HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-12-06 RegularFPZC-M-12-6-73
December 6 . 1473
A regular meeting of the Fr.iendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
was held at Friendswood City Hall.on Thursday, December6, 1973.
Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:30 P#M4
C. C. Bost, Chairman
Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman
Leah North, Secretary
Bob Phillips
Clyde Raney
James Shore
Ed Zeitler, Council Rep.
Vacancy (Position #7)
November 29, 1973 - Approved as presented. (Page 3. Mr. Shore
wondered if it were clear that the motion to
release building permits did not release
occupancy permits. The Commission thought
that it was clear.)
A. Status: Quaker D ive R-O-W onterru Lion. No action.
B. Subdivision Ordinance. Passed first reading last Monday night.
C. Sign Ordinance. No action. Attorney has in his hands for
written comments.
D. Flood Insurance Ordinance. No action. North has it.
E. Rezoning of High School. City Secretary has calls. Needs to
be written and posted.
F. Rezoning of -olher FISD property. A letter has been sent to
Dickie Warren, President of the Board, requesting the calls
to these properties. (Minutes of 11-29-73, Attachment #2.)
G. Rezoning of'City properties. No action.
H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown acres to C-1. No action.
I. Rezoning` of Fire Station tract. No action.
J. Rezoningo Specific U se. Crown Central Request #2. Passed
second reading last Monday night.
K. Rezoning to Specific Use, Crown Central Request Passed
second reading last Monday night.
L. Rezoning to Specific Use, Autumn Halls rest home. No action.
M. Rezoning to C-1. Wood -Whitaker tract. Not yet posted.
N. Heritage Estates S D. Has not yet been filed because have not
given City their deed restriction yet. Tax Assessor/Collector
Carbone will put these lots on the tax roll, whether it is
filed or not, according to the City Manager.
0. Coward GreekS/D. Mayor needs to sign. Same taxing policy
as above applies to these.
P. Mustang Meadow S . Latest information g'.ven at Council meeting
was that loan companies would not give loans on lots which
were obligated to the City for water and sewer installations.
Opinion differs as to whether subdivision is dead or not. Some
report that the owners will permit it to be subdivided into
small lots.
Q. Polly Ranch S/D. No new action since August so far as city is
R. Dow_ pipeline. A letter was sent to Mr. Decker, attorney for Dow,
on November 27 (Minutes of 11-15-73, Attachment #5.) No answer
has been received.
S. Access control. - Phillips. No report.
T. Architectural Control - Speaars. No report.
U. Fire Zones - North. North reported she had not been able to find
where she had read a model fire zone ordinance. Spears had
contacted someone in Houston who told him how they formed
their fire zones, starting with concentric circles from the
downtown area and modifiying these circles to existing streets.
Shore questioned whether this wouldn't be better if more than
one center were used. North questioned whether this would be
adaptable to Friendswood, since we have a different situation,
including the zoning which Houston does not have.
V. October and November Buildingpermits. A list furnished by the
City Manager was reviewed. It was noted that two permits had
been issued on Crawford which appeared to be on an extension of
Crawford not accepted or approved by the City.
W. Any other Information Reports --(School Bus Barn). The Secretary
handed out a notice to members announcing a hearing called by the
Board of Adjustment for Monday, December 17, 7:30 P.M., City Hall.
Spears, Raney and North are interested in attending.
None, but take not?of items under "Subdivision" heading regarding
Altemus and Ray Utley.
National Investors The City Manager reported the Maintenance
Agreement, as amended by Planning Commission,
approved by Council at last Monday's meeting,
and signed by the Mayor, was ready to mail back
as soon as he got the address from the Secretary.
Raney asked how the agreement was to be enforced
after the shopping center was built out. The
City Manager stated that, since it was a legal
agreement, that it could be enforced in the
Amoco Pipeline An unusually large audience was in attendance from
Quakers Landing Quakers Landing subdivision. They had become
concerned when survey crews had come through their
subdivision with plans to install another pipeline
through an easement which lies largely under the
right-of-way of Echo Avenue (Last).
