HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1975-04-10 Public Hearing-PUBLIC HEARING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 10, 1975 A Public Hearing of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on Thursday, April 10, 1975. The meet­ing was called ·to order at 7:30 P.M. by Tracy Spears, Chairman. Members present were: Tracy Spears, Chairman Clyde Raney, Vice-Chairman Leah North, Secretary Ken Fossler Bob Phillips John Tirado The Chairman introduced Mr. Bob Atkinson, Land Use Representative, who distributed a Self-Appraisal Survey to those present. The Chairman then stated the reasons for the proposed zoning changes, those being: (1) to update the newly annexed areas (2) to discourage commercial strips along the main streets (3) preference of larger commercial areas where both entrance and exit are accessible to street.· The Chairman then opened the meeting to comments and/or questions from the audience. Janet Wade, 310 Castlewood, presented a petition to the Commission with 179 signatures of homeowners in favor of the proposed rezoning of Parcel l (as shown on attached map) to R-4 (Townhouses) from R-3 (Apartments). This is the property owned by Ed Stuart and Duane Jones. I . Marilyn Dbiron :, 603 Fairdale, also presented a petition from 125 members of Mary Queen Catholic Church, favoring the rezoning of Parcel l to R-4 (Townhouses,) At this time, Mr. Stuart, who is a local building contractor, submitted a letter to the commission outlining the plans for his property, legal description which is S.W. Part of Lot 14, Block 3, Friendswood S/D and the N.W. Part of Lot ·13, Block 3, Friendswood S/D. He stated Lot 14 was purchased in 1965 and Lot 13 in 1968. He objects to the rezoning of this property because this parcel of land has been in the planning stages for several months for the construction of an apartment complex. He•feels the market for townhouses and duplexes is not needed as much as apartments, the reason being price difference. Mr. Stuart also feels the apartment complex would be an excelle nt buffer between the commercial and residential areas around the property. He also commented on and provided statistical information regarding the various taxes that are paid by apartment owners. The following members of the audience stated thei·r opinions on the above mentioned proposed rezoning: Marilyn Lunney, 6 Queens Lane, who stated .she was speaking as an interested citizen and member of the Friendswood School Board, objected to present zoning of R-2 (Apartments) because of potential hazard· due to additional traffic this Public Hearing -Page 2 would initiate on Cedarwood, which is a designated school route. She also feels that apart ments have not supported schools with their portion of school taxes and she feels homeowners are burdened with the additional tax load. She recom­mended this property be donated for City park land. Don Wqde, 310 Castlewood, suggested to the.Commission that no building permits (apartments particularly) be issued until the rezoning issue is settled. He feels that apartments would constitute a potential impact upon City utilities. Marie Donnell, 504 Falling Leaf, stated she wished to go on record that she does object to apartments and personally does not mind taxes she pays as a home­owner. The following peop1e stated their reasons fo� their objection to the present zoning of R-2 . Their objections were concern for the safety of school children using Cedarwood, high density development, overloading of City utilities, low tax base, and potential ,fire hazard: Patricia Riley, Lori Woods Subdivision Ellie Aldrich, owner of 3 acres directly across Cedar Oaks Mr. and Mrsi Gaylon Hoyt, 702 Cedarwood Sandy Anderson, 501 Falling Leaf Harold Dore, 603 Fa��dale Ann Gibson, Whitehall Subdivision Mary Helen Elliott, Lori Wood Subdivision Dr. C. Boone, Wilderness Trail, stated he was interested in orderly d�ve l opment of the City and does not object to the R-2· zoning. Vera Black, Cedarwood Street, opposes the present R-Z Zoning and questioned if Mr. Stuart was negotiating with HUD. Chairman Spears replied that this was a rumor and was not true. Mr. Stuart stated that this could be, an FHA project without being a rent subsidy. Jane Gates, 1102 Winding Way, questioned the need for high density develop­ment in view of the vacancies which are present in ,existing ·apartment complexes. i Mr. Stuart co�mented at this point regarding the safety of children using Cedarwood as a designated school route. He reminded those present that the entrance and exit pf the apartment complex would be on Stonesthrow, not Cedarwood. He also stated he will dedicate 10 feet on Cedarwood for a sidewalk. He said if necessary he: wi 11 dedicate 20 feet ... Pat Riley questioned if sidewalk would be in front of the apartments only and Mr. �tuart replied yes. She also questioned if there was a ban at present time on issuing apartment permits, and if there was none could apartments be started before rezoning goes into effect. Chairman Spears replied there was no ban and apartments could be started at ,any time. Janet Wade, spoke in reference to Mr. Stuart's tax statistics. As an