HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1982-03-18 Regular[ 1 l MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETI NG OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 18, 1982 The Fri endswood Planning and Zoning Commissi on met in a Regular meeting on Thursday, March 18, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The following Commissioners were present. Leon Brown -Chairman Glen Cress Charles Beggs Ken Hoppe With a quorum present, and with Sheeran, Glines, and Atcheson absent, the following business was transacted: GREENBRIAR SECTION v· Te d Bogren presented a Plat of Greenbriar Section V .. On March 4, 1982 he presented a plat for Greenbriar Section V showing a 5 lot subdivi sion. The plat presented tonight of Greenb riar Section Vis a 6 lot subdivision and can not fall under the abbrevi ated procedure of plat submi ssion which is for 5 lots or less. Commission told Mr. Bo gren the plat met all the requ irements of a preliminary approval. MO TION: (Cress) To accept Greenbriar Section V on preliminary approval. Second: (Hoppe) Vote: Unanimous MR. HENLEY -FRIENDSWOOD COUNTRY CLUB Mr. Hen ely, owner of the Friendswood Country Club sp oke to the Commission on rezoning a section of the land belonging to the Country Club for the purpose of building a new maintance barn. The land is all zoned R-1 and he would like to rezone the··section to Specific Use. Planning and Zoning Commission called a public hearing for April 15,1982. l Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING CALLED - April 15,1982 Planning Commissi-n called a public hearing for Mr. Stuart to re zone 1.4 acres on F.M. 2351 from R-1 to C-3. Mr. Stuart is to sell the land for the purpose of building a Veterinary Cl inic. MR. ROBE RT WICKL ANDER -FEMA MEETING Mr. Wicklander told the Commiss ion of the Public Hearing on the Flood Insurance Study Meeting held in the City Hall Council Chambers on March 18, 1982. FEMA, Committee Me mbers and Residents participated in reviewing in its pre liminary form. Review of the study was divided into tw o parts. Part one review of the document and the data presented as a bi,si s for establishing the hazard zones. Part two review of the flood zone map. The meeting was adjourned. Ruth �YI! f:!!:::!r r I i Page 3 DALE G. ANNA P,esi<.Jent CHAR LES G. HOOKS V1ce•President TRACY SPEARS Sec,1111y(Treasure, �lea;,, �� <}})� <}/)waid P.0. BOX 607 • PHONE (713) 482-0404 JAMES L. VOGAS Operations Directo, LARRY E. BELL Special Projects FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 Planning & Zoning Commission City of Friendswood 109 Willowick Friendswood, Texas 77546 March 17, 1982 Subject: Greenbriar Subdivision, Section Five Gentlemen: Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of the Clear Creek Drainage District has reviewed the plat of Greenbriar Subdiv ision, Section Five, an 11.8805 acre tract of land, a replat of a portion of Lots 2 and 4, Block 'B' and Lot 1 Block 'C' and a portion of an abandoned roadway out of Central Park Subdivision in the Sarah M. Kissick or J. R. Williams League. The Drainage District grants Final Approval of the development as currently proposed, pending a statement from the District's Con­ sulting Engineer showing that the run-off rates are insignificant or incalculable. DGA:fd cc: Mr. Sam Vester Mr. Ted Bogren Sincerely, CLEAR CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT Jo2,,_ xa. .. � DaeG.Anna, President r ( I l J Page 4 DALE G. ANNA r,-.•,Hlr•ll CHARLES G. HOOKS \',c� P1cs1th:n1 TRACY SPEARS �""Ctc1•1yrt,e,iu,t:1 Cfi/eo;,, Cfiw,,dc rJJwhw1-e rlJia-PU:cl P. O. BOX 607 • PHONE (713) 482-0404 JAMES L. VOGAS Ope1,u1ons 01nctor LARRY E. BELL Spec11t P101e<t1 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77646 Mr. Sam Vester 910 Falling Leaf Drive Friendswood, Texas 77546 Dear Mr. Vester: March 4, 1982 In reference to your preliminary plat for Greenbriar Subdivision, SeG• tion V, I am enclosing a copy of the Clear Creek Drainage District Resolution 78-1 and Preliminary Plat Checklist, lte�s 2, 3, 4, 8, and 10 on the checklist appear to be not applicable to 11r proposed subdivision. In regard to Item 5, contours of 0.5 sho11ld be shown to reflect the planned contours that will exist .,tter any spreading of dirt or change in grade. In checking our Master Drainare Plan, a drainage easement of not less than 85 feet from the centerline of the creek will be required, This easement applies to the four lots and to your property between these lots since drainage from Lots 1 and 2 must pass through your property, If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to call the District office between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. JI.\': fd Encl: (2) / c--:: Plannin� & Zoning Comm. T.:·,l llngn-:n Sincerely, CLEAR CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT 2 / /,. __ J i>>11 L. • "'\ , l•r;f-1_'1,,<L. --­J amesi' I .. Vogus, Opera t i6Ts M:111;1g.: r, I .-, �-