HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-03-07 RegularFPZC-3-7-74
Meeting Notice
Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood
Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall,
109 East Willowick,Friendswood, Texas, on:
THURSDAY MARCH 7, 1974 7:30 P.M.
at which time the following items of business will be discussed;
2. INFORMATION REPORTS (See attached list.)
8:00 Hearing on the rezoning of the tract of land bounded by
West Heritage, Woodlawn, and F. M. 2351 which is zoned presently
as R-1 Single Family Residential: Request by C. Hackney to
rezone from R-1 Single Family Residential to C-1 Commercial.
Hearing decision: Regarding the request from Amoco Pipeline
to rezone to Specific Use. Hearing held on February 28.
Any routine building permits
Bob Atkinson on Driveway, etc. standards
Any routine business
Pn7, i d�-
cLS, V
I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin
board at the Friendswood City Hall on the third day of March, 1974,
at 10`,C)`; o'clock P.M.
Planning and Zoning Commission
12r 1/73 A.
Statuss Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption.
ubt7 -ui�-ice [�rd i-nax e-. U f f 2 - 2 1 - 74
Sign Ordinance.
Flood Insurance Ordinance.
Rezoning of High School.
Rezoning of other FISD property.
Rezoning of City properties.
16 to C-1.
Rezoning of Cecil Brown acres
1.R��ezoning of ccFire Station Site. �r Icy
�r-F?QYIP1Mi}pa--te-G-l��V 6ed-V�I►lta er--tpae$. Off 1.-24-74
Off 1-24--74
Coward -Creek Subd'vision.
aw-g--D-. 0 f f 2 - 2 1 - 74
Polly Ranch S/D.
Dow Pipeline.
R. Amoco Pipeline.
5-.- -Nam %trn 1 I-�}v�e�tor-' �- age'. U f f 2 -2 ] - 74
Statuss Illegal signs-
School Bus Barn.,
Any other information reports.
Access Control - Phillips.
Architectural Control -- Spears.
Fire Zones - North.
A. Open meetings law. and open records law.
•.B. Illegal trailers.
C. Greenbr.i.ar S/Ds Section One.
D. Simpson Apartments
E. Rezoning requests WoodlOawn/Heritage
�'z - D�nba^ Es�tats- fir midge
G Pine Shadows Subdivision.
Off 1-24-74
office complex. R-1 to C-1•
E 4 A t Center - possible violation.
}{. soteric r
I. Weiner Dept. Store expansion.
2/28/74 .T. Illegal townhouses.
3/7/7.4 K. Building permit status, etc. Polly --Ranch Estates
March 2, 1974
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was
held at Friendswood City Hall on March 7, 1974. Chairman C. C. Bost
presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M.
C. C. Bost, Chairman
Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman
Leah North, Secretary
Kenneth Fossler
Bob Phillips
Clyde Raney
Jim Shore
Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. (Arr: 8:35)
See attached list.
Twenty-two signatures on register.
Delayed in order to hear Mr. Lobella and Mrs.
Bacon prior to the hearing.
Mr. 0. L. Lobella, 8219 Glenalta, Houston, 77017.
presented a sketch of proposed studios for
gymnastic classes to be located on Laurel Drive
where the present Lobella Dance studios are
operating in a building and land owner by
Robert Townsend. The proposed building is 68' by
66' (appro'x.), with a sketched forty foot set -back.
No survey was presented. Lot size is 70' by 107'.
It was pointed out that a metallic building could
probably not be built so close to the property
line because of Building Code restrictions. Mr.
Lobella was asked by Mrs. North what capacity he
wished the building to have. He did not have a
definite figure, although this number would affect
exit requirements, etc. It also did not appear
that parking would be sufficient. Mr. Lobella
stated that he could use masonry walls, at least
for a height of eight feet. Since time was short
and a number of suggestions need to be made, the
Secretary,was directed to make copies for the
Commissioners. We will write him with our recom-
mendations. Unresolved was the question whether
re -zoning was required. This is a C-1 Zone.