example, she stated that statistics prove that 80 families living in an apart­ment would be paying far less taxes than 80 families livi.ng in houses. She stated there would be far more homeowners lose to high density development com­pared to the few who would gain from this type development. l Public Hearing -Page 3 Ron Hamil, 804 Stephen Court, requested the Commission consider rezoning this property from R-2 (Apartments) to R-2 (Duplex-Triplex Residential) or R-3 (Planned Unit Development). ) � . Hoover Gates, 1102 Winding' Way, presented a letter to the Commission regard­ing the rezoning of property along Winding Way (Parcel 2 on attached map) from R-1 (Single-Family Residential) to R-3 (Planned Unit Development). He objects tothe rezoning on the grounds that R-3 Development would constitute an invasfon ofhis privacy, h_e does not feel Winding Way Street is properly maintained toaccomodate this type development, and he also feels the investment he made, ,onhis property as a single-family development would "go down the drain" with therezoning. Judy Mitchell, 1206 Winding Way, also opposes the rezoning of this property as she would like to see it remain a low density area .. Joe Tennyson, 2302 Old Road, made a formal request that greenhouses listed Under Ordinance #174 as C-1 (Commercial) be changed back to Agriculture .. • I ' I • I Maurice Esthinbaum, 405 N. Clear Creek Drive, questioned the change of Lot 12, Block 3, Friendswood S/D from c-,-(Commerciai) to R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling). Bob Atkinson explained this was an error on the proposed zoning map and no change was to be initiated. Bud Fisher and George L. Rosen, owners of Hut Mobile Home Park and vacant area between Hut Park and FM 2351 (vacant area being 150 x 630, approximately 2 acres) -··(Parcel 3 on attached map), oppose the proposed rezoning of this 2 acre area from C-1 (Commercial) to R-6 (Mobile Home). Mr. Rosen stated there was no need to expand the Mobile Home Park and he and Mr. Fisher both felt it would be aesthetically better for the City to remain C-1. William Patton, local businessman and member of the City Council, submittedthe following suggestions to the Commission: · · ( 1 ) (2) (3) ( 4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) No changes be made that would de-value property. Set up more C Districts (to preserve planning). Maintain well balanced commercial zones. Balance mobile home parks. All land next to R-1 not classified as R-1 be classified as such. To maintain tax base, let areas in C-1, R-1 and high density areas be zoned separately. C designations are limited too much, definitions should be broadened. R-5 be expanded into different densities.Zoning Ordinance should be made more flexible. He also recommended that the entire Mobile Home Lot be zoned C-1, but stay Mobile Home under Grandfather Clause. L.G. Carlisle, 303 Laurel Dri ve, objects to proposed C-1 (Commercial) zoningfrom R-1 (Single-Family Residential) zoning along Laurel Drive (Parcel 4 on attached map). His objection is that in the past he had attempted to construct a a metal building {garage) on his property, his request was denied, so he had to build in another area suitable for a building of this type. He stated commercial zoning would be of no benefit to him now and would only increase tax rates which Public Hearing -Page 4 he and his neighbors cannot afford. Bill Murphy, local resident, spoke regarding Mr. Carlisle's concern, and questioned if this property would be automatically revalued for tax purposes. Marilyn Lunney replied that she had talked with the tax assessor-collector and was informed that the tax assessor does re-evaluate property automatically each year. ., Tom Montgomery, representing Carl Warwick and Associates, presented a submittal to the Commission objecting to the proposed rezoning ·of Part of Lot 15, Block 5, Friendswood S/D, an 11.5 acre tract, from C-1 (Commercial) to R-1 (Single Family Dwelling). He stated their objection was that this change would have a significant effect on their plans which are now in the preliminary stages of developing a master plan for the entire tract to include a mixture of low profile retail commercial and office space with medium density residential housing. He also stated that rezpning would mean a de-valuation of property and necessitate the selling of the property in small tracts. They have requested a C-1 Zoning for the front tract and R-5 Zoning for the back tract. Tom Manison, 201 Parkwood, owner of Camp Manison, requested that facilities which are zoned SP (Special Use) be partially rezoned Agriculture. The Commis-sion requested he submit a copy of survey to the m. Leah North, Planning Commission Member, questioned the audience as a whole on their feelings regarding tDe R-5 (Apartment) zoning and the rezoning request from· Carl Warwick and Associates. The majority of the audience strongly opposed both. Chairman Spears asked if there were any other questions or comments from the audience. There were none. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. , , <-tt.-&-H�J /:;�� .. � Moo n ye-e n -, ,­Secretary for Hearings / c1 ' ' ' ',I._, ' ), \J •. . '