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November 2, 1978
The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission met in a regular meeting on Thursday November 2, 1978 at 7:30 p.m, in the City Hall with the following members present.
R.UtleyP. J. MizeR.PhillipsH.RawleyJ.TarrR.Wicklander
With a quorum present and T. Spears absent, R. Utley acting Chairman.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of a regular meeting of October 19, 1978 were read and approved as corrected.
R.Utley informed the members, the Commission had inadvertentlyfailed to ask for an easement on Mills Road.
Because 6f some of the easements, there is not enough road space there in some areas and the commission stated, it is their policy to try to acquire what is needed when a Sub-Division comes in and try and prepare for the future.
R.Utley said he mentioned this to Mr. Grover before the meetingand Mr. Grover is willing to do whatever is necessary. This meansthat he would have to re-plat the Sub-Division unless the Commissionsees fit to approve Final with this contingency. If not, he wouldhave another two (2) weeks waiting period.
The Commission has tried to stay away from contingency on Final because they feel it is not a good policy. Since this is an error on the part of the Commission and no fault of Mr. Grovers; the commissioners felt they would not be out of line to ask for contingency in this case. To file the plat as is and to grant the right-of-way within a week after.
R.Phillips said, Mr. Grover is within the law and the Commissionhas no alternative in granting the approval on his Sub-Division.
R.Utley asked the audience for comments:
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting 2. November 2, 1978
The audience asked if the 2,200 minimum sq. ft. requirement had
been changed from the original 2,000 sq. ft. Mr. Grover had revised this in the covenants in the last meeting of October 19, 1978 and the public was advised so.
A member in the audience said they had talked to the Mayor and he gave the indication that something could be worked out with Mr. Grover and would be able to get things turned around and would not have this traffic situation and apparently this had not been done.
Public was also concerned about the low water pressure that now exists in this area. The Commission informed them the information concerning the Sub-Division had been sent to the Utility Departments and the Drainage Department. Mr. Grover had met the requirements.
Second: Vote:
(R. Phillips) to approve Final on Grover Sub-Division, contengent on him submitting within the coming week, an easement of ten (10) feet on Mills Road over the frontage of his property that faces on Mills Road. J.TarrUNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Ken Powers came before the Commission to go back over the SubDivision and review the points that were brought to their attention at the last meeting and make sure they were in accordance with the way the Commission wanted them and will be back in two (2) weeks for the Final Approval. The Friendswood Drainage District will not be able to give their approval before November 7, 1978.
Mr. Powers changed the building line on Greenbriar and Briarmeadow to a fifty (50) foot building line. Also have an eighty (80) foot building line on Sunset. Have included the street right-of-ways that was left off last time. Eighty (80) foot right-of-way on Sunset, sixty (60) foot on Briarmeadow right-of-way and sixty (60) foot on Greenbriar.
Greenbriar Drive is to show sixty (60) foot right-of way on the plat.
A copy of the Deed Restrictions were presented to the Commissioners and a copy was made and given to each one. The restrictions now show in Part 1, Item number four (4) paragraph three (3) requirements of U-shaped drives or turnaround pads on Greenbriar, Briarmeadow andSunset. Also the restriction regarding not having access on FM 528.
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting 3.November 2, 1978
Some of the commissioners are unhappy with the preliminary final. In this Sub-Division there will be two hundred and fourty houses in a corner between two of the most heavily traveled streets in the city, so therefore they believe it deserves a lot of consideration.
R.Phillips felt strongly that since the Commission gave a preliminaryfinal on this Sub-Division on October 19, 1978 that the Commissionmust recognize the fact that that they did give an approval and theymust live with it.
Other commissioners felt they do not have to live with it and think that they have an option to change their mind between preliminary approval and the final approval. And if they did make a mistake before, don't they have the right to correct it?
Mr. Powers feeling was that when the Commission granted the preliminary final approval they were sitting their street pattern. Mr. Powers had proceeded with elaborate engineeirng work on this since then.
R.Phillips was against coming back and changing at this stage.
Mr. Powers said he was here only to show what had been corrected and to be open for suggestions or comments.
R.Utley suggested that the covenants be reviewed and some changesmay be necessary. One of the items specifically mentioned to reviewwas Item three (3) part 1.
Also the commission would like to review the eight (80) foot setback on Sunset, this may not be good for the Sub-Division.
In the course of the next two weeks the commission wants to take a look at the setbacks on Sunset at the present time and the drive ways and see what the feeling of the commission is then.
R.Utley felt tht emotions were to involved in this meeting to goany further.
R.Utley would like the.\commissioners to get together and discussthe idea of taking more time to making a decision on a preliminaryfinal after this and not make a decision on the same evening oneis presented.
A motion was made for adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m.
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