HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1975-05-01 Regular[ FPZC-M-5-1-75 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ·May·l, 1975 A regular meeting of the Friendswo od Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall on Thursday evening, May 1, 1975. Chairman Tracy Spears presided. . MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Clyde Raney, Vice-Chairman Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Bob Phillips James Shore John Tirado AUDIENCE Rona 1 d I. Lyons Jacqueline T. Lyons 1.MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. No minutes were available. 2.SUBDIVISIONS . Lyons S/D onCastlewood Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lyons were in attendance to discuss the possibility of subdividing two tracts of land which run between Castlewood Avenue and Mills Lane in the Brown Sub­division, being the northeast one half of tract two of Block 11 0 11 of Central .Park Subdivision. The combined tracts are 192.18 feet wide and run 599.4 feet between the two streets. They would like to make four lots, but it was pointed out to them than the minimum width of subdivision lots on open ditch streets is 120 feet. Other possibilities were discussed, including the use of cul­de-sacs or other streets within the subdivision. There is a six inch water line on Castlewood, but no utilities on Mills Lane. Also, there is no street maintenance on Mills Lane since this 11road 11 was never brought up to County standards when the subdivision was deveijoped. Whether or not the sewer line on the other side of Castlewood is low enough for them to utilize without needing a lift station is problematical. The Lyons purchased copies of the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance for study. The problem of the maintenance of Mills Lane was brought up by the Lyons. It was pointed out to them that th City does not maintain the street, since it was outside the City when subdivided and. although under County jurisdiction, had never met County standards, which was the minumum requirement for City maintenance. The Commission recommended that they bring this problem to the City Council's attention. FPZC-M-5-1-75 3.BUILDING PERMITS. Garage onMerriewood Pentacostal Church 4.MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Windsong NumberingSystem 2 Mr. M. J. Olsen, of 1101 Merriewood, was referred to the Commission by Building Inspector Floyd. He had requested a permit to build a garage within fourteen feet of the City Park property fine. The pro: imity of the park road was J considered a possible problem. MOTION WAS MADE by Fossler, seconded by Tirado, that a note be sent to the City Manager advising him that the Planning Commission sees nothing in the ordinance that would prevent Mr. Olsen from proceeding with the construction of the garage. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The par�ing area for the Pentacostal Church has been re�orked by Raney, with elevation of the slab being designated as sixteen inches above natural grade. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Fossler, that the plan be approved, contingent on the City Engineer'.s acceptance of the drainage plan. MOTION PASSED, 5-0, with one abstention. Fossler, Phillips, Shore. Against: None. For: Spears, North, Abstaining: Tirado. Letters of recommendation from Police Chief Wright, the Fire Department, Postmaster Glen McDonald, and Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson were discussed. The Fire Department stated that it was in the best interest of all citizens th�t the master grid nouse-numbering system be followed for future subdivisions and that a postive plan be enacted to have existing subdivisions conform to the system. The Police Chief did not feel that people should be made to change a numbering system which they feel comfortable with, but that it was very important to have every house numbered and to display the number prominently. The Postmaster stated that the Post Office would deliver mail to any address that is assigned by the City, but expressed concern that a problem could arise in the future if lot numbers were used as house numbers and then the lots were subdivided. (This is apparently a current problem on Rustic Lane.) Planning Consultant Atkinson stated that if a new system is allowed for every subdivision, then we will have no system at all. He also pointed out that the address for mail service is not as important as the address for an emergency vehicle. MOTION WAS MADE by Fossler, seconded by Tirado, that the Planning Commission continue to maintain the grid system of house numbering, including the Windsong Subdivision and any other subdivision to be developed in the City limits. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION WAS MADE by Fossler, seconded by Shore, that the Secretary notify all interested City departments and answer Mr. James' letter. 11 \ j 3 FPZC-M-5-1-75 Windsong Numbering (continued) 5.INFORMATION REPORTS. Flood Insurance Quaker's Landing Architectural Committee Curb Cuts House Numbering 6.REZONING. Symon C-1Property R-1 to R-2 Zone CPS lot on Spreading Oaks (E) Commercial Zone Differentiation Governmental Buildings M-1 on Morningside MOTION PASSED UNANMOUSLY. Shore suggested that the Secretary send copies of the letter to the departments. Shore reportedithat he had received no answer from the letter he had written to Washington. He had met with Bill Olson, City Attorney, who had recommended meeting with the Drainage District regarding maintenance easements. Olson recommended that the easement be dedicated to the Drainage District for maintenance, not to the public, since the public could then use it for motorcycle riding, etc. A letter was received from the Architectural Review Committee fr om Quaker's Landing informJng�the Commission of the present members. They are Kenneth B. Watts and James Nowlin. A problem concerning curb cuts has been referred to the Building Committee. Some builders feel that requiring a saw cut as the ordinance specifies is adding too much to the cost. Tirado reported that a problem exists on Skyview Avenue, in that both odd and even numbers are on the same side of the street. The property behind the Medical Arts Center which Dr. Symon requested during the hearings be left as C-1 instead of changing to R-3 was discussed. The consensus of the Commission was that this was a valid request. The Commission needs a survey of the land involved. Spears will contact Symon. Fassler suggested that this discussion-be delayed until Raney could be present, since Raney had done some research on the problem. The Commission agreed. Tirado reported that a lot suggested for R-3 on Spreading Oaks had been traded to Community Public Service by the City in return for the lot previously o\'med,l by CPS on which the City Library now stands. CPS planned to use the lot on Spreading Oaks for offices. A discussion of the possibilities of differentiation between different types of businesses now lumped under the 11 C-l 11 category was discussed. North has some copies of other zoning ordinances which do this. Phillips, Tirado and Fassler are interested in this. North will run copies for them. North noted for the record that the map had not designated "Governmental Buildings." North also noted for the record that an erro ri n the map indicated that the M-1 zone extended to Morningside, which is incorrect. FPZC-M-5-1-75 4 7.ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary Approved: 12_ o£ J: k,v¥1!, �AUt,.�w-fed_. 716 �s-7:S-