HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1981-03-05 Regularl I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 5, 1981 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission met in a regular meeting on Thursday March 5, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present. R.Wicklander -ChairmanB.WetzelL.BrownG.CressC.BeggsT.Hannsz With a quorum present and R. Atcheson absent the following items of business were considered. LIAISON/REPORT Councilwoman Brown reported the committee formed to determine the future growth and needs of the city had divided into three sub committees being (1) Land use percentage of classifications (2) Taxation and annexation (3) Traffic flow and character. The committee hopes to report by May. DONALD DAWSON -Replat Quakers Glen Dr. Dawson came before the Commission with a plat changing a lot line within the quakers Glen Subdivision. This will reduce tract D to 1.9 acres. MOTION: (Wetzel) to approve the replat of Quakers Glen. Second: Brown Vote: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED WILLIAM JONES -Rezoning at FM 528 & Sunset Dr. Jones asked the Commissions feelings on rezoning 16 acres to R-5 to be bordered by R-4. The Commission felt it would be best to wait until the report on the city development had been presented. They would not call a hearing at this time. ,-1 REZONING -Retirement Home The Commission discussed the rezoning request and made a motion due to the lack of the plans ever being presented. MOTION: (Cress) to send the recommendation to Council denying the request for rezoning lot 2, block 1 Fri endswood Subdivision from R-1 to Specific -Use Retirement Home. Second: Hannsz Vote: UNANIMOUS AGAIN ST MOTION CARRIED ELEC TION OF OFFICERS MOTION: (Hannsz) to nominate Bob Wetzel as Chairman. Second: Beggs Vote: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Wetzel) Chairman. Second: Hannsz Vote: UNANIMOUS to nominate Leon Brown as Vice FOR MOTION CARRIED A motion was made for adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. �' &� ecrWary if