HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1980-09-18 RegularI 11 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING CO MMISSION September 18, 1980 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission met in a regular meeting on Thursday September 18m 1980 at 7:30 p.m. for a regular meeting in the City Hall with thefollowing members present: R.Wicklander -ChairmanR.AtchesonG.CressC.BeggsD.HoltL.Brown With a quorum present and R. Wetzel absent the following items of business were considered: STEVE JARNAGAN -EXTENSION ON FILING PLAT FOR BRIDGESTONE (ETJ) Mr. Jarnagan came before the Commission requesting an extension on the filing of a 38 acre development on Blackhawk for 1 year. This is the second request for an extnesion. The previous request was granted in a regular meeting on Jan. 17, 1980. MOTION: (Cress) to grant extension of 1 year for the filing of Bridgestone plat. Second: Beggs Vote: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED JANET BERTHIAUME -DISCUSSION ON HIKE & BIKE TRAILS Janet Berthiaume discussed with the Commission a possible solution for the traffic congestion in the school locations through the use and extension of the hike and bike trails Mrs. Berthiaume questioned a possible route from Sunmeadow to the High School through the oil fields requiring easement locations from the Oil Companys. She also asked about the possibility of a ordinance giving a 4 1 wide easement from cul-du-sacs between lots extending through back�to extend Hike and Bike paths. The Commission is to give furthur consideration and study to this topic. ... r-1 l IJ TED BOGREN -QUAKER 'VI:LLAGE Cs.·;J::gning 0;f plat I The plans fo'.r' Quakeri Village n.a;d oee ·n approved for · ft.nal in a previou ·s meeting. Th.e mila.r fias· fie :en · s·igned oy t1i.e Drainage District and Engine-e'.r'. MOTION: (Holt). to approve Quak.eT Vi°llage for signa,tu-res .. Second: Brown Vote: UNANIMOUS FOR l10TJ:ON CARRIED PARKS REQUEST (SERA PARK1 The Commission discussed the previou·s_, r-iequest of 11:ri. WilliBJil s from the Parks Committee conce'.r'ning t:ne· ·possiole purcnasing of SERA Park JSy-the puolic. Tfi.ey-a.re ·to rev·iew-tfie minutes of September 4, 1980. LIAISON/REPORT Councilwoman Mary-Brown reque.sted tne· mi.nutes and agendas be given regulary to all of tli:e C0uncil me-moers for tn.eir awaremess. She also stated the Councils '.r'eques:t for to.e following i terns of unfinished Business: t0 )fa: consideried: 1.Recommendations on Sub.divi.s-i.on Ordinance.2, Recommendations on Suodivision Ordinance foT drainage contril. Ci.nvolving City-and Dr ainage Distriict cooperationI 3.Master Plan. (to Tecieve proposals from severalfirms)4.Consolidated pipeline location map . A motion was made for adjou'.r'nment. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. . ru � . (1;J,,, .. ·.··.· ...... . Seer ·a'l'.y \