HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-03-28 RegularNOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at the Friendswood City Hall, 109 E. Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, on: THURSDAY MARCH 28, 1974 7:30 P-M- at which time the following items of business will be considered: 7;30 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. REZONING REQUESTS 1974-1 Decision on request to rezone from R-1 to C-1 at corner of Woodlawn and Heritage. Hearing held 3-7-74. 1974-5 Crown Central Request #5 for rezoning from R'--I, Single Family Residential to Specific Use: Oil well and related structures a four acre area out Mary Sloan survey A-184. 3, PLANNING CONSULTANT 8:00 Attempt to finalize Driveway, Sidewalk and Parking Lot standards. 4. BUILDING PERMITS (routine) 9:00 Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department -Lot layout and Building Design 9:30 Ron's Crispy Fried Chicken (Jim Gawlik) 5. SUBDIVISIONS_ 9:45 Fox Meadows - Request for approval of final plat. Longwood Park -Request for approval of preliminar plat. 9:50 Heritage Estates, Section Three - Presentation of Preliminary Plat. 10:00 heritage Estates,,- Section Two - Request for approval of Preliminary Plat. 10:30 b. INFORMATION REPORTS (See attched list.) 10:45 7. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Violations of Subdivision Ordinance Any other routine business 11:15 8. ADJOURNMENT �j a -I- U. JL -ka j Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall the twen y-fourth day of March, 1974p at clock P.M. Lea fI, VX4 Planning and Zoning Commission Secy, INFORMATION REPORTS 12 ' '1/73 A. Status: Quaker Drive R-U-W interruption. F3i--v: _rim- -&i n a- Uff 2 - 2 I - 74 C, Sign Ordinance. D. Flood Insurance Ordinances E. Rezoning of High School. F. Rezoning of other F1SD property. G. Rezoning of City properties. Off 3-21-74. 6 es-to-C-- 1� 1/24/74 2/21/74 2/28/74 3/7/74 3/28/74 }{._-}�ofTrrrg-erf-Geexl-Brown -1 -ae� 21_7�. re-Statjan-site= Off 3- -�e�West-P. d r-�iGz'eii�lig-te-s,,peeif ie-i�ses-Crew►-6e�t�ai K:-Reaeniflg-te-Speei€ie-�.se�-At�tt�mta-kills-I�Pst-�iem�.L'ff -Need-W}ita}cer-tpaet, off 1-2-74 Mir-}#er�tage-Estates-S/D. off 1-24-74 N. Coward -Greek Sub d'vision. S--Sy�D-. off 2 - 21- 74 Q. Dow Pipeline. R. Amoco Pipeline. Uff 2 - 2 1 - 7 4 5-.- 4,at', Illegal t't�rsigns. ' TT. Status.' U. School Bus Barn. V. Any other information rpsorts. W, Access Control _ Spears. X. Architectural Control p Y. rife Zones - !North. A. Open meetings law -and open records law. off 3-21-.74. 5 Se�tic�r-(k�&. Uff 3 - 2 1 - 7 4. Off 1-24-74 1-24-74 Cam-- Gee etr�x�i-�- /-- D-.- S-i�rps are AzF, rt-met�t-s of f 3- 7- 74/H E. Rezoning requests Woodlawneritage office complex. R-1 to C-1• 1 .F1- qd bar-Estates-br dg� : Off -2. G. Pine Shadows Subdivisi-on. . ble violation. H. Esoteric Art Center - p I, Weiner Dept. Store expansion. �T-Illegal- tow�aho sus Uff 3-21-74. K. Building Permit status, etc. Polly-Hanch Estates E. Potential Zoning Violation. �4 . Autumn Hills Nursing Home -- deed to R-O-W . FPZC-M-3-28-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 28. 197! A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on March 28, 1974 at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas. Chairman C. C. Bost presided. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Among the members of the audience were A. J. Harper, Myra Patton, and Tony Paschall from the Friendswood Journal. 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS March 21, 1974 - Approved with the following correction: Page two, last line; Delete the words "because of lack of discussion before the vote." 2. REZONING �RE Uj ESTS 1974-1 Public Hearing on the rezoning of the land at the Woodlawn/ corner of Woodlawn and West Heritage was held on Heritage March 7, 1974. A vote was taken at the March 21, 1974 meeting to recommend the requested rezoning, but, since the item was not listed on the agenda, ratification of the vote is necessary at this meeting. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, that the Commission recommend approval of the rezoning From R-1 to C-1 (single-family reisdential to commercial) of the Hackney property at the corner of Woodlawn and Heritage, being 380 feet by 630 feet approximately and being all of that portion of the block bounded by West Heritage, Woodlawn, W. Edgewood, and S. Friendswood Drive that is not already zoned as C-1 Commercial. Attach A discussion followed. A 22 foot easement is shown # on the request for a building permit. This does not dedicate the easement to the City as a plat would do. Therefore the Commission authorized a memo to the City Manager/ Zoning Administrator/ and Building Official calling their attention to the necessity of a utility easement and review before the Planning Commission acts