The City Manager, James Morgan, reported on a
phone discussion which he had with Mr. W. W. (Bill)
White (944-5150) regarding the pipeline. The
Railread Commission has increased the production
allowable, so there is need to add a 16'' pipe
from Hastings Field to Webster on the existing
easement. They will bore under roads, will
restore the land to the same condi.tion in which
they found it. If there is any permanent damage
_a Fi'ZC-M-12-6-73
to property, they will pay damages. The City
Manager told the audience that the City feels
that the Oil and Gas (Pipeline) Ordinance and
the Zoning Ordinance will require that any
new pipelines to come before the Planning and
Zoning Commission for a Specific Use permit.
He is sure that the City Council would want
to get injunctive relief if necessary.
Ralph Weldon, a citizep, ated that Councilman
Gonzalez had been A` 9;�tehat
there was
to be a meeting next Wednesday at the Library,
with Amoco present. The line is supposed to
carry crude oil at 500 to 700 p.s.i. pressure.
Commissioner Rgney stated that he would like
to attend this meeting. He stated some of
the controls put on pipeline installations
by the ordinance passed on October 1 of this
In response to a question, the City Manager
stated that Mr. White had informed him that
they had tried to get the developer to build
around the pipeline easement. When he did
not want to, they sig d a very good agreement
with him in which they do not have to replace
any pavement. Mr. White told the City Manager
that they have the right to go in, but will
not except as a last resort.
The Secretary will trace down this agreement
tomorrow at the County Court House.
More discussion followed, with some of the
information being contradictory. Mr. White
was quoted by at least one of the audience as
saying that they might leave the street very
torn up. The opinion was also expressed that
many of the homes were already built within
40 feet of the present pipelines, which is
now illegal. Also, that to install a new
pipeline 40 feet from existing homes would,
of necessity, place it in the middle of the
street and make boring impractical.
No action was taken. The City Manager has
already informed Mr. White of our ordinances.
Longwood Park Mr. Ken Yowell appeared before the Commission
Attach #1 Proposed Section to discuss what he thinks is a subdivision.
Three He presented the Commission with a survey of
the land showing twelve lots and showed a copy
of Londwood Park subdivision which shoves this
area as "proposed Section Three." He also
Attach #2 exhibited tax bills from the School, City, and
County which indicated that he has been taxed
this year on separate lots. He stated that
water and sewer lines were already in along the
two streets involved. lie could not show us
that the plat had been recorded, however.
Spears informed him that any piece of land
divided in two parts is a subdivision.
Mr. Bost informed him that we would have to
have the City Engineer take a look at this,
also the Utilities Superintendent. Mr. Yowell
will obtain the deed restrictions which he
says pertain to the area and leave them with
the City Secretary. He bought the land from
Nathan Spungin in December, 1972.
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Mrs. North will research the land transactions ACTION
on this proprty when she visits the County 611klfff
Court House tomorrow.
Altemus Mr. C. A. Ricks presented a colored schematic
Proposal of land use for the Altemus property showing
a 12/ reserve for a commercial area to support
the subdivision anc,,a townhouse areap prepared
by Robert MuSevrec.he 'and Associates at 9: Q4 P.IVI,
No subdivision lots were shown and this plan
was not left with the Commission.
Considerable discussion followed regarding -the
pros and cons of Commercial in that area. The
possible extension of Sunset through that area
would create a triangle between two arterials
which might be hard to develop as residential
land. It was agreed to give a cppy of the
survey of the property to City Engineer Heaney
to define the right-of-way on. Host took the
survey to give to the City Manager to pass on
to Mr. Heaney.
North objected to the amount of time being given
to the discussion, questioning whether this was
a proposed subdivision or a request for rezoning.