Polly Ranch Estates Mrs. Louise Bacon, a resident of Polly Ranch
Alleged Estates appeared before the Commission in regard
Violations to an alleged plat violation in Polly Ranch Estates
Apparently two building permits have been issued
by the County, fors lots #7 and #25, but the main
discussion revolved about Lot #7. The lot is
staked out and the slab poured. Deed restrictions
require a fifteen foot set --back, subdivision
FPZC-M-3-7--74 2
Polly Ranch Estates (continued)
ordinance in effect when subdivision was accepted
required 7i', present subdivision ordinance says
10', Mr. MacAninch says slab is set back 8', Mrs.
North thinks it looks more like four or six.
(This problem has been brought to the Council's
attention. Council voted last Monday to file an
injunction if the subdivision ordinance were being
violated. However, since no land has actually
been conveyed and Mr. MacAninch avers that he will
transfer the need seven feet of Lot #6, the apparent
position of the City Attorney is that no actual
violation has yet taken place.)
Mrs. Bacon requested that the Commission consider
requesting the City Council to reconsider the
plan submitted by Mayor Lowe at their last meeting
and make an ordinance concerning this, The
Mayor's suggestion was to require any change in
lot lines to be brought back to the Planning
Commission for approval.
The Secretary reported that she had talked with
County Building Inspector Blaekledge who told
her that the County legal department informed him
that he would not enforce City Ordinances or
Deed restrictions, but could only enforce the
County regulations concerning building. She also
reported a conversation with County Judge Ray
Holbrook, who stated that if the Friendswood
Council would vote to request that the Commissioners
retrict selling of lots by lot -lines only, that he
would present this to the Commissioners. They
could try to enforce set --backs, but could not
enforce water and sewer requirements.
A long discussion being possible, action was deferred
until after the hearing.
W oodlawn/Heritage Mr. Jim Gartrell and Mr. Ray Utley, representing
Office tract owner Clint Hackney, and homeowners Dean E. Cook,
203 W. Heritage Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Petraitis, 205 W. Heritage were present.
The hearing was called to order. After it was
determined by the Chair that the majority of
people in the audience were not present for this
hearing, the people present were invited to the
Commissioner's table and an informal presentation
and discussion ensued.
Mr. Gartrell presented building plans for a
tract approcimately 260' by 480' on the corner of
Heritage and Woodlawn. Since the request for
rezoning was for a tract 380' by 630', North
questioned what the plans were for the strips
between the building permit area and Captain's
Corner and between the building permit area and
W oodlawn Heritage Hearing (continued)
the back of the Commercial lots on 2351. Mr.
Gartrell stated that the 120' between the Office
area and 2351 would be sold to the businesses on
23�1 for parking space. Another office building
would be built in the 150' strip next to the
Captain's Corner Shopping Center.
The homeowners expressed concern that this area
could become like some areas with metallic buildings.
Raney stated that this is why the Commission
required that a building permit request be
submitted at the same time. He stated that the
Commission's intent was not to grant rezoning for
any other type building than what was presented.
Phillips asked about the plantings_ proposed for
the area. Gartrell stated that they were
considering azaleas along the street frontage,
with trees being placed in the areas by the
Entrance on Heritage. Gartrell stated that they
will move the entrance to the North since the
150' strip is to be used for another building.
Control ofbuilding. Chairman Bost cautioned the
homeowners that he did not want them to be misled.
That we have no control after the zoning change
is granted. That we can go only on the good
faith of the developer.
Empty b ildin s. Mrs. Petraitis expressed concern
regarding the possibility of empty "shells" being
left like are in the Captain's Corner Shopping
_Laurel extension. Shore questioned the possibility
of extending Laurel Drive through to F. M. 2351.
Decision. Fossler suggested having a
meeting next week before workshop to
decision. Shore objected, since he
soon be having special meetings all
defeat our purpose of establishing
week. No action was taken. Will be
consider the
felt we would
the time and
a workshop
on next agenda.