upon the building permit. MOTION PASSED unanimously. FPZC-14-3-28-74 2 Rezoning Requests (continued) 1974-5 A request for rezoning to Specific Use: Oil Well and Crown -Central related structures has been received from Crown #5 Central Petroleum Corporation for a four acre site, the center of which is located 865 feet north of the south line of the Ware lease and 210 feet east of the 60 foot light company right-of-way, and to be called Ware #1 well. MOTION WAS MADE 'by North, seconded by Shore, to call a public hearing in regard to this request on the twenty-fifth day of April at 9 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 1974-6 Although not on the agenda, the Secretary reported that a request for rezoning to Specific Use: Oil Well and Crown -Central related Structures has been received from Crown Central #6 Petroleum Corporation for a four acre site, the well site of which is located 100 feet north-easterly of the south- west line of Lot 15 Van Pelt Subdivision, and 330 feet southeasterly of the north-west line of said Lot 15, being all a part of Lot 15. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Raney, to include the public hearing in regard to this request at the same time as the previous request, April 25 th, at 9 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Colonial Mr. A. J. Harper was present in answer to a request Coiffures from Zoning Administrator Cline. He apparently was (8:15) planning to install a parking area at Colonial Coiffures that would violate the Zoning Ordinance by allowing cars to back directly into the right -of --way. He stated, in response to a question, that he planned to put in crushed rock with stabilizer. He planned to do this for safety's sake. Recently a car from across the street backed into a cutomer's car which was parked parallel in the street. It was brought out by the Commission that this beauty shop had been given a variance in order to expand a non -conforming use. The parking problem should have been dealt with at that time by either or both the Board of Adjustment or the Planning Commission, but the Planning Commission had never seen the request for the building permit after referral to the Board of Adjustment. He was told that he needed permission to install parking. Fossler commented that the Zoning Ordinance requires one parking space per 100 square feet of building. Raney noted that we need an idea put down on paper-. Chairman Bost informed Mr. Harper that he should sketch something off on a sheet of paper showing his plans, with one space per 100 square feet of building. 3 FPZC-M-3-28-74 4. PLANNING CONSULTANT (8=30) Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson was present to discuss and attempt to finalize Driveway, Sidewalk, and Parking Lot Standards. Proposals as received on January 24, 1974 and February 21, 1R74 were discussed and critiqued. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Phillips, that Mr. Atkinson rewrite the proposal, incorporating the suggestions made the Commission tonight, and then confer with the City Attorney in regard to making it into an ordinance. MOTION PASSED unanimously, Bost being absent from the room. 5. SUBDIVISIONS Longwood Park The City Engineer was unable to approve the Section III plans presented since it did not include any (II) drainage plans. The Speretary gave a letter to this (10415) effect to Engineer Bruce Frenzel and Ken Yowell, along with instructions fromthe Commission to put the specifications for streets and utilities, etc., into a blue -line drawing. 6. BUILDING PERMITS Friendswood Mr. Van Williams and Mr. LaMarr Beatty of the Volunteer Volunteer Fire Department were present to present Fire a proposed lay -out of the Municipal Site at the Dept. Stevenson Memorial Park site. Proposed set -back was (10..25) forty feet from front property line. Side parking allowed only about eight spaces, twelve foot aisle, only two foot from side property line. Most discussion centered on these items. Zoning Urdnance requires one space per 400 square feet, or twenty-two spaces. Distance from side property line does not leave enough space for ten foot radius on entrance. Fossler especially objected to the narrow aisle, being concerned that one stalled car could stop all traffic. Mayor Lowe, who was then present, suggested that the Fire Department plan it so that they had enough room, since the City Hall plans are not in the immediate future. Five of the Commissioner's felt that the minimum set -back should be sixty feet, Raney would accept fifty, Bost did not give an opinion. Although the Highway Department is supposed to have said that they would not need any more right-of-way when F. M. 518 is widened in that area, the Commission felt that the risk of their changing their minds in the future was too great to count on it. The