FPZC-Notice-5-2-74 Addition ADDITION TO AGENDA FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISS1014 MEETING May 2_.._ 19?4 Notice is hereby given that the following items are hereby added to the previously posted agenda as emergency items inasmuch as said items are routine items and delay in calling of the requested hearings will cause delay which will adversely affect the scheduling of future meetings and drill rig schedules and will not be of additional benefit to citizens or the Commission. REZONING REgUESTS RR-1974-7: Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family Residential) to Specific Uses Oil well and related structures.- a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec.22 I&GN RR A-624, the southeast corner of which is located 930 feet west measured along the south Line and 250 north of the south- east corner of the 250 acre tract. Call hearing. RR-1974-8: Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family Residential) to Specific Use: Oil well and related structures -- a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A-624, the northeast corner of said four acre tract being located 2930 feet West measured along the North line and 265 feet South of the Northeast corner of said 250 acre tract. Call hearing. A0 GlzU , /�_ -- Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above addition to agenda of a meeting was posted on the bulletin board of the Fnendswood City Hall on the twenty-ninth day of April, 1974 at ,7 ; 0(D O'clock P.M. Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-5-2-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 2, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on May 2, 1974. Chairman Tracy Spears presided. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Clyde ,ilaney, Vice -Chairman Leah North, SEcretary James Shore AUDIENCE Those signing the register were: MEMBERS ABSENT Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips John Tirado, 530 Heather Lane, 482-2822 Van J. Roark, 5105 North Loop, Houston, 697-7854 Andrew M. Sea, Box 1361, Alvin, Texas, 77511, 393-1024. William H. Taylor, Jr., Box 169, Rt. 3, Alvin, 331-5521 Uel S. Clanton, 603 Falling Leaf, 482-7187 L. W. Lunday, Lunday Lane, 585-3130 Mrs. W. R. Lunday, Lunday Lane, 585-2082 Mrs. L. W. Lundav, Lunday Lane 1. MINUTES April 25, 1974 - Approved with the following correction: Page 3 - Add: "But no more in Friendswood." 2. INFORMATION REPORTS 1) Plats for Forest Bend have been received and are in the file. 2) Mrs. John Leddy Jones,, who owned much of the land north of Edgewood Drive and Melody Lane was a victim of the recent Metro plane crash in Galveston. 3) Planning Commission has been asked to make a recommendation, regarding water lines from Sun Meadow to El Dorado and Fox Meadows. The consensus of the Commission was that this could be done. 4) The Secretary received a request for information this week from a person considering buying land in the Mustang Meadows subdivision which failed to receive Council approval. 5) The City Engineer brought to the Secretary's attention that the bridge in Polly Ranch Estates had never received his approval. Since he had no copy of the plans, the Secretary loaned the Commission's set to him. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS Autumn Hills Three sets of plans for the Autumn Hills Nursing Home were received. After study, the following motion was made. FPZC-M-5-2-74 2 Autumn Hills (continued) MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that the Commission recommend approval of the building permit of the Autumn Hills Convalescent Center with the following contingencies: (1) Parking on East Heritage (2) The plat is to be marked is a City street. (3) The City Attorney is to street. is to be removed. indicating that sixty feet approve the deed for the MOTION PASSED, 3-1. For: Spears, Raney, North. Against: Shore. Shore wanted to have the completed drawings first. 4. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates Plans were available showing the request of Heritage Estates, Section One Section One, to lower the street levels in certain sections Road Revision of the subdivision. Mr. Gartrell was not present to explain the problem, so action was deferred until a later meeting. 5. REZONING REQUESTS HEARING: Hearings were held simultaneously on two requests for rezoning RR-1974-5 from Crown Central Petroleum to rezone to Specific Use: Oil HEARING: Well -and Related Structures the following tracts of land: RR-1974-6 (1) RR-1974-5. Four acres out of a 154.9 acre tract out of the Mary Sloan Survey A-184. Ware #1 well. (2) RR-1974-6. Four acres out of Lot 15 of the Van Pelt Subdivision of the SS&F 5 Survey, Abstract 625. Glen Harris well #1. Chairman Spears called the hearings to order and asked if anyone wished to speak for or against the proposed rezoning. Mr. Van J. Roark, who identified himself as President of the Pearland Sprtsman's Club, stated that he wished to make a vigorous protest against any rezoning requested by Crown Central because of the Pearland Sprtsman's Club's unfortunate experiences with Crown Central during the drilling of the WillaertOurant well on the Sportsman's Club land. (Crown Central rezoning request #2 - 1973). Some of the specific complaints which he listed were: (1) length of time to drill the well was understood to be about four weeks. Actual time has been several months. (2) Road into the area has been torn up. (3) they understood they would receive $200 per month for tank batteries to be placed on their land. The tank batteries were located elsewhere. (4) Workers have left the gates open. (5) The work has severely damaged their property and practically stopped their operations. Mr. 0. K. Haynie and Mr. W. E. McAndrews, who were present re presenting Crown Central, reminded Mr. Roark that they had obtained oil and gas leases prior to the time that the gun club bought the land and thus had prior rights, but that HEARING (continued) 3 FPZC-M-5-2-74 they had met with the gun club to work things out although they did not have to. They had agreed to $2000 prepaid damages in order to drill the well which they had the right to drill in the first place. The roads belong to the Crown Central Corporation and they had laid shell at their expense. The gun club had tried to obtain the right-of-way of the road. Mr. Haynie stated that they had promised to keep the gate locked and that he would take the responsibility for seeing that it stayed locked. There was also a communications problem in that Mr. Haynie has tried to contact Mr. Segel quist, Attorney for the gun club, and he