Amoco Pipeline Mr. Raney, who is City Pipeline Inspector,
Hearing Decision presented a compomise plan which had been worked
(8:30) out with Amoco Pipeline yesterday afternoon in
regard to Lot #28 in Quaker's Landing. This would
permit the pipeline 'to be built on the existing
pipeline easement and the ten foot utility easement
which exists, without encroaching on the building
area of Lot #28.
Mr. Guy Odom, developer of the subdivision, who
lives next to Lot #28 and through whose property
the pipeline easement runs, took issue with Raney's
statement that he had been very cooperative. Mr.
Amoco Hearing Decision (continued)
Odom wished to know if an environmental impact
statement had been made. He expressed his concern
in regard to trees that might die. He asked if
the Commission had hired consulting engineers
to study the problem.
Pavement replacement. The question was asked hcw much
pavement would be broken. Raney believes that none
will be. He explained that all driveways and
roadways are to be bored, even the rock gardon
in Lori Woods. (This is in contrast with the
original agreement which the developer made with
the pipeline company when they gave him permission
to run his street paving over the pipeline easement.)
Street obstruction. One homeowner said that he
had heard a rumor that they would have to park and
walk to their homes. Raney said not. However,
rather than spoil dirt on yards, it will be put
on the pavement with City Council's permission.
Length of time for construction. Raney stated that,
barring weather problems, the construction ohould
take about six weeks.
Lot #28 proceeds. Councilman and Mayoral Candidate
Ralph Gonzalez spoke, stating that he felt that the
Civic Association should benefit from the gift of
Lot #28 instead of the City. Civic Club President
Ken Watts stated that the Civic Club would like
to have the lot to sell for residential use and
use the interest income as a perpetual maintenance
fund for Quaker's Landing. Council representative
on the Planning Commission Zeitler stated that it
had never come before the Council that a lot
would be deeded to them. He thought, however that
the Council would go along with a proposal to deed
the lot to the
An unidentified homeowner asked who suggested that
the lot be given to the City. He felt that in
December the lot was to 'be given to the Civic Club.
He further complained that "it slams like we gave
and you take." Discussion disclosed that he was
also unhappy about the condition of Clearview Avnue
leading in to the subdivision and he was referred
to the City Council member present.
Raney stated that if he had known a week ago that
the Civic Club wanter the Lot, he would have worked
in this direction, But that he had understood they
did not want it. Apparently the Civic Club had
meant they did not want it as a park.
Change to hazardous materials. The question was
asked whether exotic fuels could be pumped through
this pipe in the future. Raney stated that a
switch to hazardous materials means public hearings
Amoco Hearing Decision (continued)
in Washington, D.G. and Austin, Texas, as well as
addition of sleeves, cathodic protection, etc. It
has never been economically feasible.
Creek Borin . One homeowner was concerned how
the boring could take place within the easement
line. Raney stated that the boring would take
place from the Harris County side of the Creek.
Lot #28 would be used for spoil temporarily.
Lot #2$. Mr. Odom asked if the spoil would be in
the tree lane. Raney stated that nothing would
be passed into the Lot #28 side of the easement
Mr. Watts stated that he could not speak for any
individual, but that hethought the majority of
people thought this was the best agreement that
could be reached.
MOTION AS MADE by.Raney is on page seven of these
minutes. The following is a list of people who
signed the register as being present for this
Robert Allen
712 Quaker Drive
Thomas J. Hanny {`?)
7654 Park Place Blvd.
Felton M. Baker
5 Haverford
Ed R. Spradley
706 Quaker Drive
Tom Pancamo
6 Haverford Lane
Clinton Edwards
14 Haverford Lane
Monte Moore
10 Haverford
Gere Thomas
2 Whittier
K. B. Watts
809 Quaker
Ward Jones
1 Whittier
Dorothy Jones
1 Whittier
Frances Baker
708 Quaker Drive
Robert L. Baker
708 Quaker Drive
Jim (?) A. Brown
710 Quaker Drive
Glen C. Hodge
705 uaker Drive
T. L. Summers
6 Whittier Drive
Mr. and Mrs. Guy R.
