HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-12-20 RegularFPZC-M--12-20-73
December_20, 1973
A regular meeting of the Friendswood
was held at Friendswood City Hall on
Chairman Tracy Spears presdied in the
Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman
Leah North, Secretary
Clyde Raney
James B. Shore
Among the audience were:
Planning and Zoning Commission
Thursday, December 20, 1973, Vice -
absence of the Chairman.
C. C. Bost, Chairman
Bob Phillips
Reg. Peterson, 2115 Pensa, Houston, 522-2943
M. C. Reidel, 5133 Maple, Bellaire, M05-5589
Larry Neely, 3618 Penwood, 675-9161
J. J. Bardovsky, 3401 Longherridge, Pearland, 485--3629
H. T. Neely, 6670 Sylvan Rd., 675-3101
B. E. O'Larry, 7611 Glenview #5, 645-5321
10-11-73 - Approved as presented.
12-6-73 - Approved with the following corrections:
(1) Page 3, second paragraph: Change "concerned"
to "contacted."
(2) Page 4: "Musemeche" is architect's name.
C. A. Ricks left a revised copy of a commercial/
townhouse proposal for the Altemus property, He did
not stay for discussion because of a previous commitment,
but requested to be on the agenda January 3,
Attach Longwood
Mr. Yowell appeared to discuss the status of his
#1 Park
tract of land. The Secretary reported that her search
Section #3
of deed records at the Court House (Clerk's Office)
showed that the first description of individual tracts
of land appeared in the deed from Spungin to Yowell in
December of 1972. The plat itself was not recorded.
The next previous deed from Paul Long to Spungin did
not give the calls for any individual tract of land.
Therefore, it was her opinion that it was not a
Utilities. Mr. Yowell stated that there is a six-inch
water line on the extension of Thomas and a 4" line on
the exten sion of Crawford. This is a Pearland-served
FPZC-M-12-20-73 2
Streets. Streets have been graded, but there is no
indication that they have been dedicated other than
by the original Hoidale-Coffman Subdivision which
gave the Crawford Drive R-O-W.
Building Permit Policy of City. Although Crawford
Drive in that area is not adequately surfaced, the
Commission noted that building permits had been
issued by the City for tracts with access off
The Commission, after discussion, agreed that Mr.
Yowell could sell lots where no new streets were
required and where utilities were in so long as
he stayed with the original plat as proposed. He
is to come back to us with the deeds to the lots
which should show any required utility easements.
Crown Central At 8:40 P4M. Chairman Spears called the hearing to Attach
Request #4 order on a request from Crown Central Petroleum #2
Corporation to rezone the following tract from R-1
Single-family residential to Specific Use as an
oil well and related structures
"Lot 10 of the George Van Pelt Subdivision out of
the B. S. & F. Survey No. 5, A-625, Galveston
County, Texas; the beginning point bearing
South 870 56' 31" East a distance of approximately
1040' from the intersection of the North line of the
American Canal Co. 150' Easement and the East line
of State F. M. Highway 528. Thence from said point
of beginning go South 870 56' East a distance of 485';
Thence North 20 4' East a distance of 801.91;
Thence North 870 56' West a distance of 385';
Thence South 90 9' West a distance of 810' to place
of beginning and containing 8.6 acres of land,
more or less."
The start of the hearing had been delayed at 8:00 P.M.
because the participants in the hearing had not yet
The Chair asked of there were any objections to
be expressed.
H. T. Neely. Stated that he owned the Bickley place
abutting the 8.6 acres and would like to know what
was being planned.
Mr. Haney and Mr. MacAndrews from Crown Central
took part in the informative discussion which
followed. A map showing the surrounding tracts and
the well locations was studied by the interested
members of the audience. Mr. Raney informed them
that the City has an ordinance to protect their
interests if they are bothered by any of the
I FPZC-M-12-20-73
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drilling operations.
After the informative discussion no objections
were voiced.
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that
the Commission recommend approval of the request.
