HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1978-06-15 RegularIi l J MINUTES OF A REGJLAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 15, 1978 The Friendswcxxl Planning and Zoning Corrmission met in a regular meeting on Thursday June 15, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present: T.Spears -ChairmanR.UtleyR.MoraP. J. MizeH.Rawley (arrived 8: 50 p.m.)J.TarrR.Phillips With a quorum present the following business was tra nsacted: LEONARD JONES -CONOCO PIPELINE Mr. Jones ad dressed the Corrunission on the specification booklet asking that they review it. Conoco is willing to restrict their application to a total of two lines.· At this time there is no report from the AD HOC corrmi ttee , the Corrmission agreed to postpone their decision until this :i.nfornation is received by the 22nd of June. The Corrmission will hold a :spe cial meeting for this purpose. SUNPARK ESTATES (preliminary) The plat of Sunpark Estates now has drainage approval . The streets lining with Regency Est ates has a 300 ' offset , which the Corrunission agreed is adequate. MOTION: (Mora) for preliminary approval of Sunpark Estates. Second: Tarr Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MUSTANG MEADOWS II (pre-app) The Corrmission briefly reviewed a replat of Mustang Meadows II It shows 89 lots divided out of 113 acres, with concrete streets and open ditch. The Corrunission discussed eliminating 4 lots at the tank area to provide a park. MAYOR LOWE -discussed the renewal of plans for Friendswood West Subdivision. Section I will be tied into the Tower Estates plant. n l\ MILTON WINDLER -REZONING COR1J""f!R OF OF PECAN & HERITAGE FROM R-1 & R-3 TO SPECIFIC-USE FAMILY LIFE CENTER Mr. Windler came before the Commission requesting a zoning change in order to erect a metal ic building for a gynmaiswn and classrooms. MOTION: (Utley) for a joint public hearing to consider rezoning part of lots 1 & 2 of Tolock 1 of Friendswood Subdivision from R-1 & R-3 to Specific-Use Family Life Center. Second: Mora Vote: Unanirrous FOR MOTION CARRIED MR. D. T. WARNER -OFFICE BUIWING ON FM 518 Mr. Warner came before the Commission asking for permission to obtain a building permit for a 12 X 24 metalic office building on FM 518. The Commission advised him he would need a 30 1 front setback from the street and parking should be depicted and striped. MOTION: (Mize) to approve for building permit Second: Rawley Vote: Unanirrous FOR MOTION CARRIED A motion was made for adjournrrent, the meeting adjourned at 9 :18 p.m. Secretary APPROVED: