HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1978-10-19 Regular\l l l u MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION October 19, 1978 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission met in a regular meeting on Thursday October 19, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present: T.Spears -CharimanP. J. MizeR.PhillipsH.RawleyJ.TarrR.UtleyR.Wicklander With a quorum present, the following business was transacted. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -The minutes of a regular meeting of October 5, 1978 were corrected from the incorrect date of September 7, 1978 to October 5, 1978 in first paragraph and approved as read. GROVER -SUNSET & CASTLEWOOD The Chairman asked if there were any questions from the audience. Members in the audience complained about the traffic congestion, density, and safety factors in that area that are problems now, would be more so, with twelve (12) more houses in that area. Members in the audience were also concerned that the Sub-D ivision would not be constructed as the other homes in that area. Members felt that Mr. Grover should redue his plans to where all the homes would face outward and adjacent to all the other property to conform with current housing layout. The public suggested that Mr. Grover should build six (6) houses instead of twelve (12). Three (3) on Castlewood and three (3) on Mills Road. Keeping to the current standards. The Chairman informed the public; the current ordinance does not allow Planning and Zoning Commission to impose such limitation. The minimum house in that area is now 2,700 sq. ft. although the required minimum sq. ft. is 2,200 sq. ft. Mr. Grover's plans have a minimum of 2,000 sq. ft. The home owners in that area feel this is not an adaquate amount. The public asked for postponement until they can approach the council with their protests. n [ u Planning & Zoning Commission 2. October 19, 1978 GROVER -SUNSET & CASTLEWOOD CONTINUED Mr. Grover stated, he had met all the requirements of the ordinance and he would be glad to increase the minimum sq. ft. of his homes in the Sub-Division from 2,000 sq. ft.to 2,200 sq. ft. Mr. Grover signed the covenants to read so. MOTION: Second: (R. Phillips) to approve for final Dies for lack of second To be tabled until November 2, 1978 (final) REGENCY ESTATES (Preliminary) Mr. Powers and Dr. Jones presented plans for Regency Estates. Commissioners agreed that the plans are not the same as the original ones presented. Dr. Jones said, it was necessary to change the plans because the market value had changed in price since the original plan and his builders advised him to do so. These homes will be intermediate and will be approximately $70,000 to $75,000 and along the creek $150,000. Out of the approximately 100 acres five (5) acres will be used for recreational area. Dr. Jones informed the commissioners the property was outside the city when he purchased it. Therefore, it did not have any restrict­ions on it and thinks that the Sub-Division will be an asset to Friendswood. Mr. Powers said the problems with the drainage system had been worked out. The Chairman asked for backout pads on Briarmeadow and Greenbriar with 50 ft. setbacks. Also, to keep the 80 ft. setback on Sunset with backout pads. This is to be in the covenants. Mr. Jones said that there will be a circular turn around or U-shape drives along Sunset. MOTION: Second: ABSTAINED Vote (R. Utley) to approve preliminary R.PhillipsP. J. MizeFOR MOTION CARRIED WEINGARTEN SITE (BRIDGESTONE) -(Preliminary) Jerry Roach and Steve Jarnagen presented all thirty eight (38) acres developed. Tract one, Apartments (6.11 acres) Tract two, Townhouses (2.30 acres) Tract three, Commercial (7.03 acres) Tract four, Commercial 1.03 acres and Tract five, Townhouses and Apartments (21.97) acres) Mr. Roach presented letters from the Friendswood Drainage District stating that Tracts 1,2,3, and 4 are ready and have the capacity to be completed. Tract 5 needs to have sewer approval. l [ I lJ Planning & Zoning Commission 3. October 19, 1978 WEINGARTEN SITE (CONTINUED) MOTION Second: AGAINST VOTE: FOR (R. Utley) to approve Under The Sub­Division Ordinance Only and refer to Council for their recommendations concerning regional sewer plans. H.RawleyJim Tarr MOTION CARRIED ED KHARBET -DISCUSSION ON TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT Dr. Groba represented Ed (Uarbet presenting a plan for Commercialand Professional offices called Friendswood Professional Park. These lots will be individual owned for each professional person.Plan to build two or three at a time. Also plan to have a fund for the owners to keep up the maintenance on roads,etc. The commission advised Dr. Groba that the parking spaces would need to be depicted, One Hundred feet will not accommodate parking.Requested that Mr. Kharbet check his dimensions. The chairman suggested to get engineer to go over with the ordinance. The commissioners like the concept of the Friendswood Professional Park. DECISION ON PUBLIC HEARING -REZONING FROM R-1 to R-3 (LEGAL) R. Utley gave reason for rezoning; R-3 will have some available acresand would increase the total amoutn of units on the acreage. MOTION: Second: ABSTAINED Vote: CLEAR CREEK PARK (P. J. Mize) to approve rezoning R-1 to R-3 R.PhillipsR. Utley FOR MOTION CARRIED Mr. Green reported Harris County was making study to establish Black Hawk on ground. Will precede to survey an extension for Blackhawk. Mr. Green said that Blackhawk will be there for future extension inthe park. The commission asked Mr. Green if he would depict on the plans so that they can see exactly where it will be. Also Mr. Green gave a progress report on the Overlay Map Situation. �t� Secr71)ry Approved