has not answered. Mr. Roark also felt that Mr. Haynie had not answered a letter from Mr. Segelquist. This letter Mr. Haynie stated that he had never seen, so the Secretary ran a copy of it for the gun club to give to him. Messrs. Andrew M. Sea, William H. Taylor, and Uel S. Clanton also spoke for the Sportsman's Club. Mr. Louie Lunday and his wife both spoke favorably of thier experience with Crown Central, stating that Crown Central did clean up and fix their road and that to date Crown Central has done anything the Lundays requested to have done. Mr. Haynie reassured the Sportsman's Club that Crown Central would add shell to the road and would clean up the lease. They will start the gate in the morning, and will also respond immediately to the letter. They will go to a point short of settlement, which is a legal matter and will be done in a legal manner. At 9:45 Chairman Spears suggested that this was not a court and that we should preceed with the hearings in regard to the Ware and the Glen Harris wells. Spears asked if anyone wished to speak in regard to these requests for rezoning. There were no additional requests to speak. Raney, who is serving as Oil Well and Pipeline Inspector, reminded Messrs. Haynie and McAndrews that he would like to finish up some of the earlier wells which they have worked on and be able to write a completion letter. Mr. Haynie agreed that this was a fair comment and that they would be able to start fencing at this time. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend the rezoning of both tracts of land as requested with the following contingency: that both East Lunday Lane and West Lunday Lane (Moore Road) be maintained in a condition equal to or better than the original condition. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The Sportsman's Club representatives left prior to the vote, but after Raney had reassured them that he would see that their area was cleaned up. FPZC-M-5-2-74 4 HEARING (continued) In regard to the street maintenance, Mr. Haynie commented that obtaining shell is becoming a real problem. Raney stated that the City would have no objection to limestone. Mr. McAndrews asked Raney to check the gun club conditions and give Crown Central a report. Raney asked Haynie to have someone talk to the City Manager in regard to a line in the City right- of-way. Haynie said that this could be done in the morning. Call Hearings MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that a hearing be called for May23, 1974, at 9:00 P.M. in regard to the following RR-1974-7 two rezoning requests: RR-1974-8 (1) Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family Residential) to Specific Use: Oil Well and Related Structures - a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A-624, the southeast corner of which is located 930 feet west and 250 feet north of the southeast corner of the 250 acre tract. (2) Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family REsidential) to Specific Use: Oil WE11 and Related Structues - a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A--624, the northeast corner of said four acre tract being located 2930 feet west and 265 feet south of the northeast corner of said 250 acre tract. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Apartment taxes The Secretary passed out copies of a letter from Mr. Tony Banfield, written indefense of R-2 zoning in Friendswood and disputing the figures presented earlier by Mrs. Dorothy Jones in regard to the taxes per student paid by apartments. (Attachment #1). Budget We have a request from the City Manager to submit a proposed budget for next year by June 1. Dow Pipeline Raney reported on a meeting he had with Village Green residents last Sunday afternoon in regard to the proposed pipelinerunning behind their homes. They were interested in the requirements of the pipeline ordinance and in rezoning procedures. 7. MINUTES February 21, 1974 - Approved as presented. 8. BUILDING PERMITS C-1 District The Commission discussed the upgrading of building regulations Regulations in the C-1 District. 5 FPZC--M--5--2-74 BUILDING PERMITS (continued) MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend that no building permits be issued in the C-1 (Commercial) District until new C-1 District Regulations have been passed by the City Council. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. ADJOURNMENT The hour being late, all further business was postponed until a later meeting by common consent and the meeting was adjourned. VJ)J- Sec etary1 Approved: FPZC-5-2-74 Attachment #1 482-3040 T?"', BANFIELD PROPERTIES P.O. BOX 632 FR[ENDSWOOD. TEXAS 77546 April 22, 1974 Friend wood Planning Commission CiLy Hall F'riendswood, Texas Dear Members Recent articles in the newspapers and petitions to the Planning Commission from various sources in our community have compelled me to write you defending what is left of the R-2 land in Friendswood. It seems to me that the City Council has already eliminated the concern of too much high density housing when they prohibited the construction of multi -family dwellings on a commercially zoned site. This now leaves very few available R-2 sites. In my opinion there must be some high density housing available in each community and a, proper proportion maintained as the community continuer to grow. To eliminate it completely is to say to many of those people who Nerve our community, and to the elderly as well as -iho young, that you must reside elsewhere unloss you can afford a large lot improved with the ever increasing costs of a single family dwelling. The apartments in Friendswood have also housed on a temporary bauis those people who have built some of the largost and finest homes in Friendswood. The question now arises of the tax contribution these apartments mako to the community. A recent article would have you believe that all apartments only pay $59 per student enrolled. This is not accurate, Village Square - 32 units 10 students 1974 school taxes (at 1973 rates) - $3066 or $306 per student Salem ;quase I and II -- 153 units 89 students 1974 school taxes (at 1973 rates) - $18,000 or $202 per student Comparing city taxes on 185 units with 185 $25,000 houses would take an :fin --depth study to relate the costs to the city of providing services to each, Since I do not own any R-2 land in Friendswoodo I guess the elimination of the, remaining sites mould be to my benefit, however, I feel you would be removing from this community a small amount of housing; that will be so de:;perately needed in the future. rc s Mayor Ralph Lowe 5 OWerelyi _ Tony akte Ad