Odom i Haverford
C. D. Ferguson
1 Penn Circle
Frank McDowell, Jr.
4 Haverford
Page six is blank. Continue on page seven.
I FPZC-M-3--7-74
Amoco Hearing Decision (continued)
"For the following reasons I am going to move for approval of Amoco's
request to rezone to Specific Use a Pipeline easement:
1. Amoco Pipeline Company has owned this easmment for
approximately forty years.
2. Amoco proposes to install an additional pipeline for their
own use within an existing easement. This does not add an
additional pipeline corridor anywhere within our City.
3. The material being transported is basically a safe product,
and in event of a leak would be messy, but not necessarily
lethal, such as gas could be.
4. Amoco Pipeline Company is a common carrier pipeline company
and has the legal right to install this line without approval
of this city, but in the interest of being a good neighbor
has agreed to comply with our regulations.
"I therefore move approval of Amoco Pipeline Company's request to
rezone to specific use: Pipeline easement (This easement to be as
asdescribed in the Amoco request of January 28, 1974.), with the
following conditions:
1. Amoco Pipeline Company is to comply with all City of
Friendswood ordinances while constructing the proposed
pipeline and performing maintenance on the existing pipeline.
2. Amoco Pipeline Company is to secure approval from the
Friendswood Drainage District as to depth of pipeline in
present or proposed drainage ditches.
3. Amoco Pipeline Company is to install their pipeline at a
-depth of not less than four (4) feet of cover within the City
and is to install their pipeline to a depth of not less than
six (6) feet under Greenbriar, Sunset, and F.M. 518 including
the right-of-way of those streets.
4. Amoco Pipeline is to immediately restore at their expense
with a licensed contractor any City utility lime which may
become damaged as a result of their pipeline construction
or maintenance operation.
5. Amoco Pipeline Company is to restore all surface improvements
(trees, shrubs, hedges, lawns, pools, entrance markers, Stteets
sidewalks, driveways, etc.) affected by the contruction or
maintenance of its pipelines to their original condition
immediately upon completion of Amoco's construction or
maintenance operation..
6. Lot 28, Quaker's Landing Subdivision, will be used for access
and construction purposes. However, the pipeline easement
is not to be extended beyond the existing utility easement.
Any valve installed within this easement is to be completelyy
buried. Upon' ompletion of the pipeline installation Lot 28
is to be deeO�`Amoco to the City of Friendswood and sold
by the City as a residential building site.
7. All three pipelines crossing Clear Creek are to be installed
and tied in during this construction program."
FPZC-M-3-7-74 8
MOTION HAVING BEEN MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, a discussion
followed. The only problem of agreement seemed to concern the
disposition of the Lot #28, the question being whether it should go
to the City or to the Civic Club as had been requested this evening.
Mr. Raney expressed the opinion that the City Council could decide
otherwise, but he would like the motion to stand as suggested, since
as of 3:30 P.M. yesterday that was the way Amoco had approved the
agreement. He had not understood that the Civic Club wanted the lot.
(It had been first offered to them as apark, but they had not wanted
it at that time.)
MOTION PASSED, 5-2. For: Raney, Spears, Phillips, North, Shore.
Against: Bost, Fossler. Fossler objected because he did not think
the Commission should tell the Council what to do with the piece
of property (Lot 28).
Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren of Municipal Engineering
(g:WO) presented three copies of plans and profiles
and five copies of a proposed replat of
Fox Meadows, along with a check for $ 31.70,
in application for preliminary approval.