The Chairman asked the Commission what their
feelings were on the Commercial. Phillips stated
that his position was the same as earlier, that
he dial not want to consider more commercial now.
Raney did not want to decide until the Sunset
arterial was defined. North could not agree to
commercial at this time. Bost said that he had
been looking at the Captain's Corner and thought
that more and smaller centers would be built in
the future.
Mr. Dicks agreed to return on the twentieth and
the discussion was ended at 9155•
d FPZC-M-12-6-73
Woodlawn Office
Mr. Jim Gartrell and Ray Utley appeared on behalf
of Clint Hackney to propose an office -complex on
the land behind the Captains Corners shopping
enter. This land faces Woodlawn across from the
trailer park and faces Heritage across from some
single-family homes. Area is approximately
630' by 390'. It is presently zoned for single-
family residential, but backs on the 200' Commercial
strip on 2351. A complex of half a dozen office
buildings with an attractive design to blend into
the neighborhood, one-story tall, is proposed.
Mr. Gartrell stated that they had the choice of
developing it into office buildings or putting it
into small lots. Landscaped green areas are
proposed to make it attractive. The question was
raised regarding the possibility of cutting Laurel
Drive through to 2351 to relieve the traffic on
Heritage and Woodlawn. Mr. Gartrell thought the
owner would give the right-of-way if the City would
curb and gutter it.
The discussion ended at 10:30, with Mr. Gartrell
to return on December 20.
Not ready to present by developer says Mr. Gartrell.
Section One
Hearing Fees Raney recommended that the:$40.00 fee for rezoning
hearing apply if no more than two letters have to
be sent to adjoining propoerty owners. He
recommends that an additional 1�10.00 be charged
for each additional letter that must be sent.
Considerable discussion followed. Reasoning behind
the proposed changes included the fact that rezoning
increases the value of the land greatly and that
rezoning of certain types, such as that for pipelines,
requires the sending of many letters, searching for
the owners and their addresses, etc., and the
present $40,00 fee does not begin to cover the costs.
Attach MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Phillips, that
# the recommendation be accepted and that the
Commission recommend to Council that they adopt
the suggested fees immediately.
Sunset -Drive The proposed route of Sunset Drive as mapped out
on the aerial photos by the City Engineer was
discussed. It was noted that the decision to
accept the #2 alternative to Greenbriar arterial
was based on accepting a Sunset arterial. This
was according to advice given by Oliver Stork of
H-GRITS. Bost expressed the thought that we may
have erred in not considering the original
FPZC-M-12-6-73 6
Gre.enbriar arterial as proposed in the Bovay Report.
After some further discussion Spears stated that he
would like us to call a hearing in January and
discuss the road situation then.
MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney,
that a hearing -be called for January 24, 8:00 P.M.,
regarding the proposed Sunset arterial. The Attac)
City Engineer should be present to explain his #
Council representative Ed Zeitler, who had not been able to attend
prior to 9:00 P.M. gave us additional information and confirmation of
our information regarding several items.
C. S�n_Ordinance. B. J. Hooks, City Attorney, is still working
on this.
E. Rezoning of High School. City Secretary is still. working on
G. Rezoning of Citypro,perties. Nothing has been done.
H. Rezo-ning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-l. Council has taken the
position that it will move out one way or the other by the
end of the year. The Browns still want a hundred foot set -back
on the Fire Station, which would be costly to the City.
I. Rezoning of Fire Station tract. Same as "H" above.
P. Mustang Meadows. No lending instution would buy the ordinance
that in effect gave the City first lein on the land.
Q. Polly Ranch. Raney asked why the City did not annex this area.
He is concerned that without zoning the owners could put in
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned
at 11:30 P.M. Next Thursday will be a workshop regarding the zoning
plan for the area bounded by 2351, 518, Castlewood and Clear Reek.
V" J, � P, ��
Approved: /L • 90 197,-?