Fire Department was directed to come back with another plan showing what they would like to have, including a sixty foot set -back, twenty -foot deep parking stalls, eighteen foot aisle, and ten foot set -back from the side property line. FPZC-iW-3-28-74 4 Building Permits (continued) Ron's Crispy Mr. Gawlik presented a colored rendition of the Fried planned facade of the Crispy Fried Chicken Building Chicken proposed for the corner of West Shadowbend and South Friendswood Drive. North felt that it was very nice except for the roof on the fried Chicken section. Fossler suggested that Mr. Gawlik get occupants who would approve a front elevation as the Commission was suggesting. Shore expressed his misgivings in regard to the color of the roof on the Crispy Fried Chicken section. Considerable discussion followed on these points. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Raney, to withhold approval until the Commission gets closer compliance with the Heimsath report in regard to the roof color and we have more details on the signs, and completed drawings of the front elevation showing completed roof lines. More discussion followed. Spears MOVED THE PREVIOUS QUESTION. Vote was taken on the original motion. MOTION PASSED, 5-0-2. For: Spears, Raney, Shore, Fossler, North. Against: None. Abstainingi Bost, Phillips. Mr. Gawlik asked for a copy of our requirements and the Heimsath report. 7. SUBDIVISIONS Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren was present and added to the final Repla.t linen the requirement that all slabs be at 26.0 Foot elevation minimum as had been on hte original plat. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney that the Commission approved the final plat of Fox Meadows replat. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Heritage Estates Mr. .lames Gartrell was present to request approval Section Two of the final plat of Heritage Estates, Section Two. This was mistakenly listed on the agenda as preliminary approval_. Shore asked if the ten foot strip on the Kallus property which had been sold to K allus prior to request for subdivision of the remainder of the Cook property had been resolved. North noted that it had not and that the lot is supposed to have resold. Bost noted that the ten foot strip had neither been deeded nor marked on the plat as dedicated on the Heritage 11 plat. G artrell noted on the plat that this would be dedicated. A copy of }lerita e Estates, section One, was brought out at the reques of the Chairman and it was discovered that the ten foot FPZC-M-3-28-74 Subdivisions (continued) strip (along Quaker Drive) had never been dedicated on this. The consensus was that this should be caught when section three is presented and not to hold up Section Two on this account. Mr. Gartrell was told that the City would need a deed. MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Spears, that approval be given to the final plat of Heritage Estates, Section Two. MOTION PASSED, 5--1-1. For: Bost, Spears, Fossler, Phillips, Raney. Against: North, because there was only one fire hydrant spaced in the middle of the subdivision. Abstaining: Shore. 8. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Subdivision The Secretary reported that she had informed the Ordinance City Attorney of our motion made at the last meeting Violations requesting him to notify the developers of Forest (12:35) Bend and Wedgewood that since they are in the Friendswood E`1'J they must comply with our Subdivision regulations. Mr. Hooks had said that we were under no legal obligation to notify them - that it was legally their responsibility to know the law. It there was a violation, we needed to be specific. Conveyance of portions of lots would be a violation, as would the fact that the subdivisions were not presented to the Friendswood Planning Commission for approval and were recorded in Harris County without our signatures. No action Attach was taken except to direct the Secretary to remind # the City Manager of our previous memo asking him to get in touch with people in Harris County. Slab Height Raney brought up the fact that he thought the City Attach RE lation had been given guidelines when granting of resident- # 12:36) ial building permits outside approved subdivisions had been assumed by the City. He reported that on Lot #10 in El Dorado and Tract #24 in Windsong permits had been issued for buildings which were less than the recommended height above grade, culvert, or road height. Spears and North confirmed that height recommendations had been given to the City and that the Commission had been assured that these recommendations were being adhered to. A memo will Attach be sent to the Manager and Council members concerning # this. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary .� Approved: �197