The question was raised in regard to the new
lots, which are only 112 feet wide. Bogren
referred to Mrs. North who had read him a
paragraph stating that the Commission could
approve narrower lots if the density did not
become more than 2.7 per acre. North could
not relocate the paragraph readily, but will
mark it for next time. Bost questioned the
plans for water and sewer taps and suggested
that Bogren get with the Utility Department
to see how this is to be handled. Bost
requested that.Bogren present a letter
stating the reason for replatting.'
No action was requested tonight. Plans were
presented to comply with the Subdivision
Ordinance. Plans will be discussed at the
workshop meeting next week, action scheduled
for the 21st.
Campaign Sign Raney presented a proposal in regard to
Policy campaign sign policy. Raney moved, Phillips
seconded that the proposal be sent in a memo
to Council, requesting that all campaign signs
be kept on private roperty (with owner's
consent, added Bost and removed three days
after the election.
North objected, stating that private property
campaign signs were illegal under the present
ordinances and restricting to private property
also gave undue advantage to large property
owners. Also, if enacted at this time, would
be discriminatory against the slate which has
Campaign Sign Policy (continued)
FPZC-M- 3-7-74
already erected their signs on the Rights -of -way.
NORTH MOVED TO TABLE until after the election.
Discussion followed. No second was received for
the move to table. Phillipswithdrew his second to
the original motion. Bost declared the original
motion dead for lack of a second.
The consensus seemed to be that the Commission would
tackle the whole sign ordinance again after the
election. The sign ordinance we proposed to Council
last year which they failed to act upon did
regulate campaign signs.
"The Movies'' Sign Raney reported that a request for a size variance
would be presented at a Tuesday meeting of the
Board of Adjustment.
Board of Adjustment Raney reported that the Board would like to meet
Communications with the Planning Commission and discuss our
philosophy. Fossler felt that the two Boards
should be kept separate. Bost asked if the Board
had been receiving communications regarding
recommendations from the Planning Commission.
The Secretary could not recall, but agreed that
they should be given memos regarding our referrals
to them.
Policy The Commission agreed that the Board of Adjustment
should be given memos in the future.
Polly Ranch Estates Raney presented a memo to be sent to the City
Alleged violation Council requesting that the Council adopt
immediately in ordinance form Mayor Lowe's
proposal. of March 4 requiring that revisions
of plats be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Chairman Bost removed himself from the
r o,am .
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North,
that the memo be sent.
MOTION PASSED, 5-0-1. For: Fossler, Shore, North,
Raney, Spears. Abstaining: Phillips. Absent:
Fossler questioned why the Commission should have
plats submitted if the developers could change
lot lines nearly at will afterwards.
Councilman Zeitler asked which of the items on the list were things
Council should attend to. Items E, Rezoning of High School, and G,
Rezoning of City properties was mentioned. Also, the Commission has
had no word of final disposition of Items H and I, rezoning concerning
the Fire Station site on Sunset. Raney suggests a memo be sent to us.
74-C and 74-G have possibly been passed by Council, but no confirmation
of filing. Item N, Coward Creek Subdivision is no secheduled to be
FPZC-M-3--7-74 la
Information Reprts (continued)
to be filed since the deed restrictions have been received by the City.
It was felt we could scratch item 74--D, Simpson Apartments. It was
brought to Councilman Zeitler's attention that item 74-11, Esoteric
Art Center was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and had not appeared
before the Commission again as requested to do.
Billy MacAninch being present at this time, a discussion regarding his
activities and plans for Polly Ranch ensued. He stated that he would
be glad to give us help if we would like to rephrase the ordinance
(in order to correct the lot line problem) which he feels legally
does not at the present time prevent him from changing lot lines at
will so long as they comply with the subdivision ordinance as it was
at the time P lly Ranch was approved. North asked him how much this
would cost. Billy said he would give it.
At 11:15 the meeting lost its quorum. Bost gave North copies of the
calls for the School properties which he had obtained Saturday and
found a building permit request from Gawlik which we had forgotten to
consider. This will be taken care of next week in a special session.
Also not acted upon were the minutes from the meeting of February 28.
Approved: J