HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1978-04-20 Regular( ' u Mil'lUI'ES OF A REGULAR �ETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING CCM,1IS SI ON April 20, 1978 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Camtlssion met in a regular meeting April 20, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present: T.S_r:ears -ChairmanP. J. �.•izeR.MoraR.PhillipsJ.Tarr With a quorum present and H. Rawley anc R. Utley absent, the following business was transacted: AD HOC PIPE LI NE CU41I'ITEE Oliver Townsend, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Pire Line Cannittee, gave an up-date on the caning meeting with Conoco Pipe Line. PUBLIC HEARING ON HIDDEN CDVE -REZCNING FRCM R-1 TO R-3 This was to correct an oversight in the original zoning. Since there was no objection, Planning & Zoning voted unanimously to recamend rezoning fran R-1 to R-3. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH CITY CDUNCIL AND PLANNING & ZOt.\JING V-ayor Ralph Lowe announced that the City Council and Planning & Zoning Cannission would hold their first joint Public Hearing on Monday, April 24, 1978, on rezoning a drill site off FM 528 on the Bofysil property by Huisache Oil Co. TED BCGREN -CCMARD CREEK (SECTIONS IV & V) (FINAL) In accordance with the Carmission's request, one street narre had been changed. As soon as the Drianage District gives its approval, this subdivision will be finalized. TED BCGREN QUAKER VILLAGE (FINAL) These plans had been changed to canply with the Corrmission's reCTUest. MJI'ION: (1'·1ize) to approve the plans for final Second: Phillips Vote: Unanimous FDR MJI'ICN CARRIED \" LI TED BCGREN -WINDIJ'.1G HOLLOW (preliminary) This plat consists of three 96' lots zoned R-3 with open ditches. It was requested that a plat be left with the drainage district. MYI'ION: (Mize) to accept for preliminary Second: Phillips Vote: Unanimous FOR fvOTICN CARRIED ffi\J BARRAS -WU-.lDEMERE (preliminary) This sul:x:1ivision consisted of 48 lots with 2.5 acre minimum and 3.5 acre maximum lot size. I.and fronting on FM 518 is being kept in reserve. Since it. was the consensus that septic tanks are not as efficient as a sewer system, it was suggested that a canparative cost be made. The Carmission also recarmended considering one acre lot size with all utilities instead of the 2.5 acre size. MITGI MITGIELL -EAGLES POil\1T The plans for this 25 acre subdivision were changed considerably from the original presentation. A 35' right-of-way exi sts on Leisure Lane and Mr. Mitchell will dedicate anouther 25' to make a 60' right-of-way. It was requested that a new main exit be installed on Leisure Lane in order to eliminate the one on FM 518. Also a park area on the back lots was recarrnended. GROVER & CONGER -SUNSET & CASTLEWOOD (pre-app) A er.eek with the City Engineer showed that city utilities were available for this subdivision. The other problem area was RichrrDnd Street. Since driveways will be exiting on this dirt road, they were asked to consider the feasibility of upgradinq this street for their next preliminary apr,earance. LIBBY WHI'IMEIRE -REZCNEING A wr CN W. ECGEWOOD This lot is 330' X 660' adjacent to Hut Mobile Park and across from Red Top restaurant. She asked for recamendations on having it rezoned and the Carmission suggested that she care back when sre had a contingency contract and they would probably recarrrend rezoning it for C-3. H & M CONI'RACIORS -CCMMERCIAL BUIIDII\� ON W. E[GEWOOD This lot is 150' X 150' located between Safeway and Friendswood Hardware. A 50 ' setback was shown with two curb cuts; however, the Carmission recarmended checking into one curb cut. It was also requested that a check be made with the City Engineer for on site drainage. REGENCY ESTATES -REZCNII\� FRCM R-1 TO R-3 and R-1 'IO C-1 Bill Jones came before the Ccmnission requesting a zoning change for two sections of his subdivision: 1~1 11 u �.oTION: (Mize) to call a Public Hearing for May 18, 1978, Second: Mora Vote: Unanimous FDR fvDI'ION CARRIED POLLY RANG! - REZONE FRCT1 R-1 'ID R-4 Bill McAnich appeared to request that the reserves in Polly Ranch be rezoned fran R-1 to the use as it was shown on teh plat before the city annexed the area. fvDI'ION: (Mora) to call a Public Hearing for May 18, 1978, to rezone 66.35 acres on Polly Ranch fran R-1 to R-4 Second: Mize Vote: Unanimous FDR fvOI'ION CARRIED MR. GREEN -�, MJK, & GREEN -CI'IY PLANNHK3 CONSULTANTS Mr. Green, president of Marmon, Mok, & Green, introduced himself and explained that his finn is consultants for city planning. It was decided that two of our most pressing needs were an overlay system of all the streets and drainage and a general linking up with the surrounding cities. Mr. Green briefly explained his finn's pricing scale and asked for a meeting with any who would be able to specifically decide what items they would like to have included in a proposal. Thesday noon, April 25, was set as the date for the meeting. MEMJRANDUM FRCT1 CI'IY MANAGER 'ID PLANNING & ZONit\"'G In an Interoffice M8morandum, Mr. Morgan pointed out that under the new Zoning Ordinance , provision was Jllade for any rezoning requ est to be first sul:::mitted to the City Council and then referred to the Planning and Zoning Catrnission as proviced in Section 15 (1) and (2). The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Acting Secretary