HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1973-11-29 RegularFPZC-M--11-29-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION November 29, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, November 29, 1973• Vice - Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of the Chairmant calling the meeting to order at 7335-P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Clyde Raney James Shore AUDIENCE Among members of the audience were: MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Bob Phillips Vacancy (Position 7) Cappy Ricks, 4010 #1 Shell Plaza, 222-2111 Fred McAllister, 18'222 Barbuda Lane, Nassau Bernard Brooks, 4801 Richmond, 621-1783 Ray Utley, 913 Glenlea Court Bill Murphey, Workman-Banfield Realty Jim Gartrell Dixie Gartrell 1. MINUTES November 15, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K . L. Bay, 333-3590 Status: Memo on illegal signs. The fruitstand sign on 2351 been taken down; Talisman School sign was turned around by owner; owners of other signs will be written letters by the Statuss Quaker Drive R-O--W interruption: No action. National Investors' Hed e. See Building Permits. Subdivision -Ordinance. Posted for first reading next Monday. Sign Ordinance. No action. Still in attorney's hands. Flood Insurance -Ordinance. No action. North is to give copy City Engineer and attorney. RP7.nnine of High School. No action. e to C-1. No action. o action. has City. to Rezoning to Specific Use Crown Central reguest 2. Second reading due Dec. 3. Rezoning to Specific Use, Crown_ Central_ request_#3. Second reading due Dec, 3. Rezoning to Specific Use, Crown_ Coal request A. City Secretari was unable to meet the deadline for putting this in the paper due to having to be in court. Therefore, this is on the agenda again tonight to call another hearing date. M. Rezoning to Specific Use Autumn Hills Rest Home. The Commission was in error in granting variances to the Rest Home, since the FPZC-M-11-29-73 2 authority to grant variances to the Zoning Ordinances rests with AITACR the Board of Adjustment. The Secretary has written a letter to h/1 Mr. Strickler advising him of this fact, as well as contacting him him by phone. Ivy Fossler, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment has been informed, also. 0. Heria e Estates Subdivision. No action. P. Cowa d Creek Subdivision. No action. R. Access Control - Phillips. Commissioner absent, so no action. R. Architectural Control - Spears. No report. S. Fire Zones - North. No report. T. October Building -Permits. Copy not received from City Manager. School Bus Barn violation. The Secretary reported that a citizen had asked her why the Planning Commission had permitted the school to build a building without a front set -back. That she had investigated, found preparations made to pour a slab which appeared to be almost on the Front property .line or within a foot or two on W oodlawn. That a building permit had been issued for the building when the Field House permit was issued. That school authorities, when questioned, felt they had been given a variance by the previous Planning Commission. That she had, as an individual, filed a complaint. And that building had stopped. The School is now in the process of appealing to the Board of Adjustment, although she is unsure whether they are appealing the decision to stop the work because it was in violation of the zoning ordinance or because they were asking for a variance in the set -back requirements from the Board. ACTIOPfz Raney requested the Chairman to request the Secretary to ask the Board of Adjustment to give the Commission notice when then hearing comes up on this. The Secretary will do this. Rezoning. ACTION: Since this problem brought up the fact that the land Jr. High the bus barn is being constructed on is still zoned R-1 School residential and the school is thus a nonconforming use which technically cannot be expanded, the Chairman requested the Secretary to request the calls from the School so that the 'City can get it rezoned. The Secretary will do this. U. An- additional information reports. None. V. Dow Pipeline. A letter has been written by the Secretary to Mr. Decker. Minutes of November 15. Attachment # .) This calls his attention to both the Zoning Ordinance and the Pipeline Ordinance. 3. ZONING Attach Attac' # Altemus Mr. C. A. Ricks appeared on behalf of the Merle Subdivision Altemus', who own 126 acres with 350 foot frontage on 518, 3000 feet deep. He presented copies of the survey plats and aerial photographs showing the tract of land. 'Camp Manison has an access strip around part of the land. They would like to subdivide the land, having some commercial area, perhaps in the interior. The Commission did not appear to favor the Commercial tract. Drainage problems inherent in the tract were discussed. 150' easement measured from the creek would probably be required. Mr. Spears J FPZC--M--11-29--73 would like to see 20% of the units to be townhouses. Mrs. North questioned this.unless the total density would be kept to three units per acre which stall will give us a population of 109,000. ACTION: The Secretary gave Mr. Ricks a copy of the current plat approval procedure. Mr. Raney suggested that they should contact a professional land planner. Mrs. North suggested that he also talk with the City Engineer. Action Mr. Ricks requested that he be put on next week's agenda. 