O'Larry Mr. B. E. O'Larry asked the procedure regarding
rezoning of a property which he purchased in 1967
from Bofisil and for which he had prepared plans
for a drive-in grocery two years ago as his
retirement plan. This tract is the triangle
between Sun Meadow and Windsong.
Mr. Raney informed him thet this area was
automatically zoned R-1 when annexed and gave him
the procedure for rezoning. The Secretary gave
the forms to request the rezoning.0 He will
contact City Hall later to obtain the estimated
cost of the rezoning request.
Heritage At 9:45 Jim Gartrell and Ray Utley appeared to
Woodlawn Office discuss a proposed office complex behind Captain's
Complex Corners on Heritage and Woodlawn Avenues.
Sidewalks. Gartrell agreed that a five foot
easement for sidewalks could be proved on Woodlawn
to ease the hazard for pedestrians.
Utilities. Ken Toon, Water and Sewer Superintendent,
mentioned the need for an additional easement on
Heritage to accomodate the water and sewer lines
which are both on the northwest side of the street.
Gartrell took his tract back which had been given to
the Commission. He will prepare building plans.
Egress. North questioned the nearness of one access
driveway to the Heritage intersection with Woodlawn.
This problem was not resolved.
6. SUBDIVISIONS Jim Gartrell requested final approval of Greenbriar,
Section One. Two copies of the plat, plans, and
Greenbriar profiles along with a letter from the City Manager
Section One dated December 20 were left for the Planning
Commission by the City.
The Secretary stated that she had not placed this
subdivision on the agenda because she had checked
with the City Engineer late last Friday afternoon
and he had not received the plat, plans and profiles.
She therefore concluded that theplans could not be
submitted five days prior to the Commission meeting
as required in Ordinance 23-A. Mr. Gartrell
complained that he had given them to the City
The Secretary also stated that the overall plan
ofthe subdivision was different than any which had
been presented to the Commission. After some
discussion this was agreed to and Mr. Gartrell
stated that he would bring us a revised version
for our files.
Objection was also raised by Shore to approving
a plat when revisions remained to be made, which
is the case with this plat.
The Commission agreed to put the question of final
approval on the January 3 agenda.
Mr. Gartrell took back one set of prints. The
Secretary insisted on keeping one for the Commission
records to attach to the letter stating this had
been approved by the City Engineer although it had
not been signed.
The Secretary gave Mr. Gartrell a copy of the plat
redlined by CPS to use in drawing up the final
version. This was dated Dec. 11, 19?3, drawn by MB,
304-D-49, SH.6.
Restrictive Covenants ' . Mr. Gartrell also presented AJJ1.1+
for the first time the proposed restrictive6
covenants. North, leafing through, questioned the
desireability of the covenants expiring in 2000 A.D.
unless a change is made in them agreed to by
three -fifths of the lot owners and an additional
term of covenature established. There was some
discussion, but no resolution since the facts
A. Statust Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. Nothing.
B. Subdivision Ordinance, Raney reported that Council had
tabled the Subdivision Ordinance in order to add street
specifications. The Commission expressed concern that no
forward action was being taken.
C. Sign_ Ordinance. Although no formal communication has been
received by the Commission, Raney felt that Council would
not pass this ordinance since the City Attorney has been
critical of it. lie requested the Denver Ordinance of Spears
and received it. He will read it. North is also
interested in reading it.
D. Flood Insurance Ordinance. North has given a copy to the
City Engineer for comment before presenting it to Council.
E. Rezoning of High School. No action by City.
F. Rezonina of other_FISQ,propexty. Letter requesting calls
has been sent to the School Board. No reply as yet.
G. Rezoning of Cily Propeilty. No action rby City. It was
suggested that the Commission might have to do this.
H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. Action on this
apparently hinges on donation of Fire Station tract which
apparently is held up pending changes in fire station
1. Rezoning_oFire Sta,tion tract. See "H" above.
Rezonin to Specific Use._ Crown Central. resquest .#22.._Passed
third and final reading at Council's December 17 meeting and
may be taken off our list, according to Raney.
