HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1978-04-06 Regularr 1·1 [_� MINUIBS OF A REGULAR MEETil.\1G FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING & ZONI�'!G (X)MvlISSION April 6, 1978 The Friendswood Planning & Zoning Corrmission rret in a regular meeting April 6, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present: T.Spears -ChairmanH.RawleyR.�raR.UtleyR.Phillips P. J. MizeJ.Tarr With a quorum present, the following business was transacted: BILL KELLY -ADDITION 'ID MEIHODIST rnURrn Everything seerred to be in order on the plans; ooth the set­back and parking spaces were adequate. MJI'ION: (Utley) final. Second: Rawley Vote: Unanimous to approve the addition to the church for FOR l"illION CARRIED IDN BARRAS - SUBDIVISION RANrno VIEJO CN FM 518 (pre-aPP.) This 42 acre subdivision is slated to have water wells and septic tanks with average lot size about 340 X 340. Plans showed asphalt streets which the Corrmission asked be changed to concrete if feas­ible. The lots back up to a sand pit which will becare a lake upon canpletion of excavation. KEN POWERS -REGENCY ESTATES SUBDIVISION (pre-aPP) This subdivision will be located on FM 528 and Sunset backing up to Briarmeadow and encanpassing 123 acres total. There are 13 6 residential lots, 44 condanininiums, and 13.73 acres for camercial diviced into lots for srecialty shops. A recreational area of 4.8 acres has been set aside surrounding the hangar ares. The area set aside for canrercial will have to be rezoned fran R-1 to C-1. BILL WOOD -MILLi,roD SUBDIVISION (final) The main change in their plans was hte narre of their main street in accordance with a recruest fran the Police Departrrent. The City engineer has signed the preliminary plat but they were asked to check specifics on water ana sewer. r [ ! u GROVER & CONGER -SUBDIVISION AT SUNSET & CASTLEl•XX)D (pre-app) This sul:x:1ivision contains approximately 15 lots in a 5.18 plat. Plans show curb, gutter, and concrete streets. Since ther is a possiblility of trouble with the sewer line, they were to check with the city engineer for utilities. Also, a 90' diameter for JERRY PHILLIPS -HALL MEDICAL CLINIC ON FM 518 Canplete plans were displayed for a medical clinic which will acconmodate five doctors upon canpletion. It contains 50 parking spaces for doctors and patients with black top for the parking area. MJI'ION: (R. Mora) to approve the plans for final Second: Rawley Vote: Unanimous FOR MJI'ION CARRIED CAPLAN & M:I..AlrnLIN -FRENCHMAN'S CREEK IN POLLY RANQT (Preliminary) This plan presented 48 townhouses to be built in Polly Ranch in canpliance wiht the 100 year flood plane. Parking would be on the ground floor and the units built above. It was recruested that they check on federal flood insurance. Property will require rezoning with a public hearing. LUPO -REZONING CN LUNDY LANE �)·.t t.o,19'/P, Mr. Lupo presented plans asking that the area surrounding the TV tower be rezoned. He had contacted a Stainless Co. inquiring about the erection of the tower. MJI'ION: (R. Utley) to rezone the property for sr,ecific llSe by metes and bounds (Exhibit A) as outlined by fence on drawing for two pennits: (1) TV tower (2) TV Station, Church, and driveway to Lundy Lane continqent on an engineer of the city's choice to check plans and specifications as well as final installation upon canpletion of the tower. Second: R. fV'.ora Vote : Unanimous FOR �.orION CARRIED CALLING OF PUBLIC HEARil\1G ON HIDDEN COVE MJI'ION: (Mora) to rezone fran R-1 to R-3 Second : Mize Vote: Unanimous FOR tvarION CARRIED CALl.,Il\1G OF PUBLIC HEARUX:: ON SIDl\1E' S SUBDIVL�.!ON !VDI'ION: (Utley) to rezone £ran R-1 to C-1 Second: Tarr Vote: Unanimous FOR M::Y.rION CARRIED r1 I u Discussion was held as a result of a iremorandum from the City Secretary asking that the City Council and Planning and Zoning Cornnission hold joint meetings. It was the general feeling that two meetings in one week would be a hardship unless it pertained to sorrething controversial; that is, an oil well site. Harold Rawley mace the motion to adjourn and adjournement was 10:45 p.m. Acting Secretary