4. BUILDING PERMITS National Investors Mr. Bernard Brooks was present to discuss the Hedge maintenance agreement regarding the hedge. He was agreeable to any suggestions the Commission would make. The Commission will have the agreement retyped, signed, and sent back for Mr. Curtis to sign. Attach The Commission then agreed on changes in #3 wording to the maintenance agreement, a copy of t!jp which is attached 03). Attach National Investors #V Theater The Secretary reported that K1ine's Arts and Crafts was allowed to go into a temporary location at the center after a telephone poll of the Commission last week. Mr. Brooks presented his analysis of the parking at the center, also a corrected copy of the parking layout. After some discussion of the number of spaces required, the possibility of alloting some spaces for compact cars, the agreement that many of the shops would not be open while the theater is open, etc., MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the drawing be approved showing the parking at Captain's Corner as revised 11--29-73 for 510 cars based on one space per 200 spare feet of building area. MOTION PASSED, 3-1, North dissenting because she did not think that this was the motion needed. MOTION WAS MADE, by Raney, seconded by North, that the Planning Commission recommend the release of the hold on building permits in the center, including the theater. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. FPZC-M-11-29-73 5. MORE REZONING 4 Pearland An application was presented which had been Attach Sportsmans received by the Secretary requesting rezoning # .5� Club of a 55.159 acre tract presently used as a rifle range. The Secretary questioned whether there was anything under the Specific Use heading which would permit this. The feeling of the Commission was that they would not wish to approve the rezoning even if they could. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded bShore, ATrAcff to deny the request and return the $40.00 ft b check. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Crown Central The hearing for this request, originally set for Request #4 December 6, missed the public notice deadline. Therefore, it was necessary to set another hearing date. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, AITI{CIf that a public hearing to hear Crown Central 's � 7 request #4- to rezone to Specific Use for Oil Well drilling be called for December 20, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Oil Well Mr. Raney, who is also working part-time Procedure inspecting the oil wells, presented what he considered a problem regarding the time lag from the first request for a hearing to the final ordinance passage. In the meantime the oil company must obtain a drilling permit, which technically should not be granted until the zoning has passed, but this is too long to wait and causes complications with the drilling schedules if adhered to. After some discussion, it was agreed that the following procedure would improve the present situation: 1. The Commission will recommend "any" two or three (or other) acres within a larger acreage be rezoned. 2. Council will incorporate and pass this description in an emergence/ ordinance. 3. Drilling permit will be granted by Council. 4. Well drilling will start and surface casing put in. This will pinpoint the well. S. Council will pass a regular ordinance with the specific few acres surrounding the actual drilled well. (The emergency ordinance will expire.) The Secretary will notify Council of this Attach recommendation by letter. PPZC-M-11-29-73 6. SUBDIVISIONS Greenbriar Jim Gartrell, Gulf Coast Engineering, asked for approval of preliminary plans of Greenbriar Subdivision Section One. Members of the Commission did not remember having seen the plat previously as presented. Mr. Gartrell said that he had submitted it to the City two days prior to I-/fc# Thanksgiving. A note from the City Manager stated 0-8 that the City Engineer found it to be in order except for the need of an additional fire hydrant at lot 1, Block 2. Mr. Gartrell showed that his plans indicated a fire hydrant was added there. There was some concern expressed regarding the general plan for Greenbriar, including the R-O-W needed for streets, especially Sunset, the maintenance of the drainage ditch, and deed resitrjctions. Mr. Gartrell agreed to modify the general plan to straighten the Sunset/Castlewood intersection and felt that a pedestrian path would be all right. However, he was only asking for approval of Section One. He did not have the deed restrictions, but they will4ithe same as LesLyn. North objected to granting approval of the preliminary plat of Section One since it had not been on the agenda and this was the first time the Commission had seen it. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Raney, that the preliminary subdivision layout of Greenbriar Section One be approved. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 7. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Policy Mr. Raney stated that he felt that letters which left City Hall should be written over the signature of the Chairman, not the Secretary. After some discussion, this was agreed to by the Commission. Secretarial Help Mr. Raney also stated that he thought the Secretary was having to spend too much time on the Commission's business and felt that the Secretary deserved some help. Mr. Spears will talk to the City Manager regarding this. The Secretary will figure out how this help can be used to best advantage. Permit Procedure A short discussion regarding problems with the present method of issuing permits ended with the problem being referred to the Council Representative who was present at this time. FPLC-NI-11-29-73 0 Unauthorized Mr. Spears reported that a section of land Attach Subdivision at Winding Way and Briarmeadow was being # �� subdivided by a Mr. T. L. Roach of 1206 Winding Way. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that a letter be written notifying Mr. Roach that the Commission has heard that he is flu subdividing property and reminding him that he 11/j must come before the Planning Commission. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Subdivision The importance of filing completed subdivision Filing plats, such as Heritage Estates and Coward Creek, was discussed. It was the Commission's opinion that these subdivisions should be filed prior to January 1 if they were to appear upon Attach the tax rolls as lots instead of open land. #/0 It was agreed to write a note to the City Manager regarding this. B. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. �Z-a U, '�&M Secretary Approved: f ` 97-3