HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1982-04-15 Regular[ I MINUTES OF A REGULAR ME ETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLAN NING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 15,1982 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commissi on met in a Regular Meeting on Thursday, April 15, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The follo wing Commissi oners were present. Glen Cre ss Tom She eran Richard Atcheson Ken Hoppe Charles Beggs Bill y Glin es -arrived 8:10 With a quorum presnet, and with none absent, the following busin ess was tr ansacted. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES -Min utes of a Regular Meeting of Ap ril 1, 1982 approved as re ad. GREE NBRIAR SECTION V Mr. Bogren pr esented a fin al plat of Green bri ar Secti on V with all checklist items comp leted. A motion was made for approval. MOTI ON: (Beggs) Acceptance of Greenbriar Section V Second: (She eran) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR AG AIN ST:NONE LETTER TO MALCOLM COLLINS Mr. Bogren ask a letter be written to the City En gineer, Malc olm Collins , re que sting wr itten clarification on the stre et easements for Dr. Dawson's subdiv ision . Mr. Cress said he wo uld di scuss the easements with Mr. Coll ins and write a letter if requ ired. [ I I i Pa ge 2 NEW CHAIRMAN Leo n Brown resi gn ed since his el ection to the City Counc il. Planning and Zoning Commission no minated a new chairma n. MOTION: (Beg gs) Nominated Glen Cress as the new cha irman. Second: (Hoppe) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR AGAINST: NONE A NO MINATION AND MOTION WAS MADE TO ELECT THE CO-CHAI RMAN MOTION: (Hoppe) Nominated Charles Beggs as co -cha irman. Second: (Atch eson) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR AGAINST: NONE LAND DEVEL OPMENT BOOK The Commission discusse d the Land Development Book an d ask if ea ch Commiss ioner would rev iew it for any changes they felt nec essary. Plann ing and Zoning Comm is sion requested to have co pies of the Council Minutes if poss ible. The meet ing was adjourned. 13,ai/� Henr