HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1982-11-04 Regularri I MINUTES OF 'A REGULAR ME ETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COM MIS SION November 4, 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning & Zoning Commission was held at the City Hall on Thursday, November 4, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. with the follow ing members pr esent. Charle s Beggs, Co-Chairman Billy Glines Tom Sheeran Ken Hoppe Ralph Miller With a quorum present, with Chairman Glen Cress and Commissioner Atc heson absent, and with Bobbie Henry substituting for Secretary Ruth Henry, the following busineis was transacted: OFFICE BUILDING -MITCH MITCHELL Mr. Mitchell presented plans for twin two-storied office build­ings he proposes to build on a 10 3,335 sq uare foot parc el of land fronting on F.M. 528 betwe�ri F.M. 518 and Winding Way. The buildings would contain 20 ,202 net wquare feet each. Plans con­tain 202 parking spaces. On examination of the architectural drawings of the buildings, the plot paln, and floor paln, the Commission felt that the plans meet with all requirements of the City. BAYWOOD APARTMEN TS. ·-· -COBOURN-LlNS"EI"SEN ·& AS"SOCIATES This proposal is to briild apartments on 4.92 �cres of land located in Friendsw0od's ETJ 0n F.M; 2351 north of Blackhawk Boulevard. A plot plan indi�atei the �ritrance to be off of Blackhawk. Drainage, accorindg to de velope�, has bi�n approved by Harris County Flood Control District, and a hold ing pond is included in the plans. Original proposal is for 22 units per acre; however, Mr. Michael Beucler tol d the Commission they would have no opposition to dropping this to 18 units per acre to fit Friendswood's requirements. MOTION: (Glines) SECOND: (Miller) VOTE: Unanimous to give preliminary approval based on the 18 units per acre. FOR MOTION CARRIED I I u Page 2 November 4, 1982 Mr. Beucler was advised that revised plans would have to be reviewed by the City Engineer, Fire Department, and other interested areas of the City government prior to final approval. 7-ELEVEN SHO PPING CENTER -JOE DRAIN Mr. Drain proposes to build a 7-Eleven store and gasoline island on a parcel of land fronting on F.M. 528 between Sunmeadow Boulevard and the present 7-Eleven shopping center. The Commission determined that this property is zoned for the requested use, and that the drawing presented incorporates the required set-backs. They did not fee, however, that the available space would allow the facilities to be located as shown on the drawing. If this can be done, they would have no objection to the center. OTHER BUSINESS BEFORE THE -COMMTSSTON There was some discussion regarding calling a meeting for next Thursday night, but no decision was made. ADJO URNMENT Motion made and seconded that the meeti ng adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. /41£ . 1 �j/J , , . . . . -� //.t. �� 3ect<'e· 7 Bobbie Henry, Acting ____ .. J