HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1982-04-26 Jointl
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April 26, 1982
The Friendsw ood Planning and Zoning Commis sion met in a joint public heari ng on April 26, 1982 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall Co uncil Chambers with the followi ng Commis si oners present.
Glen Cress -Chairman Billy Glines Ken Hoppe Ri chard Atcheson
With a quo rum present the follo wing items of busi ness was consi dered:
Mr. Stewart rezoning of 1.4 ac res (2 lots) from R-1 to C-3. The property is locat ed on F.M. 2351 and Melody Lane.
With no oppo sition the Planning and Zoning Commis sion closed their public hearing.
RuthP.Hen ry -Secre
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Page 2 April 26, 1982
106 Royal Court Friendswood, Tx, May 5, 1982
Friendswood Planning and zoning 1306 Deepwood Friendswood, Texas 77.546
Subject, Rezoning of Lot NW-4 TR
As the owners of a lot fronting on the southeast side of
FM23.51 just east of the intersection with Melody Lane, and
homeowners on Royal Court just off FM2351, we have a great
inte rest in the zoning of property in the area along FM2J.51,
The proposed rezoning of lot NW-4TR for the specific use as a
veterinary clinic is not objectionable to us, but we a.re m_ost
anxious to see that this variance is not taken as a precedence
for allowing general commerical rezoning of the residential areas
along FM2J.51,
More particularly we would not want this change to be viewed
as opening the door for commerical rezoning and de velopment of
he area on the northwest side of FM2J51 between Melody Lane and
the Enchanted. WoQ_ds subdivision, There have been unsuccessful
attempts in the past to rezone portions of this ar ea, and undoubtedly
• 'l•:;,.r, ·. . will be renew ed ef f ortff'· in: ·;the ,fat!(·t< .. ;. ; ,: !.; ut'g� that any rezoning a:t·tempt
fu �ure. However, we strongly
�e rejected. Th�re is an obligation
-�� . ;:, . . on the 'pa.r.t..A of the cl ty to the homeowners of the area to provide
long term continuity of the neighborh ood as a residential area.
Pa st attempts to rezone this part of FM2J.51 have been strongly
opp osed by. the adjacent civic association, and you certainly
can expect local opposition to remain strong, In addition,
Fl l.51 cannot adequately handle an increase d traffic flow I and
. \. t ·e are st1ll_plenty of other undeveloped areas within the
city which do not abut residential ne ighborhoods,
In summary, we do not oppose the specific rezoning currently
before you, but urge that this change not be taken as an opening
for com merical rezoning along FM2351, and request that the
Plan ning and Zoning Commission re iterate their support for the
existing zoning plan which reserves the northwest side of FM2J.51
between Meldoy Lane and Enchanted Woods as a residential area,
cc, Mayor Ralph Lowe Friendswood.City Council
Sincerely, w/1,\. -1-rn�rLJ Lang t, cwm. & Mary Langdoc