Rezoning to Specific Use, Crown Central request #3. Ditto.
Rezoning to S ecific U e Autumn hills rest —home. Raney
reported that this was tabled by Council because Council
had heard that Autumn Hills was trying to buy an additional
piece of land.
Rezoning to C-1. Wood -Whitaker tract. Passed first reading
last Monday night.
Heritage Estates S D. No action by City.
Coward Creek_ S _ . No action by City.
Mustang Meadows S/D. Status indefinite. Raney would like
the Commission to remind Council by memo of our approval and
request action. No action taken on this suggestion.
Polly Ranch S/D. It was reported that Billy McAninch said he
didn't know he had to resubmit this to the Council for final
approval. Consensus of the Commission was that if this were
true, he had to be kidding.
Dow. Pipeline. No reply has been received from Dow.
Amoco_ pipeline. Raney reports City has received letter from
Amoco. Some discussion followed regarding whether the
Commission should contact the Council regarding the City's
position on this. Action was deferred until January 3 since
Council does not meet prior to this.
Access Control - Phillips. No report - absent.
Architectural Control - Spears. Spears reported that he had
received the Santa Fe, New Mexico architectural control
Fire Z ones- No th. No further information.
Zoning Ordinance enforcement. Raney reported that a trailer
had been erected on FM 528 near Windsong in violation of the
Zoning Ordinance. North reported that this information had
been given to her, also. The Commission agreed to send a
memo to the City Manager to inform him that the Planning
Commission is deeply disturbed by this additional violation
of the ordinance and asking him what we have to do to get
the Zoning Ordinance enforced. Raney stated that he would
file on this violation.
Bus barn violation. North and Raney reported on the outcome
of the Board of Adjustment hearing held last Monday which they
had attended. The School requested a variance from the 25'
set -back and this was granted by the Board, contingent on
the School's resolving a safety hazard. North gave additional
information that she had talked to several informed people
after the hearing who thought building the barn there was still
a mistake. For this and several other reasons, including the
fact that the School wishes to park buses and erect a chain
link fence on the right--of-way line (approximately) she refiled
her complaint that the bus barn was in violation of current
zoning restrictions (presently R-1). This information was given
to the School Board on Tuesday night, filed with Mr. Cline on
Wednesday morning. A discusssion followed.
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that a letter be
sent to the school district recommending that through traffic
be permanently prohibited on "FISD 1" regardless of the outcome
of the bus barn controversy for purposes of safety.
Y. National Investor's Hedge. No information on maintenance agreement since
the City sent their revised version back to NI attorney.
Z. National_Investor's theater. North expressed concern that the
theater may be building (according to the newspaper) but the City had
not yet issued a building permit. She is concerned that the exit
doors do not meet the National Fire Protection Association codes.
No action taken.
Hearing Fees At the December 13 workshop meeting the Commission
Policy reached the conclusion that the present schedule of
hearing fees ( a flat $40, regardless of size, etc.)
was costing the City money. Several methods of fee
assessment were discussed, but it was cmeluded that
the most fair was based on the number of letters that
had to be sent to adjoining property owners.
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that
the Commission call no zoning hearing unless a check
sufficient to cover costs of $40 ror the first two
letters and $10 per additional letter required to
notify property owners is received by the City.
Next meeting.
A discussion of future annexations was held.
MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that
the Commission recommend to the Council that Polly
Ranch be annexed in 1974.
North suggested that we consider the annexation of
strips along the main roads in our extraterritorial
jurisdiction in order to control such things as the
fireworks stands which appear just outside our City
It was reported that Councilmen Baker and Gonzalez
are opposed to any annexations in Harris County. No
action was taken by the Commission on this suggestion.
Chairman Spears reminded us that the next meeting
date falls in the Christmas holidays.
MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Raney, that
no meeting be held next week because of Christmas
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned
at 12:05 A.M.
Approved: % a1v '� -4 >,